

1.resent /rɪˈzent/vt 对…感到愤怒

resent doing sth

I resented having to work such long hours

2.plastic surgery 整形外科/手术

plastic 造型的,塑料的,可塑的 n 塑料,整形


Do they take plastic?(=Can you pay using a credit card?)


plastic food

I hate that plastic smile of hers.

3.see sb in the flesh 看到某人真身(之前只是在电视,电影,海报上看到)

He looked much shorter in the flesh than on television.

the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak)


flesh-and-blood血肉般的,真的 flesh and blood 肉体,人类,情欲,人性

I'm only flesh and blood ,like anybody else.


four beautiful flesh-and-blood women 四个漂亮的如假包换的女人

put flesh on sth =动词短语flesh out sth 给…增加细节/润色,让其更有趣,生动,吸引人

She 'll try to put some flesh on the plan Margaret has outlined.

You need to flesh out your argument with a few more examples.

4.seize 抓住,夺取,占领

seize a chance /opportunity /the initiative


be seized with/by terror/desire


Whe she saw his face ,she was seized by fear.

seize up(机器等因没油等原因) 停住不动,(肌肉,身体某部分)僵硬

The mechanism had seized up.

My muscles have all seized up.

seize upon/on sth 利用,抓住,急于采纳(接受)

His every remark is seized upon by the press.

5.daunt 使气馁,使退缩,威吓

He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country.

Don't be daunted by all the technology.

6.cram v.塞入,填满,为考试而死记硬背

Jill crammed her clothes into the bag.

I have to cram for my chemistry test tomorrow

We crammed in as much sightseeing as possible during our stay in New York

7.There is an expression that “seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person "有句话叫字如其人


8.quote v报价,引用, 引述,举证

quote from 引用自(某人的话或文章)

She quoted a passage from a newspaper article.

quote sb on sth


Can I quote you on that?

This is the best price I can quote you

The firm originally quoted $6000 for the whole job.

9.radical 激进的,根本的,基本的,彻底的,完全的

They are proposing radical changes to the way the company is run.


a radical reform of the tax system


They have put forward some very radical ideas.


v 排列,把…列为…

rank high/low

be ranked fourth/number one etc


The singer was ranked sixth in this competittion.

It's not easy to rank the students in order of ability.


high/low/senior/junior rank

an officer of junior rank

rise to /be promoted to/attain the rank of something

During the war Harold had risen to the rank of major.

在这场战争中,Harold 上升成为陆军少校。

He was sentenced to prison adn stripped of his rank.(=had his rank taken from him)

rank of

That summer I left school and joined the ranks of (=became one of)the unemployed.

break ranks 打破队列,引申为与其他人行为不一致

pull rank (on sb )


You may just have to pull rank and tell them.

adj 十足的,极端的,讨厌,恶臭的

a rank outsider 一个十足的门外汉

an example of this government's rank stupidity

They make us look like rank amateurs(/ˈamətə, -tʃʊə, -tʃə, ˌæməˈtɜː $ ˈæmətʃʊr, -tər/

rank smell/odour

the rank odour of sweat and urine


11.burn one's bridges/boats 不留后路,破釜沉舟

I'm really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don't want to burn my boats with this company

12.penzai =bonsai 盆栽


13.rags-to-riches adj 白手起家

Jack Ma is the classic rags-to-riches story.

from rags to riches

He likes to tell people of his rise from rags to riches.

14.be on pins and needles 如坐针毡

15.behemoth /bəˈhiːmɒθ $ -mɑːθ/巨头(really powerful and large)

we will just have to wait and see what happens with the Chinese behemoth.

16.pathetic /pəˈθetɪk/,可怜的,悲哀的,感伤的,没用的,懦弱的

Yor're pathetic!Here, let me do it.

I know it sounds pathetic now, but at the time I was frightened.

She whimpered (呜咽,啜泣)pathetically.


17terary /ˈlɪtərəri $ ˈlɪtəreri/,文学的,精通文学的,书面的

I'm very literary. I read.


a literary woman

18.conundrum /kəˈnʌndrəm/ 谜,猜不透的难题,难答的问题

the conundrum of our purpose on Earth

It's a terrible conundrum that we face as a coutry.


19.finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/,有限的,限定的

infinite /ˈɪnfənət/ ,无限的,无穷的

Time is frustratingly finite and irrenewable rescource.


20.paycheck 薪水,付薪水的支票

a nice fat paycheck

cash-rich 现金充裕的


those with bigger paychecks still felt more anxiety about their time.

“The more cash-rich working Americans are, the more time-poor they feel,”


  1. Eric __________with a marvellous performance.(抢风头)

  2. I_______folk music (喜欢,对...感兴趣)

  3. Somebody turned the music louder, and the party ________(上升了一个等级)

  4. His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply__________(因得不到某物而说其不好)

  5. What we should do is to ____________(维持现状)

  6. The row about pay is still___________(持续,拖长时间)

  7. She's been out four nights __________(连续)

  8. Police believe he is involved in an international __________(走私勾当)

  9. You can _________the hood from the jacket.(把...与分离)

  10. He was _________by his daugher's reaction.(困惑的)


  1. I undid the package carefully.(揭开,取消,破坏,撤消,解开)

  2. He left his room all topsy-turvy.(颠倒的,乱七八糟地)

  3. She sipped her wine,savoring every drop.(欣赏某物的味道/风味,滋味,味道)

  4. She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon(不友好的,不礼貌的,未经准备的/地, 未经核实地

  5. He played a radish role in the film.(放荡的,潇洒的,不拘俗套的)

  6. Sam stared at the girl with unabashed curiousity.(不害臊的,不害羞的,不加掩饰的,公然的)

  7. My mother bought a sack of potatoes this morning.(麻袋,解雇,开除)

  8. Lambs frolicked in the next field.(嬉戏,无忧无虑的欢乐时光)

  9. Don't go and see the movie unless you have a strong stomach (重口味)

  10. Liz shocked us all by running off with a married man.(私奔)




