

Today, the cat trampled on my Hermes bag again, and I pressed the lock screen button in a rage


Every long-distance trip has a special car and an exclusive driver to pick me up. My friends are really envious. There is no way. All kinds of trains starting with G, D, C and Z can be selected at will


Yesterday, when the temperature dropped, I received an ultra-warm message: "It's a little cold this winter, and may warmth accompany you often", which was instantly cured! Thanks to the daily push of app


My dad didn't want me to work outside, worried that I would suffer hardships. He wanted me to come back to take over the family business and take care of the family business, but I really didn't want my fate to be arranged early. The key is that the street stalls are also very cold this day.



New apples are bought late, so delicate young people should give themselves the best at the right age. After all, this is a new batch of Crystal Red Fuji in the fruit shop. Ah, it's crisp and sweet!


I didn't go to Peking University when there was a place to walk. First, I missed my hometown too far away from my hometown. Second, it was not me who walked.


Today, I rejected another girl, not that she is not beautiful enough, but that the real estate in her company is really a bit expensive



Those aunts are so enthusiastic that they always want to introduce their handsome and rich sons to me. Each one lives in either a western-style mansion or a Chinese-style garden, and the most common one is the Pujiang Observation Building. I don't know which nanny room has a separate bathroom.


I am 23 years old, and I have two suites in Beijing's Third Ring Road. Hundreds of thousands of bags can be filled with walls, but these are not given to me by my parents, but through my efforts, I dreamed of dreaming.


Some people go to cosmetic surgery for beauty, unlike me, they can be beautiful without having to do it, because I downloaded a lot of beauty software



It's so annoying. There are always tens of millions that can't be used up. I asked my friend what to do. My friend lost his mind because of jealousy. He said angrily, "Then you start to buy a prop with three steps in every game, so it will be used up soon."


Every day, different boys buy my favorite food from all over the city and send it to my home. It's so happy, but the delivery fee is a bit expensive


I stood on a 999-storey building overlooking this splendid international metropolis. The men around me wore gold-rimmed glasses and carved their side faces with uncanny carving knives. For a long time, he said in a heavy voice, "Get off work after wiping the glass, aunt."

十四,每个人都在为一平方房价奔波,而我在上大学的年纪就可以在占地4百平的浴室里洗澡 ,果然这个点澡堂人少

Hey, because of the epidemic, I didn't go to Maldives for vacation this year …… in previous years, I had no money.



I never like to buy lottery tickets, and winning is only 5 million. If you miss, you will lose 2 yuan


Today, I turned down two boys again, not because their voices were not good, nor because they waited for me for a short time in cold weather, but because I had received their flyers yesterday


I have established a relationship with the male god here, but the relationship is not very strong. After all, sometimes I dream, sometimes I can't dream


Today, a beautiful girl took the initiative to talk to me in the vast crowd! "Hello, excuse me."


I have a high rate of return, and I basically look back at good-looking people


I'm worried sick every day. My family is delicious. I don't know what to eat, whether to eat seafood, beef or ribs. Forget it. Let's eat noodles with sauerkraut from the old altar


My family status is unmatched. No one can control what I want to do at home. I want to sweep the floor, clean the windows and cook when I want to.


I was really touched to receive 999 roses from my boyfriend! I'll just make a little to drink later



Just came out of the western restaurant, a handsome guy chased me and gave me a gift, watching him turn away. Well, the children's package was really worth it!


Usually, I am not used to going out to eat. Generally, chefs of various dishes from all over the world have sent them to me. If I don't send them, I usually don't eat them. I didn't eat them today, and my mobile phone broke and I couldn't order takeout


I finally got the notice from Tsinghua University. I didn't really want to go. I didn't think it was good enough for me, but my mother said that it was the dishwashing job she helped me find after a lot of relationships. Let me not disappoint her painstaking efforts


It's annoying. There are so many clothes when you get up and open the wardrobe every morning. It's really troublesome to pick out clothes. I also don't want to wear new clothes every day. Can you understand the pain of wearing many clothes only once? You don't understand, you don't understand at all, they can't be sold at all.


