




荷兰盾为荷兰原流通货币;现流通货币为欧元。1欧元=100欧分。此1欧分硬币正面主图为荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝女王的肖像、欧洲12星及"BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN"字样。荷兰首相马克·吕特称贝娅特丽克丝是整个荷兰的"象征"。背面主图为欧元区欧盟成员国的硬币通用图案,即朝向欧盟区域的立体地球仪图样及面额。

The Netherlands, with its full name as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is one of the lowest-lying countries in the world, with a quarter of its land below sea level, so it is called a "low-lying country". It is a constitutional monarchy compound country composed of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaç ao and Saint Martin of the Netherlands. All constituent countries have complete autonomy and autonomy except for national defense, foreign affairs, nationality and extradition. The land area is 41,528 square kilometers; Population: 17.26 million (2018). Amsterdam, the capital, is almost a living museum, with many original features in the golden age. King:Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister: Mark Rutte.

In ancient Rome, the area on the south bank of the Rhine River first belonged to the province of Gaul, Belgium, and later to the province of Germanic provinces. In the Middle Ages, it was the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. It officially became a country in 1463. It was ruled by Spain in the early 16th century. The Utrecht Union established in 1579 is regarded as the beginning of modern Holland. On July 26, 1581, the Union officially declared its independence and established the Netherlands Republic. Spain officially recognized Dutch independence in 1648. In 1795, the Netherlands was occupied by France, and the Dutch Republic perished. In 1815, the Kingdom of the Netherlands was established with Belgium and Luxembourg. A constitutional monarchy was established in 1848. Maintain neutrality during the First World War. Declared neutrality at the beginning of World War II. In May 1940, it was invaded by the German army, and the royal family and government moved to Britain to set up a government in exile. Independence was restored in 1945.

In diplomacy, foreign policy focuses on Europe. As one of the founding countries of the European Union and NATO. It is also a member of Schengen Convention, United Nations, World Trade Organization and other international organizations. China and the Netherlands established diplomatic relations at agency level in November 1954. In 1989, the Netherlands accompanied the European Community to "sanction" China and the human rights issue in April 1997, which greatly affected the relations between the two countries. At the end of 1997, the Netherlands changed its position on human rights issues concerning China, and Sino-Dutch relations resumed.

The Netherlands is a developed capitalist country. It has been a trading power since ancient times, and was called "Coachman at Sea" in the first half of the 17th century. Known for its seawalls, windmills, tulips and tolerant social atmosphere, the laws dealing with drugs, sex trade and abortion are the most liberal in the world. It is the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage and euthanasia. In 2018, the global innovation index ranked second. Natural gas reserves rank fourth in the world. Rotterdam is the largest oil refining center in Europe. It ranks the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world all the year round. The country with the largest cheese production in the world. The largest flower producer and exporter in the world. It is known as "Country of Flowers", "European Garden" and "Tulip Kingdom". Royal Dutch Shell Group is the second largest oil company in the world, ranking second among the world's top 500 enterprises; Philips Electronics ranks among the top ten electronic and electrical enterprises in the world. DIA factory in Kauste is the most famous DIA factory in the world, where DIA in Queen Victoria's crown was cut and polished. The Dutch scientific research level ranks 12th in the world. Among the developed countries, the Netherlands is the only country that has signed a strategic alliance agreement with China on science and technology and carried out long-term equal cooperation in the field of scientific research. The Netherlands has a 12-year full-time compulsory education system. The Hague University has always been famous for its high-quality education.

Dutch guilder is the original currency of the Netherlands; The currency in circulation is Euro. 1 euro =100 euro cents. The front main picture of this euro coin shows the portrait of Queen Beya Trix , 12 stars in Europe and the words "BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN". Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte called BEATRIX the "symbol" of the Netherlands. The main picture on the back shows the general coin pattern of the euro zone and EU member countries, that is, the three-dimensional globe pattern and denomination facing the EU region.




