
三不朽:立德、立功、立言The Three Deeds to Immortality: To Become a Paragon of Virtue, Achievement or Words,接下来我们就来聊聊关于古之学者必有师的句式?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!




The Three Deeds to Immortality: To Become a Paragon of Virtue, Achievement or Words


Learning from Other People and from Masters in the Past


When speaking of the goals of life, Confucians take becoming a paragon of virtue, achievement or words as the three causes to immortality. This means, of course, that an intellectual has made outstanding achievements in the society so that he or she can be an example for the public in virtue, achievement, or speech or opinion. To achieve these three goals, a person needs to start with learning. One way to do this is to find a good master who can explain to this person with words and demonstrate with action. The other way is to read books and find one's own way from the experiences recorded by the masters in the past.


These two ways are equally important. A true master is very hard to find. But a person can learn various merits from the people around him or her or those who he or she meets and learn lessons from their mistakes. This is what Confucius meant when he said, "Whatever you are with two other people, there is always one person good enough to be your master."


Books are the summaries of the experience of the masters in the past. Learning through reading does not have the direct effect as a master teaches a person through explanation and demonstration. However, when a person gets a thorough and deep enlightenment on the state of mind and conception of a master in the past when he or she wrote his or her work, he would achieve a natural understanding on the subtle meaning of this master's thought and finally he or she will attain the same conception as the master's.

#翻译 #教育 #英语 #读书 #写作 #师人 #师古


