
【福利】 2019年1-4月口语话题P1P2P3题卡完整版PDF! 关注本头条号,私信回复【口语新题】,即可获取下载链接!



Contradicting Answers

Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?

Before: As I see it, it depends on the situation. However, modern lifestyles do not give people enough time for leisure. Students have to spend lots of time learning to get good academic performance and workers have to work hard to earn more and more money. And even for the rich people, they also need to work as leaders in their companies.

After: Modern lifestyles sadly do not give people enough time for pleasure. Students spend endless time trying to get a good academic performance, and working-class are constantly slaving away (一直在忙碌)doing overtime.

点评:可能大家乍一看不知道问题出在哪儿,原答案中是it depends双边回答,但是拓展部分只讲述了一边的内容,这是个自相矛盾的答案。考生要注意回答问题时保持前后一致。

How do you want me to grade your answers?

What public holidays do you have in your country?

Before: There are many festivals in China, you know, such as, Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival and so on. And we usually have public holidays on these days. In addition, on some important days like National Day, we have public vacation as well.

After: There are many festivals and holidays in China, such as Chinese New Year, Moon cake Festival and so on. And typically, we'll get some days-off during this time, so it's also kind of like a vacation-day for us.



Be simple, direct and to the point! Oral English should flow...

Before: At the airport and train station we are always given some advertisements brochures by travel agencies.

After: We are always given some advertisement brochures by travel agencies at the airports and train stations.


Supporting examples should be easy to understand!

Before: Well, I think advertisement are extremely annoying. Because in order to attract more customers, many sellers use microphones and players, whose voice is too noisy and they often influence neighbor's rest.

After: Well, I think advertisements are extremely annoying. Because in order to attract more customers, many businesses may use some get in your face (影响) methods to attract your attention, like running commercials in between (在...期间) your favourite TV show.


Remember if you want to up your grammar, have a variation in your tenses!!!

Before: When I do it, I could leave my problems aside and clear my thoughts.

After: When I'm doing it, I could leave my problems aside and clear my thoughts.



Anyway, 我们来欣赏几个句子吧~

Messy and scribble handwriting may take others think you're a sloppy person.

A city is more centralized and there are all kinds of facilities and leisure places.

One of the most representative natural attractions is West Lake, visitors to West Lake will be in awed by its beauty, and do not want to leave.

Handwriting has its unique power and artistry. And it's a way to convey our feelings with one another. On the contrary, computer is just a stiff machine.

I think men actually don't care too much about colors, so they often let the women in their lives decide for them in this aspect.





