2017年11月27日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Nature Communication》杂志在线发表了浙江大学生命科学研究院靳津实验室题为“Mitochondrial dynamics controls antitumor innate immunity by regulating CHIP-IRF1 axis stability”的研究论文,研究揭示线粒体动力学在诱导先天免疫极化和抗肿瘤应答中的重要调控作用,并阐明了相关的分子机制。靳津课题组博士研究生高正君和李异媛博士为共同一作,靳津教授为本文的通讯作者。
本文发现,Miga2 (FAM73b)作为线粒体外膜蛋白在巨噬细胞极化过程中,对线粒体形态的改变中具有重要作用。敲除FAM73b会导致线粒体分裂,并特异地上调IL-12的表达。当自身线粒体呈现持续分裂状态时,巨噬细胞能够促进T细胞产生IFN-g,并显著增强其抗肿瘤免疫的能力。线粒体形态学改变上调了Parkin的表达,并将其招募到分裂的线粒体。聚集的Parkin通过K48-linked泛素修饰CHIP-IRF1来调控其稳定性。此研究表明,线粒体形态可以作为抗肿瘤免疫或自身免疫病治疗的潜在新靶点。
Macrophages, dendritic cells and other innate immune cells are involved in inflammation and host defense against infection. metabolic shifts in mitochondrial dynamics may be involved in Toll-like receptor agonist-mediated inflammatory responses and immune cell polarization. However, whether the mitochondrial morphology in myeloid immune cells affects anti-tumor immunity is unclear. Here we show that FAM73b, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein, has a pivotal function in Toll-like receptor-regulated mitochondrial morphology switching from fusion to fission. Switching to mitochondrial fission via ablation of Fam73b (also known as Miga2) promotes IL-12 production. In tumor-associated macrophages, this switch results in T-cell activation and enhances anti-tumor immunity. We also show that the mitochondrial morphology affects Parkin expression and its recruitment to mitochondria. Parkin controls the stability of the downstream CHIP–IRF1 axis through proteolysis. Our findings identify mechanisms associated with mitochondrial dynamics that control anti-tumor immune responses and that are potential targets for cancer immunotherapy.