

What type of behaviour immediately identifies a non-local where you live?在你住的地方,什么样的行为能让你一眼看出一个人是外地人?

来自英国苏塞克斯的 Lisa Watson 的回答:

For those of you interested enough to give a damn, I live in England - specifically around the south coast, and quite close to the gay capital itself (that’s Brighton to you outlanders).如果有人想知道的话,我住在英国,而且是住在南部沿海,离腐都特别近(腐都就是布莱顿,外地人可能不知道)。

Most of the locals here are white, born and bred, and they know their way around. It’s pretty easy to spot a foreigner. Here’s some stuff to watch out for:这里的大部分本地人都是土生土长的白人,而且他们在当地轻车熟路。所以很容易就能认出一个外国人,以下是一些要点:


Most Brits don’t give two shits if they get [w=soak]soaked to the bone on their way to work. Rainy is our climate, and umbrellas are extra effort.大部分英国佬根本不介意在上班的路上淋个透湿。我们的气候就是多雨,带伞是个麻烦事。

Going to the beach on a sunny day.在晴天的时候去海滩。

The rest of us have just accepted that Brighton Pier is just as fun when it’s raining and the wind blows your ice cream into your gran’s face.对于我们其他人来说,已经习惯了风雨交加的布莱顿码头,而且看着那里一边下雨一边起风(风还把冰激凌吹到老太太脸上)其实挺有趣的。

Eating fish and chips in public.在公开场合吃炸鱼和薯条。

Seagulls and pigeons target the ones with food, especially the salty, vinegary stuff. Everyone except for naive tourists knows to run home as soon as they get their takeaway supper handed to them.海鸥和鸽子会锁定那些拿着食物的人,特别是那些拿着撒了盐、放了醋的东西的人。除了天真的游客,所有人都知道,在你拿到你的外带食物后,应该立马跑回家,越快越好。

Feeding the offending seagulls and pigeons.投喂那些具有攻击性的海鸥和鸽子。

No! Demons! Don’t encourage them!别!那都是魔鬼!千万别怂恿他们!

Full English breakfasts.英式全餐(早餐)。

A tourist will order a fry-up for the ~experience~ but everyone else is perfectly happy chugging Crunchy Nut cornflakes straight from the box.一个游客会为了“体验”而点一套全餐,但其他人其实都完全愿意直接拿盒子里的麦片吃吃。

Jumping the line.插队。

We have queueing etiquette. If you cut through, it’s pretty clear that you weren’t raised in the UK.我们有排队的礼数。如果你插队,那显然你不是在英国长大的。

Bothering with bus/train schedules.把公交和火车的时间表当真。

They just never come on time.他们从来都不准时。

Going shopping for fun.出去购物寻开心。

You can go to a shopping centre in the south of England, but you’ll just find bigger, cleaner versions of all our awful DIY stores. Most sensible Brits will say ‘fuck it’ and just order everything from Amazon.你的确可以去英格兰南部那些大型购物中心,不过你能找到的其实也就是大一点、干净一点的“小店”,它们和那些真正的小店没啥两样。大部分识相的英国人都会说“去他的”,然后直接在亚马逊上买所有需要的东西。

Complaining about service within earshot of those providing it.在服务人员能听到的范围内抱怨服务质量。

Truly a cardinal sin.这真的是不能宽恕的罪孽。

Using American English.用美式英语。

In this country, ‘colour’ has a U in it. ‘Grey’ is spelt with an E. ‘Spelt’ is spelt ‘spelt’ and not ‘spelled’. ‘Sidewalks’ are actually ‘pavement’. It doesn’t have to make sense; just accept it. Or else.在这个国家,colour里面有个u,grey里面用的是e,spell的过去分词是spelt而不是spelled,人行道不叫sidewalks而叫pavement。这没什么道理,接受就行了,不然爱咋咋。

来自 @Ernest W. Adams 的回答:

UK here.这里是英国。

Complaining loudly. The British moan endlessly about the weather, the prices, the government, and anything else that it strikes them to do, but they do it in a low, grumpy tone. And they don’t expect any improvement or redress.(第一点是)大声地抱怨。英国人总会无休止地抱怨天气、物价、政府,以及一切可以抱怨的东西,但他们都是小声地、用生闷气的腔调抱怨。而且他们并不是在指望现状能有任何改善。

British local [mutters]: “Christ, this beer is piss. I’m off to get a different one.”英国本地人的抱怨(碎碎念):“我的天,这啤酒像尿一样。我要去搞杯不一样的。”

American visitor [loudly]: “This beer is terrible! I want my money back!”美国游客的抱怨(大声地):“这啤酒太难喝了!我要退款!”

来自美国人 Laura Chiu 的回答:

American here. It’s pretty easy to spot a non-local, but it varies from case to case. Three huge red flags are:这里是美国。要认出一个外地人还是很容易的,不过也要看情况。这里有3到红线:

Buying tourist shit. You know what it is, and I know what it is. Cheesy American flags, shirts, caps-basically anything stamped with the famous red, white and blue. Of course, all of this is at a ridiculously high price, but do the tourists complain? No.买那些哄游客的东西。你和我都知道我说的是什么。土到掉渣的美国国旗、t恤衫、帽子等等一系列印有那著名的红白蓝的东西。当然,这些东西的价格全都高得离谱,但游客们抱怨过吗?没有。

Taking pictures of normal, everyday things. See a flower? Snap. See a local buying ice-cream? Snap. See a restaurant? Snap. You might as well tattoo your forehead with: “I AM A TOURIST.”给各种日常的玩意儿拍照。看见一朵花?照一张。看见一个当地人买冰激凌?照一张。看见一家餐厅?照一张。你还不如直接在额头上纹上“我是个游客”呢。

Constantly asking for directions.不停地问路。

“Excuse me, ma’am, do you know where the bathroom is?”“打扰了,女士,你能告诉我厕所在哪吗?”

“….it’s right behind you.”“……就在你后面。”




