


In 1947, there was a banker named Andy. His wife cheated on him. One night he drank a lot of wine and tried to kill his wife and her lover with a gun, but he didn't. Coincidentally, his wife and his wife's lover died that night. Unable to find the real culprit, he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.



Ari is a big shot in Shawshank prison. He's been in prison for 20 years, and he can get almost anything you want with money. In Shawshank prison, they bet whenever new inmates come in. To see who will cry on the first night, arry gambles on the weak Andy. Later, he lost. The man who was beaten was a fat man, and later he was killed. For this reason, ARI lost two packs of cigarettes.



Andy barely spoke for a month. In prison, it's like walking in the park, carefree. A month later Andy finds ARI and asks him to bring a small pickaxe. He said he wanted to carve some small stones to kill time. Later he said that he wanted to escape the routine inspection of the prison. Once the prison sent some prisoners out to work, Andy overheard the warden talking about tax payment. Andy said that he had a way to legally exempt the prison official from a large amount of tax. In exchange, none of his inmates got two bottles of beer. Later, Andy was surrounded by several people in prison, beat half to death, and was hospitalized for a month. Before Andy leaves the hospital, ARI takes some people to collect stones for Andy. Before long, ARI played the chess carved by Andy. Then Andy asked ARI to get a big poster of Rita Hayworth.



As Andy is proficient in financial system, he soon gets rid of the heavy labor in prison. Later, Andy went to the prison library to manage and deal with some tax issues. Mainly to help the warden launder money. As Andy kept writing letters to the governor every week, he got a sum of money to build the library. Andy finds a CD and uses the player to put it out. Everyone in the prison can hear it. He was later jailed for another two weeks.



A young prisoner came to break Andy's quiet life. This guy heard about Andy's case while he was in another prison. He knew who the killer was. When Andy applied to the warden for the case, the warden refused. And two months in solitary confinement. The warden killed the prisoner who knew the truth in order to keep Andy at his side and continue to launder money for him.



Andy knows the cruelty of reality and becomes depressed. One day, he said to ARI, "if one day you can get parole, you must fulfill my wish. It was the place where I first dated my wife. There's a big dry field in buckston. Bury a box under a big oak tree there, and you'll find out when you open it. " That night, with the rain and the thunder, Andy managed to escape from the hole he had dug.



Andy managed to escape in 1966. For 20 years, Andy had been digging a hole with a pickaxe every day, and then covered the hole with that big poster. Andy escaped with part of the warden's money. And reported the truth of the prison governor's corruption and bribery. After 40 years in prison, ARI was released. He went to the place Andy said. He got a sum of money. Finally, the two old friends met on the beach of the Pacific Ocean.


