

HEAR phrasal verbs


hear about听说得知

英释:If you hear about something, you are told some news, you are learning information.

Did you hear about Joan and Steven? They broke up.

你听说Joan和Steven了吗? 他们分手了!


hear from收到……的信;从……处听说

I heard from Shannon that Joan and Steven broke up.


英释:Or, if you're waiting for someone, or for something from someone, you might say, did you hear from Jon?

If you're waiting to get a report from him. Did you hear from Jon? Or if you're waiting to get anything from him.

A business might say, we'd love to hear from you.

That means they want your feedback (反馈意见)about your experience.


heard of听说;听说过

Do you know the book Gone with the Wind? No, but I've heard of it.

英释:If you've heard of something, you're familiar with it in that you know it exists, but you don't have experience.

You've heard of the book, but you haven't read it. You've heard of the movie, but you haven't seen it.

You've heard of an event in history, but you haven't studied it.

--Do you know about the painter Dali?

--No, I've never heard of him.

That means you didn't even know that he existed.


unheard of 前所未闻的;空前的

英释:If something is unheard of, it's a new idea, it's never been done before.

--The woman who won the race set a world record.

--That kind of time is unheard of!


Not hear of(委婉地)拒绝考虑

英释:That's a polite way of saying, no, I won't allow that.

Someone might say, “I'll just walk to your house from the train station.”

You can say, “No. I won’t hear of it. I’ll pick you up in my car.”


Hear sb out听某人把话说完

英释:When would you say this?

You would say this when you know someone doesn't believe you or want to hear what you're saying, and you just want them to listen to you.

For example, if you hurt someone's feelings and they didn't want to talk to you, but you wanted to apologize. You could say, just hear me out.



