

在英国《经济学人》9月1日公布的发表最新一期杂志封面中,美国自由女神像玩起了“一字马”:尽管脚下底座已开始分崩坍塌,她仍尴尬地劈着叉,故作镇定捧着《独立宣言》并高举火炬,而那火焰恰好“烧断”了头顶醒目的标语——美利坚分众国(The Disunited States of America)。“分裂”“对抗”“两极分化”,它们既是杂志封面故事反复提及的形容词,也正是这副讽刺画作想要揭露的美国社会现实。美国各州现在在重要的议题上自行其是,政客们正在打一场全国性的文化战争。这导致美国社会极端主义扩散,也催生了新的对抗式政治。



American states are now Petri dishes of polarization


Two states, two very different states of mind. On August 25th California banned the sale of petrol-powered cars from 2035, a move that will reshape the car industry, reduce carbon emissions and strain the state's electricity grid. On the same day in Texas a "trigger" law banned abortion from the moment of conception, without exceptions for rape or incest. Those who perform abortions face up to 99 years in prison.

两个州,两种截然不同的状态。8月25日,加利福尼亚州从2035年起禁止销售汽油驱动的汽车,此举将重塑汽车行业,减少碳排放,并使该州的电力网更加紧张。同一天,在得克萨斯州,一项 "触发式 "法律禁止从受孕的那一刻开始堕胎,强奸或乱伦的情况下没有例外。实施堕胎的人将面临最高99年的监禁。

These two events may seem unrelated, but they are symptoms of an important trend. Washington, dc, may be largely gridlocked, but the states are making policies at a furious pace. In theory, that is no bad thing. With 50 states, America has 50 laboratories to test which policies work and which do not. People can choose to live and companies can opt to operate in places where their preferences are reflected in local rules, as many did during the pandemic, typically moving to states with fewer restrictions. Each state can make its own trade-off between the weight of taxes and the generosity of public services. Any state can learn from neighbours with better schools or business regulations.


Alas, this constructive form of federalism is not what state politicians are pursuing today. Instead, they are fighting a national culture war: prescribing what can be discussed in classrooms, how easy it is to buy and carry a gun, which medical interventions may be offered to teenagers who identify as transgender, and what sort of benefits unlawful immigrants may claim. Such issues enrage both parties' partisans in a way that, say, fixing the roads or refining tax policy does not. Moderates might prefer less rage and more road-mending, but many state politicians can safely ignore them.



  • Petri dish n. (尤指用于培养细菌的)皮氏培养皿;
  • polarization/ˌpoʊlərəˈzeɪʃn/ n. 两极分化;
  • states of mind 精神状态;
  • ban/bæn/ vt.(尤指官方)禁止;
  • move/muːv/ n. 举动;
  • reshape /ˌriːˈʃeɪp/ vt. 重塑;改造;
  • strain/streɪn/ vt.(使)紧张,(使)承受压力;
  • electricity/ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/ n. 电;电能;
  • grid/ɡrɪd/ n. 电力网,输电网;
  • trigger/ˈtrɪɡər/ n.(引起某种坏事的)一件事(或情况);
  • conception/kənˈsepʃn/ n. 受孕,怀孕;
  • incest/ˈɪnsest/ n. 乱伦;
  • perform/pərˈfɔːrm/ vt. 做;履行;执行;
  • symptom/ˈsɪmptəm/ n.(疾病的)症状;
  • gridlocked/ˈɡrɪdlɑːkt/ adj. 陷入僵局的;
  • furious/ˈfjʊriəs/ adj. 猛烈的;狂怒的,暴怒的;
  • opt/ɑːpt/ vi. 选择,挑选;(尤指)优先选择;
  • preference/ˈprefrəns/ n. 偏爱;爱好;喜爱;
  • trade-off/ˈtreɪd ɔːf/ n.(在需要而又相互对立的两者间的)权衡,协调;
  • generosity/ˌdʒenəˈrɑːsəti/ n. 慷慨,大方;
  • alas/əˈlæs/ adv.(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀,唉;
  • federalism/ˈfedərəlɪzəm/ n. 联邦制,联邦主义;
  • prescribe/prɪˈskraɪb/ vt. 规定,指定;
  • intervention/ˌɪntərˈvenʃ(ə)n/ n. 干涉;干预;
  • transgender/trænzˈdʒendərˌtrænsˈdʒendər/ n. 跨性别者;变性人;
  • enrage/ɪnˈreɪdʒ/ vt. 使非常愤怒;激怒;触怒;
  • partisan/ˈpɑːrtəzn/ n. 虔诚的信徒,热情的支持者;党徒,党羽;


文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)


原文发布时间:4 Sept. 2022


They who cannot do as they would, must do as they can.



