
话题语言应用 — 学校概况和课堂感受,我来为大家科普一下关于外研社高中英语必修一单词语法?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



话题语言应用 — 学校概况和课堂感受




A: Did you go to the bank to withdraw money? 你去银行取钱了吗?

B: Today is so hot, besides I had so much housework to do. My friend came for a visit and stayed for two hours. I didn’t forget, but I had no time at all. 今天很热,而且我有很多家务要做。我的朋友来玩,还呆了两个小时。我是没忘记,但我根本就没有时间。

A: So you didn’t. Is that right? 那么你没有去。是不是?

B: Yes. I’m sorry. 是啊。我很抱歉。

A: Why didn’t you just answer my question directly? Why would Chinese answer questions this way? I simply asked if you did it or not. It’s a very simple question. And Chinese often give the reason before they would give a direct answer. 你为什么不就直接回答我的问题?为什么中国人会这么回答呢?我只是简单地问你有没有去。这个问题很简单。而中国人常常先说明理由再给答案。

B: Yes, I’m sorry. I know it bothers you very much. But I don’t know why Chinese sometimes would do this. 是,对不起。我知道你很烦这一点。但是我不知道为什么中国人有时候会这么做。

A: You know, today I asked a student if he brought his dictionary with him. It’s a rule I made for the class that everyone brings a bilingual dictionary with them because sometimes they don’t understand me. The funniest thing is that this student gave me a lot of reasons and no direct answer. 你知道吗,今天我问一个学生他有没有带字典来。因为有时候班上的人听不懂我说的,所以我跟他们定了一个规定,那就是每个人带一本英汉字典。最可笑的事是这个学生给了我很多理由,没有一个直接的答案。

B: But you know if he brought it or not, right? 但是你知道他有没有带,是不是?

A: Yeah, after all the explanations like, it’s too heavy, I was in a hurry…whatever. 是,在所有的解释之后,比如太重了,我出门时很急……等等。



education 教育 culture 文化 primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育 higher education 高等教育

school year 学年 term, trimester 学季 semester 学期

school day 教学日 school holidays 假期 curriculum 课程

subject 学科 discipline 纪律 timetable 课程表

class, lesson 课 homework 家庭作业 exercise 练习

dictation 听写 spelling mistake 拼写错误 (short) course 短训班

seminar 研讨班 playtime, break 课间,休息 course (of study) 学业

student body 学生(总称) classmate, schoolmate 同学 pupil 小学生

student 大学生 schoolboy 男生 schoolgirl 女生

auditor 旁听生 grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者 school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称) teachers 教师(总称)

teacher lecturer 大学老师 professor 教授 schooling 教授,授课

assistant 助教 headmaster 校长 (女性为:headmistress)

deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长 dean 教务长

laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员 private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师

matriculation 注册 to enroll 予以注册

to take lessons (学生)上课 to teach (老师)上课 to study 学习

to learn by heart 记住,掌握 to revise, to go over 复习 to test 考试

to take an examination参加考试 examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question paper 试卷 to pass an examination /exam 通过考试

pass, passing grade 升级 to fall an examination 未通过考试

failure 未考好 to repeat a year 留级 degree 学位 graduate 毕业生

to graduate 毕业 project, thesis 毕业论文 doctor 博士

General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书 (美high school diploma)



put one’s heart into... 专注于 study in groups 小组学习

succeed in doing sth. 成功做…… set/achieve a goal 设立/达到目标

be active in class 课堂上活跃 improve study methods 改进学习方法

be good at/be weak in 擅长/不擅长 have eight classes 上八节课

learn...by heart 熟记、背诵 major in history 主修历史

work out a problem 算出一个问题 work on a math problem 计算一道数学题


fulfill one’s dream 实现梦想 one of the top students 顶尖学生之一

rank the first 排名第一 have a good command of 熟练掌握

get a bachelor’s degree 取得学士学位 with good grades in 成绩好


keep/observe school rules 遵守校规 break school rules 违反校规

learn to be independent 学会独立 get on well with sb./sth.相处愉快/进展顺利

have exam anxiety 考试焦虑 handle pressure 处理压力

be neatly dressed 穿着整齐 form a good habit of 养成……的习惯

cheat in the exam 考试作弊 get/jump in line 插队

throw rubbish/ spit everywhere 到处扔垃圾


respect one’s teachers and parents 尊敬师长 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好

know sb. really well 很熟悉某人 be strict with sb. in sth. 在某事上严格要求某人

treat sb. equally 平等对待某人 trust each other彼此信任

devote all one’s time to work 工作兢兢业业 give advice on sth. 就某事提出建议

make one’s lesson lively and interesting 课上得生动有趣

teach sb. how to do sth. 教某人怎样做


High school and middle school in UK

High school:“In Britain, a high school is a school for children aged between eleven and eighteen. In the United states, a high school is a school for children usually aged between fourteen and eighteen.”

