

① abandon [ə'bændən] vt. 离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃(a-=ab-离开 band绑定;离开绑定→不绑定→放弃)

例:As a baby he was abandoned by his mother.(他在襁褓之中就被⺟亲遗弃了。)

② ban [bæn] v. 取缔,查禁;(from)禁⽌ n. 禁⽌,禁令(词源同phone说话→⼝头禁⽌,尤指官⽅禁⽌)

例:The film was banned in several countries.(这部电影在⼏个国家都禁⽌放映。)

③ band [bænd] n. 条,带;乐队;波段;⼀群,⼀伙 v. 缚,绑扎(捆绑)

例:a hair band/wrist band(⼀条发带/腕带)

④bind [baind] v. 捆,绑,包括,束缚

例:The prisoner was bound hand and foot.(那名囚犯被绑住了⼿脚。)

⑤. bound [baund] adj. 被束缚的,⼀定的;n. 界限 v.&n. 跳(跃)

例1:You're bound to feel nervous about your interview.(⾯试时你肯定会感到紧张。)(⼀定的)

例2:What you did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior.(你的所作所为令⼈⽆法接受。)(界限)

例3:She bounded down the stairs.(她跳着⾛下了楼梯。)(跳跃)

⑥bounce [bauns] n.&vi.(球)弹起,弹回;弹起,跳起;n. 弹⼒(拟声词,类似中⽂“蹦”)

例:The ball bounced twice before he could reach it.(球弹了两次他才接到。)(动词)

例2:In tennis you have to hit the ball before its second bounce.(打⽹球时必须在球第⼆次落地之前出⼿击打。)(名词)

⑦ boundary ['baundəri] n. 分界线,边界

例:The river forms the country's western boundary.(这条河形成了这个国家的⻄部边界线。)

①bandage ['bændidʒ] n. 绷带 v. ⽤绷带扎缚(捆绑的带⼦)

例1:She put a bandage on his leg.(她给他的脚上绑了绷带。)

例2:You ought to bandage (up) that cut.(你应该⽤绷带把伤⼝包扎起来。)

② husband ['hʌzbənd] n. 丈夫(hus=house;与房⼦绑定的⼈→丈夫)

③ bend [bend] v.(使)弯曲;屈从,屈服 n. 弯曲(处),曲折处(给射箭的⼸绑弦→弯曲)

例:I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.(我弯腰捡起路上的硬币。)

④bond [bɔnd] n. 结合(物),粘结(剂),联结;公债,债券;契约

例1:There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning.(他溺⽔被她救了以后他们之间⼀直来往密


例2:a strong/weak bond 强⼒/轻微粘合(结合、粘合)



