





Eddie, how are you? Remember when I first started following you, you were the freckled boy that fashion bloggers called "ugly handsome guy". Now you are the world-famous actor who won Academy Award for Best Actor, and Golden Globe National Board of Review Award for Best Actor, beloved by fans all over the world And your star-spangled freckles are not only a sign of your encounter with auspicious star; they've gone from a laugh-inducing flaw to a sign of your own uniqueness.


出生于钟鸣鼎食之家,就读于伊顿公学和剑桥大学,父母兄弟都是金融行业的精英人士, 而你却偏偏对戏剧情有独钟。尽管在采访中笑称“不能做演员就只能回家继承银行了”,但其中的苦涩与坚持却是旁人无法想象的。

Born into a wealthy family, educated at Eton and Cambridge University, with both your parents and brothers are elites in financial business, you still have a penchant for drama. Although you always jokes about it in the interviews, "If I haven’t become actor, I have nothing to do but go home and inherit the bank." However, the bitterness and persistence of this job is beyond imagination.



Shuttling from theater to theater to play small role, living in a shared house and live a poor life, this is the original life of the well-off you have not experienced. The temptation to become an actor is even greater, because you don't have to take such a hard path. Luckily, with your persistence and passion for drama, more people can be shed by your brightness.


Auspicious Star



In 2014, you starred in The Theory of Everything, and in order to play the physicist Steven Hawking, who suffered from ALS, you spend four months at the Motor Neuron Disease Clinic in London observing the postures of the disabled, and having a solid conversation with Hawking, and observing the subtle movements and expressions of him. During the project, you even developed a waist disease that was difficult to cure because you spent so much time curled up in a wheelchair.


凭借这股强烈的忘我和付出精神,你贡献出及其精彩的表演,《万物理理论》成为传记电影中彪炳史册的作品。那一天, 你站上奥斯卡最佳男演员的领奖台,激动到哽咽,却没有人能指责你喜悦的眼泪是软弱。因为所有人都知道,身为演员的多愁善感之下,是一颗钢铁般倔强的内心和超人般仁慈又 骄傲的意志。

With such a strong passion and dedication, you gave a great performance, and The Theory of Everything became one of the most memorable biographical films ever made. That day, you stood on the stage of the Academy Award for best actor, choked with emotion, and no one could accuse your tears of joy is a sign of weakness. Because everyone knows that beneath the sentimentality of being an actor is a stubborn heart of steel and a kind and proud will of Superman.


即使年纪轻轻成就等身,你也永不满足于当前的荣誉,而是不断挑战自我。在《丹麦女孩》 中,你饰演世界上第一个变性人、艺术家艾纳·韦格纳。你模仿女性的体态,学着描眉画眼,成为窕淑女“莉莉”。谁也想不到清秀斯文的你也能如此摄人心魄,一头火红的卷发,欲语还休的眼神,甚至令女观众也跟着画中人一起心旌摇曳起来,一度失语。

Even if you are young and successful, you will never be satisfied with your present glory. Instead, you will constantly challenge yourself. In The Danish girl, you played the world's first transgender artist, Einar Wegener. You imitate the female posture, learn to draw eyebrows and eye line, and become a decent lady "Lily". No one would have imagined that you could be so breathtaking. With your red curly hair and informative eyes, even the female audience was enchanted by you, silently.


银幕之 外,为了塑造雌雄同体的韦格纳,还原其摇摆不定的自我认知,你减重十几公斤,并融入 性少数群体,贴近他们的生活,最终完成了催人泪下的表演。如此敬业的态度,让你获得 了同行的尊敬,得到了业界的承认,也获得了越来越多影迷的青睐。

Off Screen, you lost a dozen of kilograms and blend in with the sexual minorities, living their lives, in an attempt to portray the androgynous Alfred Wegener and restore her wavering identity. Finally the touching performance was shown to all. With the dedication, you gain the respect of peers, has been recognized by the film industry, also won the favor of increasingly growing fans.



A number of people benefit from your inspiring experiences and encouraging work. And I, by virtue of my affection for you, have been blessed. In Postgraduate Entrance Examination, I was asked to translate an essay about Hawking and The Theory of Everything. I can't tell you how surprised I am to see your name in the examination room. The film you starred in, the content of which I have more than familiar with. Writing your name in the examination paper also seems to be a blessing.

如有神助般,我飞快地 完成了试卷,获得了满意的成绩,走出考场时都带着微笑。最终我去了理想的学校就读, 也许你就是我生命中的幸运星,带领我走向更灿烂的人生。后来我才发现,你真的是我的阿斯贝吉祥星!

As if God was helping me, I completed the tests quickly, obtained a satisfactory result, with a smile on my face when I got out. Finally I went to my ideal university. Perhaps you are the lucky star in my life, lead me to a more bright life. Later I found out that you really are my Auspicious Star!



There is a vast sky in your eyes, and constellation in your cheeks. The poet Oscar Wilde once put it, "man should always go after the moon with all his might, for even if he fails, you may catch up with the stars by accident. "My encounter with you under the guild of Auspicious Star is how I respond the calling of the most beautiful star in the world.













