




steal a march on sb == keep/stay one step ahead of sb == jump the gun (by doing sth) 抢先一步
  1. He stole a march on me and got married. 他抢先我一步结婚。
  2. He kept one step ahead of me and arrived at the company. 他抢先我一步到达公司。
  3. He jumped the gun by taking a taxi and got to the company. 他叫计程车抢先我一步到公司。
in the offing == in the wind == be coming up == upcoming 即将到来的
  1. The new crisis is in the offing. 新的危机即将到来。
  2. The new layout is in the wind. 新一轮辞退即将发生。
  3. The crisis is coming up. 危机即将到来。
  4. There is an upcoming layout in the company. 公司即将迎来一轮辞退。
leave sb/sth high and dry == get sb/sth in trouble 使...陷入困境
  1. Don't leave me high and dry. 不要让我陷入困境。
  2. Don't get me in trouble. 别给我惹麻烦。


  1. be thirsty and dry 口干舌燥
  2. be dull and dry 枯燥乏味
take a leap in the dark 贸然行动 == take a leap into the unknown 冒险行动 == enter uncharted water 进入未知领域 == move into uncharted territory 进入未知领域

Don't take a leap in the dark when you move into uncharted territory. 当你进入一个未知领域时,不要贸然行动。

get wind of sth 听到…的风声

We got wind of the lockdown and decided to restore food at home in advance. 我们收到消息要封锁,我们决定提前屯粮。

batten down the hatches 未雨绸缪

We have to batten down the hatches, in case we don't have food to eat during the special period. 我们不得不未雨绸缪,以防万一在这特殊的时期没有东西吃。

take the wind out of sb's sails 无意中打击到某人的信心

I don't think that what our ordinary people say can take the wind out of her sails. 我不认为我们普通民众的话可以打击到她的信心。

join the ranks of ... 加入...的队伍

Believe it or not, letting those so-called experts join the ranks of the unemployed can help them better understand the lives of the general public. 信不信由你,让那些所谓专家加入失业大军,可以帮他们更好地理解普通人的生活。

a baptism of fire 战争的洗礼;严峻的考验 == a battle of will 意志的战争

For the whole human being, this pandemic undoubtedly is a baptism of fire and a battle of will. 对于全人类而言,这场疫情无疑是一场严峻的考验和意志的战争。


