
中文版读特客户端·深圳新闻网2021年10月15日讯(记者 鹿筱悦 冯牧原 张玲 童小晋)城中村是深圳一个特殊的存在当城市坠入黑夜,村里的灯光次第亮起,卖菜的阿姨,担水果的阿叔,路边的小摊贩,众生万象与城市的烟火气,就在这个纷杂拥挤的舞台鲜活地呈现开来为了留存并复活这一丝脉脉温情,旧物仓应运而生Urban village is a special existence in Shenzhen. When the night comes, village lights up one by one, with peddlers selling vegetables and fruits. All lifes and the breath of the city are vividly presented in a crowded stage.In order to retain this trace of warmth, the old warehouse(Goodone) came into being. English Version打开门,就是从前的家旧物仓,保存城市记忆这些场景,可曾是记忆中的模样?对镜梳妆让时光慢一点,再慢一点一只叫晴天的猫咪,是声音图书馆的镇店之喵复古场景下,鹿筱悦就想做个俏皮的表情Goodone旧物仓(福田店)藏身在福田区南园路一隅,与繁华的中信广场一路之隔穿过狭窄的小巷,就可以瞥见旧物仓的一角门牌Goodone(Futian store) is hidden in a corner of Nanyuan Road, Futian District, near the bustling CITIC Plaza. Walking through the narrow alley, you can see the doorplate of the Goodone.推门而入皆惊喜花砖、录音机、磁带、鸡公碗、铁皮玩具......这些旧物,在小楼里重新焕发出了岁月的光彩Push the door and walk in, surprises are everywhere.Tiles, tape recorders, tapes, chicken bowls, tin toys... Old things in this small building regain the luster of age. 旧物之美,熠熠生辉声音图书馆镇店之喵被撸了你还记得玻璃弹珠跳棋的玩法吗?小时候,有这样几个铁皮玩具就开心了萌萌哒的三轮小单车,也可以骑出千军万马的气势一拉绳子,铁皮猴子就蹿上去了咦,四四方方像个铁盒子一样的电视机也在这里;锈迹斑斑的铁罐竟然是曾经让孩子们馋掉舌头的麦乳精罐;一拉绳子,那只调皮的杂技团小猴子就哧溜哧溜地往上爬……In the store, you could see the Iron boxlike TV,malted milk in the rusty tin, and a funny monkey toy that climbing up the string.电影画报挂上墙,年代感就出来了护肤霜和保温壶,都是妈妈年代的最爱杂货店的柜台,藏着童年难忘的美味明暗之间,实现场景切换鹿筱悦(左)和冯牧原在旧物仓依然可以用的黄铜质感电灯开关还记得高低不平要垫纸片的木头桌子吗?还记得笨重的热水瓶冬天里冒出的水蒸气吗?还记得玻璃弹珠做的跳棋吗?时光在旧物仓里仿佛停止了流逝,带我们回溯到恋恋不忘又无法抵达的过去Do you remember the wooden tables with uneven heights? Do you remember the steam coming out of the bulky hot water bottles? Do you remember the checkers made of glass marbles? Time seems stand still in Goodone, taking us back to the past that we can"t forget and reach.生活美学院一角借由中药柜,认识更多中草药的美丽名称有一个自己,希望你永远记得她复古花砖,成为独特的墙面装饰罐子里是茶叶还是糖果?只想在这里泡一壶茶,消磨一个下午在这里,重温一遍《红楼梦》旧物仓一角还开辟了一间“生活美学院”,店里有一部分手工品都是从这里诞生的,时不时开设手工课,给我们机会静下心来做一件东西送给生活In the corner of Goodone, there is a"Life Beauty Academy", where some handicrafts in the shop are born. Handicrafts classes are opened from time to time to provide the opportunity to calm down and make something for life. 渴了泡一杯清茶,或者来一瓶励志汽水一杯敬过往,一杯敬未来Make a cup of tea or a bottle of soda. A toast to the past and to the future.旧物仓,打开城市记忆之门声音图书馆,造型别致的音箱在这个角落,可以试听黑胶唱片黑胶唱片转动,经典的旋律流淌冯牧原:让我为你弹奏一曲色彩褪尽,黑白默片的效果就出来了入夜,声音图书馆橱窗亮起温暖的光下楼转角遇到“声音图书馆”,一张张黑胶唱片和磁带上墙上架,给足了图书的待遇这里分为黑胶唱片区、音乐数码区、教材区和欣赏区4大区域,既独立存在也彼此相连The"sound library" in the first floor is divided into four areas: Longplaying (LP) record albums area, Music digital area, Teaching material area and Music appreciation area. These four areas exist not only independently but also connected with each other.