








"Super moon" will reappear the night sky. Why is it a rare visual feast? The super moon appears in the sky on the night of July, which is another full moon of the year. There are usually 12 and 13 full moons in a Gregorian calendar year. When the super moon appears, the moon will be large and round. In addition, the weather in some areas today is good, so this super moon can still be met but not sought. The cause of the supermoon. When the moon just moves to or near perigee, people on earth can see the super moon with the naked eye. The moon is bigger and rounder than usual at this time. The point in the lunar orbit closest to the earth is called perigee. Of course, there will also be apogee if there is a perigee. The moon goes round the earth, not round but oval. The perigee distance from the moon to the earth is 363000 km. The farthest apogee from the earth is 406000 kilometers. Every revolution of the moon will pass through perigee and apogee at an interval of 27 Day. There is also a one hour time difference between the full moon and perigee. In other words, the super moon will appear at 18:52, and the full moon will appear an hour later. The influence of the super moon on the earth. The super moon is a common natural phenomenon, which will not have a great impact on the earth. The only impact is the tide. When the moon is at perigee, the moon's gravity on the earth will increase, which will lead to waves near the ground, but the highest tide is tens of feet. On the contrary, if the moon is in apogee, the tide will find a descent near the ground. But with the moon's departure, it will return to normal. Tides play a very important role in life on earth. At the same time, human beings can also obtain energy from tidal energy and convert it into electric energy. Observation of the supermoon. Because super moon is close to the earth, and the strong light is not very dazzling, you can observe it directly with your eyes. Astronomers can use telescopes and other professional equipment to carefully observe the surface of the moon.


