

spick and span: everything should be shining bright and look like new, even if it isn't. 崭新的,整洁干净的,照管得很好的

The house looks really wonderful, everything is so spick and span.

I plan to spend the day cleaning so that this place is spick and span when my mother-in-law arrives.

Ann was dusting the furniture, making sure her home was spick and span.


neat and tidy: organised and clean 整洁干净

Your grandmother is coming. I want you to clean your room, I want it to be neat and tidy.

Every room in this house needs to be neat and tidy before my mother-in-law gets here.

Even though they're a poor family, their home is always neat and tidy.


to clean from top to bottom: to do a total overall cleaning of your house or apartment 全面大清扫

The weather forecast for this weekend is really bad, so we're going to clean this house from top to bottom.

When you clean a room from top to bottom, you work with gravity instead of against it.


spit and polish: spit and polish was an old way of cleaning things without using modern chemical sprays.(陆、海军等)过分注意整洁和闪亮的仪容;对服装过分的擦洗

The old car was in perfect condition but was desperately in need of spit and polish.

I like spit and polish. It comes from being in the military.

Our manager demands spit and polish whenever we clean up the kitchen at the end of the night.