来,干了这瓶励志汽水设计台词:这一墙的汽水都是我的啊,打个嗝得闲饮茶,岁月静好手里一本书,身畔一壶茶,耳边是流淌的旋律,岁月静好,就此沉醉A book in hand, a pot of tea by side. Melody flowing into ears, how life could be better than that? 【给网友的话】深圳有滋味,深圳还可以这样玩在这里,深圳新闻网记者将现身本市有趣、独特的地点,深度体验,带你解锁鹏城新玩法欢迎留言或发送邮件至sz_havefun@163.com向本栏目推荐你认为值得一去的深圳好地方海报设计:阎思远【游玩信息】地址:深圳市福田区南园路玉田社区向东围村41栋交通:乘坐地铁1号线至科学馆站F出口,步行3分钟可到达乘坐公交(14、23、29、62、214、302、377、B622、M370)至新城市广场站,步行1分钟可到达门票:以官方信息为准备注:旧物仓在深圳另有2家分店①南头古城店“壹日物仓”,位于南头古城中山南街53号②大鹏所城店“壹日物仓”,位于大鹏所城十字街17号【Info】Address: Building41, Xiangdongwei Village, Yutian Community, Nan Yuan Road, Futian District, ShenzhenTransportation: Take Metro line 1 to Science Museum Station exit F, 3 minutes walk to reach Take bus to New Town Plaza Station (14、23、29、62、214、302、377、B622、M370),1 minute walk to reachTickets: Based on official informationNote: Goodone has two other branches in Shenzhen① Goodone(Nantou Ancient Town store) is located at No.53, Zhongshan South Street, Nantou City.② Goodone(Mirs by the City store) is located at No.17, cross street, Dapeng Fortress. ,现在小编就来说说关于八十年代的深圳冬季有什么水果?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



中文版读特客户端·深圳新闻网2021年10月15日讯(记者 鹿筱悦 冯牧原 张玲 童小晋)城中村是深圳一个特殊的存在。当城市坠入黑夜,村里的灯光次第亮起,卖菜的阿姨,担水果的阿叔,路边的小摊贩,众生万象与城市的烟火气,就在这个纷杂拥挤的舞台鲜活地呈现开来。为了留存并复活这一丝脉脉温情,旧物仓应运而生。Urban village is a special existence in Shenzhen. When the night comes, village lights up one by one, with peddlers selling vegetables and fruits. All lifes and the breath of the city are vividly presented in a crowded stage.In order to retain this trace of warmth, the old warehouse(Goodone) came into being. English Version打开门,就是从前的家。旧物仓,保存城市记忆。这些场景,可曾是记忆中的模样?对镜梳妆。让时光慢一点,再慢一点。一只叫晴天的猫咪,是声音图书馆的镇店之喵。复古场景下,鹿筱悦就想做个俏皮的表情。Goodone旧物仓(福田店)藏身在福田区南园路一隅,与繁华的中信广场一路之隔。穿过狭窄的小巷,就可以瞥见旧物仓的一角门牌。Goodone(Futian store) is hidden in a corner of Nanyuan Road, Futian District, near the bustling CITIC Plaza. Walking through the narrow alley, you can see the doorplate of the Goodone.推门而入皆惊喜。花砖、录音机、磁带、鸡公碗、铁皮玩具......这些旧物,在小楼里重新焕发出了岁月的光彩。Push the door and walk in, surprises are everywhere.Tiles, tape recorders, tapes, chicken bowls, tin toys... Old things in this small building regain the luster of age. 旧物之美,熠熠生辉。声音图书馆镇店之喵被撸了。你还记得玻璃弹珠跳棋的玩法吗?小时候,有这样几个铁皮玩具就开心了。萌萌哒的三轮小单车,也可以骑出千军万马的气势。一拉绳子,铁皮猴子就蹿上去了。咦,四四方方像个铁盒子一样的电视机也在这里;锈迹斑斑的铁罐竟然是曾经让孩子们馋掉舌头的麦乳精罐;一拉绳子,那只调皮的杂技团小猴子就哧溜哧溜地往上爬……In the store, you could see the Iron boxlike TV,malted milk in the rusty tin, and a funny monkey toy that climbing up the string.