
Pink tells supporters of SCOTUS abortion decision to 'NEVER F---ING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN'

The singer's viral tweet received both praise and criticism

By Brie Stimson | Fox News

In a defiant pro-choice message following the overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, singer Pink told supporters of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to "NEVER F---ING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN."


Defiant/dɪˈfaɪənt/ adj.公然违抗的;反抗的;挑衅的• a defiant teenager 一个反叛的少年


anti-choice adj. 反对自由堕胎的

pro-life adj. 反堕胎的;反对人工流产的 • the pro-life movement 反堕胎运动

Roe v. Wade:罗伊诉韦德案,该案件使得堕胎合法化。这个案件使得堕胎合法化,是美国著名的有关堕胎的宪法法案。

"Let’s be clear," the "What About Us" singer tweeted on June 25, "if you believe the government belongs in a woman’s uterus, a gay persons business or marriage, or that racism is okay- THEN PLEASE IN THE NAME OF YOUR LORD NEVER F---ING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN. AND ALSO F--- RIGHT OFF. We good?"

这位演唱了《What About Us》的歌手6月25日在推特上写道:“让我们明确一点,如果你相信政府可以管女性的子宫,同性恋的事情或婚姻,或者种族主义也可以接受——那么请以你上帝的名义,TMD,永远不要再听我的音乐,还有立刻马上不要听。听懂了吗?”

uterus /ˈjuːtərəs/ n. 子宫

The viral tweet received both praise and criticism.


One fan wrote, "Didn’t think it was possible to love you more!! Cranking your music ALL THE WAY THE F UP!!"


crank /kræŋk/ n.想法古怪的人;脾气坏的人;(L 字形)曲柄;(非正式)脱氧麻黄碱(中枢兴奋药);(诗、文)妙语。v.转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯;(非正式)注射毒品。adj.(帆船)易倾覆的


Singer Pink performs on Day 3 of BottleRock Napa Valley on May 29, 2022 in Napa. (Photo by Steve Jennings/WireImage)

Washington Examiner journalist Christopher Tremoglie commented, "Imagine being so arrogant, that you think this tweet holds any value to any person in the real world… Literally no one cares about your music insofar that this will have any impact on anyone. You’re nowhere near as important as you think you are."

《华盛顿观察家报》记者Christopher Tremoglie评论道:“想象一下你是如此傲慢,你认为这条推特对现实世界中的任何人都有意义……实际上,没有人关心你的音乐和它会对任何人产生的任何影响。你远没有你自己认为的那么重要。”

arrogant /ˈærəɡənt/ adj.傲慢的;自大的

Insofar adv.在这个范围,到这个程度

Florida GOP congressional candidate Lavern Spicer commented, "Honey girl the only hit you ever had was off the back of Patti LaBelle on that hoochie a-- remix of ‘Lady Marmalade’. The rest of your songs are some sad sacks of bubblegum pop that no one listens to other than Tayler Swift."


GOP:大老党(美国共和党的别称)(Grand Old Party)

Hoochie:/ˈhuːtʃɪ/私运入的酒;私酒Hoochie Coochie Gentleman 浪荡绅士

Marmalade /ˈmɑːməleɪd/ n. 橘子酱;酸果酱

sad sack 善意而糊涂犯错误的无能之辈

bubblegum /ˈbʌblɡʌm/泡泡糖

bubblegum pop:freedictionary给出的释义是Optimistic, lightweight, pop music of the late 1960s and early 1970s often written by professional songwriters working for music publishing houses and performed by session musicians. 轻快、积极向上的流行音乐。

Pink squabbled with critics in several tweets, including one that said, "If you’re replying to my tweet whilst telling me how irrelevant I am….. hmmmmmmmmmmmm."


In a subsequent tweet, she also revealed that her father is a Republican who voted for former President Trump but that he is still pro-choice.


"I love my dad, he was an old white guy too, with a big heart that fought for this country," she wrote in response to a fan who referred to himself as an "old white guy." "He believed that women should have the right to choose. He was also a republican who voted for Trump."


In another tweet she wrote, "The Supreme Court has stolen our basic right to control our bodies and futures. But together, we are a force of nature," while linking to a pro-choice website.


In her latest tweet on Saturday night, she posted a picture of a microphone in what appeared to be a home recording studio, writing, "When they tell you to ‘shut up and sing’…. Okay then."


Pink is among several pop singers like Olivia Rodrigo and Halsey who have spoken out against the ruling.