Middle school:“In Britain, a middle school is a state school that children go to between the ages of 8 or 9 and 12 or 13. In the United States, a middle school is a school for children in the fifth to eighth grades, between the ages of 10 and 13 or 14.”

In Britain all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16. In the US children must go to school from the age of 6 to the ages between 14 and 16, depending on the state they live in.


In England and Wales the subjects taught in schools are laid down by the NATIONAL CURRICULUM, which was introduced in 1988 and sets out in detail the subjects that children should study and the levels of achievement they should reach by the ages of 7, 11, 14 and 16, when they are tested.

The National Curriculum does not apply in Scotland, where each school decides what subjects it will teach.

In the US the subjects taught are decided by national and local governments. Whereas British schools usually have prayers and religious instructions, American schools are not allowed to include prayers or to teach particular religious beliefs.


At 16, students in England and Wales take GCSE examinations. These examinations are taken by students of all levels of ability in any of a range of subjects, and may involve a final examination, an ASSESSMENT(评估) of work done during the two-year course, or both of these things. At 18 some students take A-LEVEL examinations, usually in not more than 3 subjects. It is necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university of POLY-TECHNIC(综合技术).

In Scotland students take the SCE examinations. A year later, they can take examinations called HIGHERS, after which they can either go straight to a university or spend a further year at school and take the Certificate of Sixth Year Studies. In Scotland the university system is different from that in England and Wales. Courses usually last four years rather than three, and students study a large number of subjects as part of their degree.

Middle School Students in America

  Secondary education in America, which is known as“high school”in general, is in one period or divided into two periods. The first two or three years are called“junior high school”and the senior classes are called“senior high school”. These two periods are similar to the names used in our country.

  American students enjoy free education until they are eighteen years old. This is different from what students do in our country, because, you know, children in China receive free education of nine years, no matter how old they are when they graduate from senior high school. American children have little difficulty in going to senior high school because of the free education system. But things are different if they want to go to special schools or classes which are set up for children showing academic ability.

  High school students in America take part in many activities outside the classroom, such as joining a musical group or a sports team. Among those activities, perhaps, the football team is the most important. But just as middle school students do in our country, American students in high schools have to work hard if they want to go on to a university of high reputation after they finish high school because these universities take in senior high school students with high marks.

  American high school students do not specialize in any particular direction, and they take classes in all kinds of subjects all through the high school period. Sometimes some of them complain that the progress is too slow and they do not learn much. This is because students of all levels of academic ability study in the same school and in the same class. Those who come out with low marks at the end of a school year to be supposed to repeat a grade are often allowed to go on to the next grade.

  Many children who do not want to go to school are sent to high schools in central city areas. So fighting or hurting or other kinds of bad behaviors is often seen in these schools. As a result, children who want to go to universities are often sent to suburban high schools, where most students aim at going to universities and the atmosphere is quite different. Like what happens in China, some children from rich families study in private schools.

Notes :

academic 学术(方面)的 reputation 名声、名气 complain 抱怨

suburban 郊区的 aim at 瞄准、以……为目的 private schools 私立学校


• 写作要求


• 步骤分析


1. 体裁格式:书信格式

How to write an email? 电子邮件格式

From: sender’ email address

To: receiver’ email address

Topic: key words of the letter

Body: just as you write a letter

Paragraph patterns:

Thanks for your email… 对对方来信的回应

I’m writing to tell … 谈自己的情况

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 结束语









二、选择恰当词语和句型 。



• 写作范文

Dear Li Hua,

How’s it going? It’s three months since I entered my high school. Now, I’d like to give you a description of my new school.

My new school is a well-known school with a long history. There are 50 classes, more than 300 teachers and over 3, 500 students in my school.

At the start of this school year, I was deeply impressed with its high technology. Every classroom is equipped with a computer, through which we can look up the information we need on different websites. At first I didn’t know how to use the computer, and I felt very embarrassed.

But my new classmates were so enthusiastic that they taught me how to use it. My fear of being lonely disappeared quickly.

I’m now in Class Eight, Grade One. All my teachers have good attitudes to their work, especially our English teacher, Miss Li. She uses more interesting methods to teach us English than my previous teachers.

We never feel bored in her class. Miss Li gives us lots of instructions on how to improve our reading comprehension. Her fluency in English amazes me. When we make mistakes, she makes corrections and gives us encouragement. All of us like her.

We usually get up at 6: 30 and our class starts at 8: 00. We often take part in after­school activities, such as playing football or basketball.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Wang Lin


