
11. Brilliant

‘Brilliant’ is not a word exclusively in the British lexicon, but has a very British usage. Specifically, when something is exciting or wonderful, particularly when something is good news, ‘brilliant’ can mean as such.

For example, ‘You got the job? Oh, mate, that’s brilliant.’

Sometimes brilliant can be shortened to just “brill” to give it a more casual feel.



比如,“You got the job? Oh, mate, that’s brilliant. 你找到工作了哦,伙计,太棒了。



12. Bugger All

‘Bugger all’ – a British slang term used to be a more vulgar synonym for ‘nothing at all’.

For example, ‘I’ve had bugger all to do all day.’

十二、Bugger All 一无所有

“bugger all”–一个英国俚语,过去是“一无所有”的俗称。

例如,“I’ve had bugger all to do all day. 我一整天都有很多事情要做。”


13. Butchers hook

This is the cockney rhyming slang version of having a gander, to look at something. Though it may seem strange at first, it’s pretty simple, it is constructed out of the expression’s second word, in this case the way ‘hook’ rhymes directly with ‘look’ however, perhaps contrary to expectations, the word ‘hook’ is often removed, so you may hear someone say ‘have a butchers at this.’

But like most things cockney, it’s becoming less popular.

十三. Butchers hook,to look at something

这是伦敦的押韵俚语版本,说的是有一只雄鹅,看东西虽然一开始可能觉得很奇怪,但方式简单。它是由表达式的第二个词构成的,在这种情况下,“hook”与“look”直接押韵。然而,也许与预期相反,“hook”这个词经常被删除,所以你可能会听到有人说“have a butcher’s at this. 看一眼”


14. Car Park

One of the more boring and technical terms on this list, a ‘car park’ is in effect, the place outside or attached to a building where people park their cars. The British equivalent to the American ‘parking lot’ or ‘parking garage’.

For example, ‘I left my car in the car park this morning.’

十四、Car Park, 停车场

“car park”是这个清单上最无聊和技术性的术语之一,实际上是人们停车的地方,也就是人们停车的地方。相当于美国的“停车场”或“停车场”。

例如,“I left my car in the car park this morning.我今天早上把车忘在停车场了。”


15. Cheers

‘Cheers’ doesn’t quite have the same meaning that it does in other counties – of course, it still means ‘celebrations’ when toasting a drink with some friends, but in British slang, it also means ‘thanks’ or ‘thank you’.

For example, ‘Cheers for getting me that drink, Steve’.

十五、Cheers 谢谢


例如,“Cheers for getting me that drink, Steve. 谢谢你给我买的酒,史蒂夫”。

16. Chuffed

Chuffed is used more or less all over the UK, it seems to be decreasing in popularity, but is still in relatively common usage. Essentially, it is an expression of pride at your own actions or achievements.

For example you could say ‘I’m feeling proper chuffed I won that.’

If you’re talking to someone else you can use it as such, ‘I bet you’re pretty chuffed you won!’

十六、chuffed, adj.很愉快;很高兴;很满意


比如说,你可以说“I’m feeling proper chuffed I won that. 我觉得很开心,我赢了。”

如果你在和别人说话,你就可以这样用它,'I bet you’re pretty chuffed you won!我打赌你一定很高兴你赢了!’


17. Chunder

Not a wonderfully melodic word, ‘chunder’ is part and parcel of British slang terms. Meaning ‘to vomit’ or ‘to be sick’, ‘chunder’ is almost always used in correlation with drunken nights, or being hugely ill and sick.

For example, ‘I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’



例如,“I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’我昨晚喝了太多酒,在街上吃了一个变质披萨,吐了一地。”

18. Cock Up

‘Cock up’ – a British slang term that is far from the lewdness its name suggests. A ‘cock up’ is a mistake, a failure of large or epic proportions.

For example, ‘The papers sent out to the students were all in the wrong language – it’s a real cock up.’ Also, ‘I cocked up the orders for table number four.’

十八、Cock up 把....弄得一塌糊涂(搞砸)

“cock up”–这是一个英国俚语,与它的名字所暗示的猥亵相去甚远。“自大”是一个错误,一个大的或史诗般的失败。

例如,‘The papers sent out to the students were all in the wrong language – it’s a real cock up.’发给学生的论文都用错了语言,简直糟透了

又如,‘I cocked up the orders for table number four.’我把四号桌的订单都弄错了。

19. Damp Squib

More of an usual term, a ‘damp squib’ in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts, coming from the ‘squib’ (an explosive), and the propensity for them to fail when wet.

For example, ‘The party was a bit of a damp squib because only Richard turned up.’

十九、damp squib 未取得预期效果的事;失败;落空


例如,‘The party was a bit of a damp squib because only Richard turned up.’“派对有点闷,因为只有理查德来了。”

20. Do

A “do” is essentially a party, to my knowledge it doesn’t refer to a particular form of party, so feel free to use it as you like.

For example, you might say ‘I’m going to Steve’s birthday do tonight.’

二十、do 聚会、派对


例如,你可能会说‘I’m going to Steve’s birthday do tonight.’“我今晚要去史蒂夫的生日派对。”



