


导演: 约翰·卡朋特评分:8.1/10

评论翻译1、Today it's still one of the best horror films9星 短评:直到今天仍然是最出色的恐怖片之一Antarctica, winter 1982. The team on an American research base get surprised by a couple of mad Norwegians who is chasing a dog with a helicopter, trying to kill it. All the Norwegians are killed and the Americans are left with nothing, but a dog, a couple of bodies and questions. That's the beginning of the greatest horror/thriller film I've ever seen.那是1982年冬天的南极洲。美国研究基地里的一群人,被两个开着直升飞机追杀一条狗的挪威人给惊到了。所有的挪威人都被杀掉了,除了那条狗、几具尸体和一堆谜题,什么也没有留给这些美国人。这就是我迄今看过的最伟大的恐怖/惊悚片的开头。From the very beginning all to the end you feel the tense, paranoid mood. Helpless and alone out in no-mans land. Ennio Morricone was nominated for a Razzie Award for his score. Why I don't know 'cause as far as I can see his score is simple, creepy and very good. It really gets you in the right mood.从开头一路到结尾,你都会陷在这种紧张和疑神疑鬼的心情里。是孤悬于无人区的那种无助和孤独。埃尼奥·莫里康内凭借本片被提名了金酸莓最差配乐奖。我都不知道有这事儿因为在我看来,他的配乐简洁、骇人且非常传神。真的能把你拉进恰如其分的心境里。(译注:埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone,1928年11月10日-2020年7月6日),出生于罗马,意大利电影配乐大师,曾为《西西里的美丽传说》、《美国往事》、《海上钢琴师》等电影制作配乐)The acting is great! The best performance is probably given by the dog who's just amazing. As for Russell and the others on two legs I can say nothing less.演员的演绎特别棒!最为上佳的表演可能是那条狗奉献的,简直妙级了。至于拉塞尔和其他两只脚的,也完全不逊于前者。You may think 1982 and special effects are not the most impressive? Well, think again! You haven't seen it all until you've seen this. Bodyparts falling off and creatures changing forms... Rob Bottin has done a great job witch today stands as a milestone is special effects makeup.你可能会觉得1982年的特效不会很震撼?好吧,你得再想想了!在你看完这部片子后才会明白实情。身体部件掉落,以及各种生物改变形态什么的…罗伯·博坦的手艺非常出色,从今天看,堪称特效化妆的里程碑。The movie didn't get a big response when it first hit the big s creen due to other alien films at the time and so it's not very well known. In fact you can almost consider it an unknown movie. Nobody I've asked have heard of it. However the movie has managed to survive for over twenty years as a cult film on video and DVD. Twenty years is a long time and except for the haircut the movie is still pretty much up to date. This movie is to be considered a classic.由于当时存在其他的外星人电影,该片上映时并没有引起很大反响,所以它并不太出名。事实上,你差不多可以把它看成一部不为人所知的电影。我问过的人里,听说过它的一个也没有。然而,该片作为一部邪典电影,以录像带和DVD的形式坚挺了二十多年。二十年是一段很长的时间,除去演员们的发型,该片仍不算过时。该片会被奉为一部经典之作。The movie is without doubt one of my, if not my favorite. I've seen it several times, but it's just as good as the first time I saw it. As a Norwegian the only thing I don't like about this movie is that MacReady keeps calling the Norwegians swedes!毫无疑问,该片是我的最爱之一(如果不是最爱的话)。已经看过好几遍了,但总是和我第一次看的时候一样出彩。作为一个挪威人,我对这部片子的唯一不满就是,麦奎迪(片中男主角的名字)一直把那些挪威人说成瑞典人!2、Finally getting recognition.10星 短评:终于得到认可了I am ashamed to say it, but I have to admit, the first time I saw this film was only about a year ago. After seeing it, I immediately rushed out and bought the DVD collectors' edition and have watched it many times since.说起来羞愧,但我不得不承认,我第一次观看本片也就是一年前的事。看完后,我立刻跑出去买来了典藏版的DVD,自那以后就看了很多遍。The film is terrific on many levels. It works as your straight monster or action type film, as a horror/sci-fi and also as a very intriguing look into the human psyche. The incredible sense of paranoia, mistrust and fear, lent not only by Carpenter's direction (which is stunning) but also by the incredible acting of the cast in general. Kurt Russell (obviously) is spectacularly understated in the lead role of MacReady, and, as a direct result he "feels" like a real person, rather than a hollywood "all american hero". The other cast members all carry off their roles with style, and the net result is an intensely believable atmosphere, and a truly fantastic film.该片在很多层面都很了不起。作为怪兽/动作类电影是成立的,作为一部恐怖/科幻片也很过硬,而作为对人类心灵的一次引人入胜的探讨也是很成功的。那种不可思议的疑神疑鬼、不信任和恐惧感,不仅是卡朋特的导演(可是极好的)给到我们的,也是所有演员阵容出神入化的演绎带来的。出演主角麦奎迪的库尔特·拉塞尔(显然)被严重低估了,那么直接的后果就是:他给人的“观感”就像一个真实的人,而不是一个好莱坞式的“全美英雄”。其他演员全都以独特的风格成功拿下了自己的角色,那么最终拿出的成果就是一种极为可信的气氛,以及一部真正出色的电影。