电影画报挂上墙,年代感就出来了。护肤霜和保温壶,都是妈妈年代的最爱。杂货店的柜台,藏着童年难忘的美味。明暗之间,实现场景切换。鹿筱悦(左)和冯牧原在旧物仓。依然可以用的黄铜质感电灯开关。还记得高低不平要垫纸片的木头桌子吗?还记得笨重的热水瓶冬天里冒出的水蒸气吗?还记得玻璃弹珠做的跳棋吗?时光在旧物仓里仿佛停止了流逝,带我们回溯到恋恋不忘又无法抵达的过去。Do you remember the wooden tables with uneven heights? Do you remember the steam coming out of the bulky hot water bottles? Do you remember the checkers made of glass marbles? Time seems stand still in Goodone, taking us back to the past that we can"t forget and reach.生活美学院一角。借由中药柜,认识更多中草药的美丽名称。有一个自己,希望你永远记得她。复古花砖,成为独特的墙面装饰。罐子里是茶叶还是糖果?只想在这里泡一壶茶,消磨一个下午。在这里,重温一遍《红楼梦》。旧物仓一角还开辟了一间“生活美学院”,店里有一部分手工品都是从这里诞生的,时不时开设手工课,给我们机会静下心来做一件东西送给生活。In the corner of Goodone, there is a"Life Beauty Academy", where some handicrafts in the shop are born. Handicrafts classes are opened from time to time to provide the opportunity to calm down and make something for life. 渴了泡一杯清茶,或者来一瓶励志汽水。一杯敬过往,一杯敬未来。Make a cup of tea or a bottle of soda. A toast to the past and to the future.旧物仓,打开城市记忆之门。声音图书馆,造型别致的音箱。在这个角落,可以试听黑胶唱片。黑胶唱片转动,经典的旋律流淌。冯牧原:让我为你弹奏一曲。色彩褪尽,黑白默片的效果就出来了。入夜,声音图书馆橱窗亮起温暖的光。下楼转角遇到“声音图书馆”,一张张黑胶唱片和磁带上墙上架,给足了图书的待遇。这里分为黑胶唱片区、音乐数码区、教材区和欣赏区4大区域,既独立存在也彼此相连。The"sound library" in the first floor is divided into four areas: Longplaying (LP) record albums area, Music digital area, Teaching material area and Music appreciation area. These four areas exist not only independently but also connected with each other.来,干了这瓶励志汽水!设计台词:这一墙的汽水都是我的!啊,打个嗝。得闲饮茶,岁月静好。手里一本书,身畔一壶茶,耳边是流淌的旋律,岁月静好,就此沉醉。A book in hand, a pot of tea by side. Melody flowing into ears, how life could be better than that? 【给网友的话】深圳有滋味,深圳还可以这样玩!在这里,深圳新闻网记者将现身本市有趣、独特的地点,深度体验,带你解锁鹏城新玩法。欢迎留言或发送邮件至sz_havefun@163向本栏目推荐你认为值得一去的深圳好地方!海报设计:阎思远【游玩信息】地址:深圳市福田区南园路玉田社区向东围村41栋交通:乘坐地铁1号线至科学馆站F出口,步行3分钟可到达乘坐公交(14、23、29、62、214、302、377、B622、M370)至新城市广场站,步行1分钟可到达门票:以官方信息为准备注:旧物仓在深圳另有2家分店①南头古城店“壹日物仓”,位于南头古城中山南街53号②大鹏所城店“壹日物仓”,位于大鹏所城十字街17号【Info】Address: Building41, Xiangdongwei Village, Yutian Community, Nan Yuan Road, Futian District, ShenzhenTransportation: Take Metro line 1 to Science Museum Station exit F, 3 minutes walk to reach Take bus to New Town Plaza Station (14、23、29、62、214、302、377、B622、M370),1 minute walk to reachTickets: Based on official informationNote: Goodone has two other branches in Shenzhen① Goodone(Nantou Ancient Town store) is located at No.53, Zhongshan South Street, Nantou City.② Goodone(Mirs by the City store) is located at No.17, cross street, Dapeng Fortress.


