



  1. Imelda didn't waste one tear on that walk-away musician. 面对渣男渣女的适用表达。
  2. While music tore the family apart, shoes held them together. 简单词汇,表达撕裂与融合。
  3. She ran their household with an iron fist. ……的铁腕人物(说一不二)。
  4. The worst part was that no one in his family seemed to care. 最糟糕的是……没人在乎。
  5. Leaving the family home behind, He breathed the crisp air of another sunny morning in the city. “终于逃离”的生动描写,呼吸新鲜空气。
  6. He couldn't help tapping out a beat on a table. 情不自禁、打节拍。
  7. And right here, in this very plaza, He took his first steps toward becoming the most beloved singer in Mexican history. 就在这里, 迈出……的第一步。
  8. He plopped down for a shine. sit的一种生动描述,擦鞋。
  9. Miguel had seen that special effect in some old film clips. 特效
  10. He casually plunked at his guitar strings. 随便拨弄琴弦
  11. Seize your moment. 莫失良机
  12. He glanced down the street to make sure the coast was clear of any family members. 四下张望,四下没人。
  13. How many times have we told you - that plaza is crawling with bad men! 教育孩子常用句1
  14. He braced himself for a stern round of lecturing from the whole family. 做好……的准备。
  15. Don't give me that look, it's the one night of the year when our ancestors can visit us. 别这样看着我,一年就一次的表达。
  16. She looked up with a blank stare. 茫然。
  17. She returned to the alter and continued her lecture. "I'm hard on you because I care." 说教的表达方式。教育孩子常用句2
  18. She let out a long sigh when she realized that he'd slipped out. 长叹一口气 的表达。
  19. What are we going to do with that boy.教育孩子常用句3
  20. The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart. 额,情话。
  21. Never underestimate the power of music. 不要低估……的力量。(Never underestimate the heart of a champion. 火箭主帅汤姆贾诺维奇的名言)
  22. When you see your moment, you mustn't let it pass you by. 看到机会,不能错过(机会)
  23. It was up to me to reach for that dream, grab it tight, and make it come true. 美味鸡汤。
  24. I had to have faith in my dream. 美味鸡汤2.
  25. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the talent-show flyer. 摸进口袋,拿出……的表达。
  26. Toddlers scattered marigold petals along the ground. 把XX撒得满地都是的表达。
  27. But what if I'm no good at making shoes. 假如……会怎样?
  28. Miguel watched in horror as the frame toppled over and hit the floor with a sickening crack. 倒下来
  29. Miguel whipped off his shoemaker's apron and struck a pose. "apron"有围裙之意,也有停机坪的意思。 摆个POSE~~
  30. Her eyes darted from the guitar to the albums. 目光从A扫到B
  31. He lifted his guitar and prepared to strum. 抱起吉他准备演奏的描述。
  32. Her brow hardened. 她的沉下脸来。
  33. “Mama” Miguel's dad said just as Abuelita smashed the guitar against the ground. 话音刚落的表达;砸到地上的表达;
  34. Miguel couldn't move- he felt like someone had smashed him to pieces. 生动的场景描写和比喻。
  35. He bolted out of the courtyard, alone. 冲出的表达;另外bolt out of the blue 还有晴天霹雳、意外的事的意思;The Tangshan earthquake was absolutely like a bolt out of the blue.
  36. sign up for the talent show. 报名
  37. At that moment, fireworks exploded overhead, illuminating the statue. 生动的描写。
  38. The cemetery was covered in a sea of candles and flowers. 多的描写
  39. The dog bounded after it.(扔给狗一个飞盘),狗跳起来去接的描述。
  40. Timing it with the booming fireworks, Miguel slammed his shoulder against a pane of glass, and opened the window. 趁着……的时候
  41. Now hewas face to face with the very instrument his father had strummed. 和……面对面
  42. Unbeknownst to him, some marigold petals in the mausoleum began to sparkle. 他没察觉到、他不知道的是……
  43. If it's all right with you, I'm gonna play in the plaza. 如果你同意,我将……
  44. Holding Ernesto's guitar filled Miguel with confidence. 挺好的表达:Doing sth filled sb with confidence.
  45. More people passed through him as if he were made of air. 就像自己是空气,适用一些尴尬的场合的描写
  46. Somehow he could see walking skeletons! 怎么能…
  47. I have a feeling this has something to do with you. 这事和你有关
  48. With each step he took, the marigold petals glowed beneath his feet. 每走一步……
  49. Miguel pulled up his hood to hide the fact that…… 带上(卫衣后的帽子)……来掩饰
  50. He reached the bridge at a sprint. 一个箭步冲到……
  51. He flipped through the book. 草草翻阅
  52. He sheepishly pulled the black-and-white photo from his pocket. 从兜里取出的表达
  53. Miguel paled and began to faint. 面色苍白、晕倒
  54. Technically she can add any conditions she wants. 想加什么条件都行。
  55. Miguel narrowed his eyes at her. 眯起眼盯着……
  56. None of them dared to cross her. 没人敢违抗……
  57. Be reasonable. 讲点理吧
  58. I need to visit the restroom. Be right back. 着急方便的表达
  59. He and I go way back. 好哥们。
  60. They were stuck in a revolving door. 旋转门
  61. Don't yank my chain. 别忽悠我的一种表达;yank sb to somewhere.
  62. Need your eyes.你看!
  63. You can't rush off on me.不能丢下我
  64. If you're such good friends, how come he didn't invite you? 为什么,怎么会
  65. I don't know if he's in the mood for visitors. 有兴致做……
  66. You want it, you got to earn it. 想获得就需要付出得不错的表达
  67. When ther's no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world. We call it the final death.
  68. Belt it out! 喊出来
  69. The scuffle between the boy and the small dog drew the eyes of the crowd. 吸引眼球~
  70. When we had Coco, suddenly there was sth in my life that mattered more than music.
  71. I wanted to put down roots. 想安定下来
  72. His soul poured into each chord and lyric. 倾注灵魂
  73. You are all anyone has been talking about. 注意时态
  74. Miguel couldn't tear his eyes away when one of his favorite films came on. 无法移开视线
  75. I would move heaven and earth for you. 赴汤蹈火
  76. I could not have done it differently, One cannot deny who one is meant to be. 另一种鸡汤。meant to be 命中注定
  77. Never were truer words spoken. 你说得太对了。
  78. This calls for a toast! 为这个干一杯!
  79. Visions of Ernesto's betrayal flashed before Hector like old film clips on a continuous loop. 一幕幕像电影片段浮现在眼前——经典表达
  80. He felt a lump in his throat. 哽咽
  81. Success doesn't come for free. 鸡汤
  82. A chill ran through him. 打了个冷颤
  83. Hector perked up and followed Miguel's grito. 振作
  84. Behind him were two more figures peeking down at them. figure 人影
  85. The family joined together in a huddle. 围成一个圈
  86. The two smiled at each other. 相视而笑
  87. The audience hushed as they watched the drama unfold. 安静的另一种表达。
  88. Hector struggled to his feet. 挣扎着站起来
  89. She looked to the horizon, where the first rays of sunlight peeked over. 描写日出
  90. Mama Coco stared into space, her eyes completely vacant. 呆呆的神情、目光的表达。
  91. Miguel looked down, defeated. Tears dripped off his nose.伤心失望流泪的描写
  92. Papa's anger gave way to relief. 转为 (消气了的一种表达)
  93. She had waited a long time to hear those words. 等了太久
  94. A smile spread across Mama Coco's face. 大大的微笑的描写(生动的描写)
  95. He knew that every moment together was a miracle. 相聚就是奇迹。

