

动词可能是句子中最重要的部分。 动词或动词短语是断言句子的主语,并表达动作、事件或状态。 动词短语是谓语的关键成分。


在下面的每个句子中, 动词或动词短语都被突出显示出来:

hold back: restrain, delay

He is so enthusiastic; it is hard to hold him back.

iron out: remove

I am sure we can iron out every difficulty.

knock out: make unconscious

Boxers are often knocked out.

lap up: accept eagerly

The public lapped up the story.

lay off: put out of work

The company laid off seventy workers.

leave behind: leave, not bring

I accidentally left my umbrella behind.

leave out: omit

Tell me what happened. Don't leave anything out!

let down: disappoint

We will let him down if we don't arrive on time.

live down: live so that past faults are forgotten

This will be hard to live down!

look up: find (information)

We looked up the word in a dictionary.

make up: invent

She likes to make up stories.

pass up: not take advantage

I couldn't pass up such an opportunity.

pension off: dismiss with a pension

He was pensioned off at the age of sixty.

phase in: introduce gradually

The new program will be phased in over the next six months.

phase out: cease gradually

The practice will gradually be phased out.

pick up: collect

You may pick up the papers at the office.

pin down: get a commitment

When the guest speaker is pinned down, we can set a date for the conference.

play down: de-emphasize

He played down the importance of the news.

point out: draw attention to

She pointed out the advantages of the proposal.

polish off: finish

We polished off the rest of the apple pie.

pull down: demolish

Many old buildings are pulled down to make way for new ones.

pull off: succeed

Do you think she can pull off her plan?

put away: put in proper place

It is time to put the toys away.

put back: return to original location

Please put the book back on the shelf.

put off: postpone

We cannot put off the meeting again.

reel off: recite a long list

She reeled off a long list of names.

rope in: persuade to help

We roped in everyone we could to help with the work.

rub out: erase

Be sure to rub out all the pencil marks.

rule out: remove from consideration

None of the possibilities can be ruled out yet.


