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What is this? Do you know what is called?

这是什么 你知道它叫什么吗

In this lesson, I'm gonna teach you bathroom vocabulary.

这堂课 我要教你一些关于浴室的词汇

This is called a plunger.


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And you use it if your toilet gets clogged.

如果你的马桶堵住了 它就能派上用场了

That's a really bad thing right?

那真的很糟糕 是吧

If your toilet gets clogged, you have to take a plunger and unclog it.

如果你的马桶堵塞了 你得拿个水拔子把它疏通

So this is called a toilet brush.


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And this room, what's it called?

还有这个 你会叫什么

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Well, it can be called a lot of different things.


It can be called "a bathroom, a restroom, a washroom, a toilet, a loo, the John..."


Okay it can be called "the John."

the John也可以用来形容洗手间

Now in Canada, we usually use this word here "washroom."

在加拿大 我们会用"washroom"

And in the UK, they use the word "loo."

在英国 我们会用"loo"

and a very casual way to describe this what is "the John."

更加口语化的表达就是"the John"

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So "the John" is just sort of...I don't know...maybe friends would use it with each other,

所以 "the John"这个说法可能在朋友之间使用比较频繁

so a polite way to say it if you're at someone's house, you could say "Could I use your bathroom?"

如果你在别人家里做客 想去洗手间的话 你就可以这样说"Could I use your bathroom?"

That's very nice and polite.


But like I said, if you're at your friend's house, and it's a casual situation, you can just say "Hey, I need to use the John."

不过就像我前面所说的 如果你是在你要好的朋友家里 你可以直接说Hey, I need to use the John.

Okay, I don't know why it's called the John,

好吧 我也不知道为什么会叫the John

because that's a nice name that's people are named John,

因为这个名字很好听 人们都喜欢以John来作为名字

so it's a little bit disrespectful to people named John to name the bathroom after.

所以我感觉 以John来称呼洗手间有点不太尊重人

I don't know, I don't know where that comes from.

我不清楚 我不知道这个称呼是从哪来的

So when you're in the bathroom, you're gonna do one of two things.

当你上洗手间时 你会做其中的一件或两件事

You're gonna go poo or pee.

你要么上大号 要么上小号

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So you could say "I need to go pee or I need to go poo."

所以你可以说 我需要上小号或上大号

Now there's a lot of different words we can also use for these things.


For example,


"Poop, crap, dung, shit, dump, feces, bowel movement."


"Pee, piss, leak, urine."


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Now in an official set, like if if you're at a doctor, the medical words for this is "urine, bowel movement or feces."

在看医生的情况下 医学术语只能用"urine,bowel movement,feces"来表达

Okay, those are sort of your official words.


but the rest of these words are just for like normal people.


Now for some reason, we use the verb "take."

由于某些原因 我们会用到take这个动词

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when we talk about doing a lot of things in the bathroom.

在浴室里做很多事情时 我们可以用take来表达

For example, I'm going to take a shower.

举个例子 我要去洗澡了

I'm going to take a bath.


I'm going to take a dump.


I'm going to take a piss.


That's interesting, why do we use the verb "take"?

有点意思 我们为什么会用take呢

When we're not taking anything we're leaving something behind, right?

我们不是"拿走"什么东西 对吧

It doesn't make any sense, but this is English, English doesn't make sense.

这说不通 但这就是英语 英语就是说不通的

So this is called toilet paper,


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and there's a debate in our culture.

在我们的文化里 一直有个争论

whether the toilet paper should come off the front of the roll,


or off the back of the roll.


So what do you think?


How do they do it in your culture?


Is one way more like polite or something like that...


Sometimes people like in our culture, they say it's better if it comes off the front because it's easier,

我们这边的人说 从正面垂下会好一点 因为这样使用起来更方便

and then some people say, well no it's more proper if it comes off the back.


Personally I don't really care.


but it makes sense if it comes off the front because then you can grab it easier right?

从正面垂下也挺好的 因为你去拿纸巾的时候更方便 对吧

So my probably...my preference would be to have it come up the front,

所以 可能 我个人更偏向于说从正面垂下

but I don't know.






