
中国古代青铜器源远流长,绚丽璀璨,有着永恒的历史价值与艺术价值。传世和近几年发现的大量青铜器表明,青铜器自身有着一个完整的发展演变系统。自夏、商、周至秦、汉整个青铜器发展史,大约可以分为十三期:即夏为二里头文化期,商、西周、春秋各为早、中、晚三期,战国分作早期和中、晚二期。秦、汉为青铜器发展 史的余辉。而青铜器爵在各期的特征,有不同的发展,其间最辉煌与最早当为青铜器“爵”。而透过爵的发展可以看到中国青铜器各个时代的不同特点。

Ancient Chinese bronzes have a long history, brilliant, and eternal historical and artistic value. A large number of bronzes discovered in recent years and handed down show that bronzes have a complete development and evolution system. From Xia, Shang, Zhou to Qin and Han Dynasties, the development history of bronze ware can be divided into 13 periods: the Xia period is Erlitou culture period, the Shang, Western Zhou and spring and autumn periods are early, middle and late respectively, and the Warring States period is divided into early, middle and late periods. Qin and Han are the afterglow of the development history of bronzes. The characteristics of bronze Jue in different periods have different development, in which the most brilliant and the earliest should be bronze Jue. Through the development of Jue, we can see the different characteristics of Chinese bronzes in different times.



The Baron is an ancient bronze wine set, which is used by the aristocracy. It is a very precious cultural relic for the aristocracy to drink wine with this kind of wine set during alliance, meeting, graduation, triumph, celebration and banquet. Jue can be said to be the earliest wine vessel, which is equivalent to the modern wine separator or warm wine pot in function. Popular in summer, business and week. The general shape of the Marquis is that there is a flow in front of it, i.e. a trough for pouring wine, a sharp tail behind it, a cup in the middle, a cup on one side, three legs under it, and a column between the flow and the mouth of the cup. This is the common feature of the marquis in each period.

Jue is also known as the Jue Cup. Ancient drinking utensils are also a major category of Chinese bronze wares. Historical records, the status of the noble people with the grand Lord, in the ancient emperor to seal the princes, gave the recipient a reward. Later, "Jue" became the abbreviation of "the title", and "the addition of officials to the king" also came from this.


Jue is also known as the Jue Cup. Ancient drinking utensils are also a major category of Chinese bronze wares. Historical records, the status of the noble people with the grand Lord, in the ancient emperor to seal the princes, gave the recipient a reward. Later, "Jue" became the abbreviation of "the title", and "the addition of officials to the king" also came from this.


As a drinking device, Jue had already appeared as early as about 2400 BC. Tao Jue's popular Yuxia, Shang, and Tong Jue were popular in Shang and Western Zhou dynasties. The early bronze princes had a beautiful atmosphere, elegant elegance, and copper green, and they showed more historical charm. They were the best in bronze. After the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were rare traces of the Grand Cup. In the Qin and Han dynasties, people almost did not know what the Grand Prix was. Since the Song Dynasty, the study of gold and stone with antiquities has flourished, and people have only begun to understand the original appearance of the Shang and Zhou Jue Cups. The antique style that followed them has become a masterpiece. At present, the antique Cuckoo Cups are silver, copper, Jade, and porcelain. Jue and so on.


Wine culture is the Bronze Age in the earliest culture of the Chinese nation. It can be seen that the Chinese people have a long-standing cultural tradition to hold the cup to wine. And Jue is one of the witness of the greatest wine culture tradition



This Jue is typical of the style of the Western Zhou Dynasty, with thin walls, long flow, short tail, high tail and low tail. Girded waist, bulging abdomen, the transverse section of the waist and abdomen is oval, flat bottom, three legs close to the shape of a three edged knife, the abdomen is decorated with inscriptions and animal face patterns, the modeling is dignified and simple, simple and beautiful, the pattern is gorgeous, the shape is exquisite and exquisite, the description is fine, rare and rare, the rust is mottled for a long time, the characteristics of green rust are typical, and the appearance is strange and ancient. Jue is a typical utensil in Chinese bronze culture, and also one of the earliest known bronze containers. It was popular in the Shang Dynasty, and was used less and less after the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is really a good collection of ancient bronze wine vessels!


