


1. oppose to, object to, protest against 均有“反对”的意思。


object to 多指因个人厌恶或反感而反对,但不一定明显地表露出来。

protest against 指公开反对,抗议,表示一种态度。

2. member, persons, personnel, faculty

member 表示“成员,会员”。


personnel 作为集合名词表示“全体人员或职员”。例如:sales/technical/security/military personnel 表示“推销/技术/保安/军人”。

faculty 指“全体教师”。

3. injurious, injured, injuring,injury

injurious 表示“造成伤害的,有害的”

injured 表示“(使人或感情)受到伤害的”,例如:the injured party “受害人”。

injuring v. injure的ing形式

injury n. (对躯体)的伤害,损伤;(对感情的)伤害,挫伤

4. yell, yank, yelp, yield

yell v. 叫喊,大喊,吼叫

yank v.猛拉,猛拽

yelp v.因疼痛等尖叫

yield v. 屈服,让步

5. adoptable, amendable, alterable, adaptable

adoptable “可采用的,可收养的”

amendable “可修正的”

alterable “可改变的”

adaptable “可适应的”,后面加上“to”,表示“同……相适应”。

6. thoughts,opinions,concerns, reasons

thoughts “想法,看法”,have second thoughts表示“改变想法,改变主意”。

opinions “意见,想法,看法”,have a good opinion of sb./sth. 表示“评价好”。

concerns “关切的事,忧虑”。 reasons “原因”。

7. controversially, arguably, debatably, finally,questionably,contentiously

controversially “颇有争议地”。

arguably “可论证地,可以说”,常用于形容词比较级或最高级之前,用于表达观点或看法。

debatably “有疑问地,有争议地”。 finally “最后,最终”。

questionably “可疑地,不真实地,有问题地”。contentiously “爱争论地,有异议地”。

8. explicitly, specially, speculatively, specifically

explicitly “明确地,清楚明白地”,强调“明确,不含糊”。

specially “格外地,特意地”。

speculatively “投机地,臆测地”。

specifically “特定地,专门地,强调”,强调“专门针对某一类人或某一类事物”。

9. imposition, coercion, enforcement, reinforcement

imposition 表示“(规章、惩罚、税种等的)实施”;

coercion 表示“强迫、胁迫”;

enforcement 表示“(强制)执行(规章或法律)”。

reinforcement 表示“巩固、加强、强化”。

10. justice, testimony, trial, verdict

justice “公平,公正;审判”,bring sb. to justice 意为“依法惩处某人,将某人绳之以法”;

testimony “(尤指法庭上证人作的)证词”;

trial “审理,审判”,可用于固定搭配bring sb. to trial, 表示“将某人提交法庭审理”;

verdict “(法庭作出的)裁决”。

11. cut, buoy, offer, offset

cut “削减,裁减”,cut the cost of sth. “降低……成本”。

buoy “维持(利润、价格等的)高水平”;

offer “提供,供应”;

offset “抵消,弥补”。

12. recommendation, recording,recollection, recognition

recommendation “推荐,介绍;建议”;

recording “音像录制品;(尤指音乐的)录制”;

recollection “记忆,回忆”,have no recollection of 表示“想不起来,记不起”。

recognition “承认,认可”。

13. consist, constitute, compose, construct

consist 不及物动词,需与介词of 搭配使用,意为“构成”;

constitute 除了表示“组成,构成”,还有“被视为,可算作”之意;

compose表示“构成,组成”时,往往用be composed of;

construct表示“构建,组成”时,主要用于指论点或体系等的构成和创建,如:construct a logical argument(确立合乎逻辑的论点)。

14. further, supplementary, extra

further “进一步的;更远的”;

supplementary “补充的”;

extra “额外的,分外的”,go the extra mile 意为“加倍努力(以完成某事)”。

15. file,fire,fine, fill

file “提起(诉讼),提出(申请)”,file a lawsuit against…意为“对…提出诉讼”;

fire “发射,开枪;解雇,开除”;fine “对…处以罚款”;fill “充满,布满”。

16. wreck, ruins, remains, debris

wreck 表示“失事船只或沉船(的残骸)”;

ruins “残垣断壁,废墟”,指建筑物遭毁坏后的残余部分;

remains “遗迹;残余部分;遗体”,指建筑遗址,残羹剩菜,人的遗体或动物的残骸;

debris “碎片;残骸”,指被毁事物的残骸,但多数用于被毁程度较严重的情况,通常情况被毁至只剩下碎片。

17. countless, countable, numerical, numeral

countless “无数的,数不尽的”,可修饰可数名词;countable “可数的”;numerical“数字的;数值的”;numeral “数字的”。

18. marine, maritime, oceangoing, oceanic

marine “海生的,海产的;船舶的,海军的”;

maritime表示connected with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity,即 “海事的,海运的,与船舶有关的”;

oceangoing用于描述船只,表示 “远洋的,驶往外洋的”,如:an oceangoing tanket “远洋油轮”;

oceanic “海洋的,大海的”,只与海洋本身固有属性相关,如:oceanic waters “海域”。

19. characters, characteristics, charisma, characterization

characters “角色”; characteristics “(某物或某人易于识别的)特征”;

charisma “魅力”,不可数名词; characterization “人物刻画,描绘,塑造”。

20. ensure,insure, assure, reassure

ensure “确保”,ensure sth. insure “给…保险;确保”;reassure “使…安心”后接人作宾语;

assure “使确信,使放心,向…保证”,assure sb. of sth. 或assure sb. that.

