

小猪佩奇英文版音频原文(第二季,第16集,Peppa Pig S02E16 Pretend Friend 假装朋友)



Pretend Friend

Suzy Sheep has come to

play with Peppa.

Hello Peppa!

Hello Suzy!

This is my new friend, Leo Lion.

Where is he?

There is no one there.

Suzy has made up a pretend friend.

Can't you see him, Peppa?


Let's play catch.

OK! To you, Leo.

Peppa throws the ball to

Suzy's pretend friend.

Leo cannot catch the ball.

He can, he just doesn't

like playing catch.

What does Leo like directly.

He likes to roar.

Is he going to roaror not?

Yes, Roar...

Wasn't that you?

No, that was Leo.

Ah... Hello Leo!

Peppa pretend that

she can see Leo Lion.

Leo, Will you be my friend too?

What did he say?

He is nodding his head.

That means yes!

Peppa, Suzy, Would you like to come

inside to have some fruit cake?

Mummy Pig has two slices of fruit cake

to Suzy and Peppa.

Mummy, Suzy's got a pretend friend,

he is called Leo Lion.

I see,

and does he like fruit cake too?

Roar... Leo love fruit cake.

Don't be silly, Peppa.

That wasn't Leo, That was you!

Leo prefers chocolate cake.

I haven't got chocolate cake.

Will Leo have some fruit cake?


He will try a little slice.

Mummy Pig gives some cake

to Suzy's pretend friend.

George is playing with Mr. Dinosaur.


George, you are sitting on Leo.

George does not know that

Suzy has a pretend friend.


Leo Lion said he cannot finish his cake,

so George can have it.

Can we play upstairs now?

Yes. Let's play dressing up.

I was asking Leo.


Leo says he likes playing dressing up.

Good. Come on Leo.

Peppa and Suzy are playing dressing up.

Peppa is going to be a fairy.

I grant you one wish.

My wish is to be Queen Suzy.

And Leo Lion will be the jester.

He doesn't want to be the jester.

He wants to be the King.

Here is the Daddy Pig.

Mummy Pig tells me

you have a very special visiter.

It's only Suzy, Daddy.

Are you sure there

isn't someone else, Peppa?

There is someone else.

King Leo Lion. Roar...

It's an honor to meet you,

King Leo.

Daddy Pig pretends

he can see King Leo.

May I say what a fine golden mine you have!

Yes, it's very fine,

and he is wearing his best red trousers.

Oh, yes!

And his blue jumper.

Silly Peppa, Leo isn't wearing a blue jumper,

he is wearing his best green shirt!

Well, if it's sort of a bluei - green.

Peppa, Suzy, yourfriends are here.

Peppa's friends are here.

They all wearing their boots.

Let's jumping muddy puddles.


Are you sure Leo should jumping puddles

without his boots?

Oh! I forgot!

Leo is wearing his boots as well.

Look at Leo! He's jumping

up and down too! Roar...

Everyone loves jumping up and down

muddy puddles, even pretend friends. Roar...