21. release, publication, appearance, presentation

release “公开,公布,发行”,release movie/book “发行电影/书”;

publication “出版”是指“书和杂志的出版”; appearance “出现;(公众场合)出场;外表”;

presentation “授予,颁发;报告演说;表演;出示(证据)”。

22. reveal, confirm, indicative, evident

reveal “显示;揭示;透露”,reveal sth. to sb.; comfirm “确定;证实,证明”;

indicative “表明,显示,暗示”,be indicative of 意为“表明”;

evident “明显的,显而易见的”。

23. vision, eye, view, sight

vision “视力,视野;视觉”,vision总是与物主代词连用,vision 不与in, into, out of 连用。

eye “眼光,视角”,in one's mind's eye 意为“在某人的脑海/回忆中”;

view “视野,见解”, have etc. sth. in view 意为“心中有…目的/打算”;

sight “视力”,out of sight, out of view 意为“眼不见,心不想”。

24. critically, enormously, greatly, hard

critically “严重的,可能有危险的”,critically injured “受伤严重的”;

enormously “非常”,常用于修饰popular/successful/destructive等;

greatly “很,非常”,一般放在分词或动词前;

hard 作副词,意为“费力地,费劲地,用力地”。

25. bounded, boundary, bound

bounded “有界限的”,常用于be bounded by “以…为界”;

boundary “边界,界限”;bound “准备前往”,be bound to/for 表示“意欲前往…”。

26. unchangeably, invariably, unalterably, immovably

unchangeably “无法改变地”,强调一点都没有改变;

invariably “不变地,恒定地”,强调某事一直发生或者情况一直如此;

unalterably “不可能改变地”; immovably “坚定不移地,固定不动地”。

27. artificial, fake, false, wrong

artificial “人造的(物体、材料、工艺等)”,修饰colours(色素), flavours(香精), preservatives(防腐剂);

fake “假的,伪造的”,具有冒充,欺骗之意,如:fake jewel(假珠宝);

false “虚假的,错误的;不诚实的,欺诈的”,如 false account(假账);

wrong “错误的;不道德的;不合适的”,如 wrong conduct(不道德的行为)。

28. civic, civil, civilized, civilian

civic “城镇的,市政的;市民的”;civil “平民的,公民的”;

civilized “文明的,开化的”;civilian “平民,百姓”。

29. relieve, calm, comfort, still

relieve “减轻,缓解”,与ease 同意;calm “使平静,使镇定”;

comfort “安慰”;still “使静止,使平静”。

30. offset, make up for, balance, compensate for

offset “抵消,弥补”,offset sth.(against sth.);make up for “弥补,补偿”;balance “抵消”;compensate for “弥补,补偿”。

31. cut,lump,depression, swelling

cut “伤口,切口”;lump “肿块”;depression “沮丧,抑郁”;swelling “(身体上)肿胀的部位”。

32. consequence, outcome, result, aftermath

consequence “结果,后果”,~for sb./sth.,常含有负面结果之意;outcome “结果,效果”;result “后果,结果”,~of;


33. dispel,expel, repel, quell

dispel “驱散”,强调消除或驱散某种信念、看法或感觉;

expel “驱逐,开除”,~sb.;repel “击退;排斥”,~ sb./sth.;

quell “平息,镇压;减轻,消除(疑虑)”。

34. deprive, lack, yearn, attain

deprive “剥夺”,deprive sb. of sth.;lack “缺乏,没有,不足”;

yearn “渴望”,~for;attain “获得,得到”。

35. run into sb. “意外碰见某人”;run on “持续,不停地讲”;

run across “偶然遇见某人”;run against “与……竞选(某个位置)”,~sb.;

strike up “与某人建立(友谊等)”;strike on “偶然发现,突然想起”;

36. contemporary, temporary,makeshift, spontaneous

contemporary “当代的,现代的”;temporary “临时的,暂时的”;

makeshift “权宜的,临时替代的”,强调“没有更好选择情况下临时代用的”;

spontaneous “自发的”。

37. prior to, due to, thanks to, relate to

prior to “在……之前”;

due to和thanks to 均是“由于……”,后接原因;

relate to “与……有关”。

38. vigorous, valiant,variable, vigilant

vigorous “剧烈的,强度大的”;valiant “勇敢的”;

variable “可变的”;vigilant “警惕的”。


