成语故事思维导图凿壁借光 英国河北微电台


邯郸成语talk show

成语故事思维导图凿壁借光 英国河北微电台(1)

成语故事思维导图凿壁借光 英国河北微电台(2)

成语故事思维导图凿壁借光 英国河北微电台(3)

Richard Jones is a tennis writer and historian who has written several books including "World Champions - Great Britain's Davis Cup Triumph" (2015) and "The People's Wimbledon" which is due for publication in May 2021. He is the founder of Tennis Gallery Wimbledon, the world's only dedicated tennis art gallery and bookshop.



Like Splitting Bamboo

欢迎收听英国河北微电台邯郸成语talk show,今天我们与大家分享的成语故事是——“势如破竹”。




成语故事思维导图凿壁借光 英国河北微电台(4)

Hello everyone, this is UK Hebei we radio , Han Dan idiom talk show .I am Richard Jones.the name of the story I will tell you today is: Like Splitting Bamboo.

In the last years of the three kingdoms period, Si Mayan conquered the kingdom of Shu and seized the state power of the kingdom of Wei, Thus becoming emperor Wu di of the Jin dynasty. He then planned to send his troops to attack the kingdom of Wu so as to unify china. He called his civil and military officials to discuss the plan to destroy the kingdom of Wu. Most of the them thought that it would be difficult to try to destroy the kingdom of Wu with one action because the kingdom of Wu was still powerful. So it would be better to wait until fuller preparations were made. However, general Duyu did not agree with them, so he wrote a memorandum to the throne. According to Duyu, it would be better to destroy the kingdom of Wu as soon as possible, because it was still weak at that time. It would be more difficult to defeat the kingdom of Wu later if it became stronger. After reading it, emperor Wu decided to send troops to attack the kingdom of Wu as early as possible, so as to avoid future trouble. Emperor Wu made up his mind and appointed Duyu the grand general for conquering the south. In 279, Si Mayan, emperor Wu of the Jin dynasty, mustered more than two hundred thousand troops who were divided into six army divisions to proceed by both land and water to attack the kingdom of Wu. Battle drums thundering and the colors fluttering, the soldiers were full of power and grandeur. The next day, Jiangling city was captured and a general of the kingdom of Wu was killed and the Jin army pushed on in the flush of victory.

Hearing this, the troops of the kingdom of Wu south of the Yuanjiang river and the Xiangjiang river were overwhelmed with fear and they opened the gates of cities and surrendered one after another. Si Mayan ordered Duyu to advance to Jianye, capital city of the kingdom of Wu, by water. Someone feared that the Yangtze river might have a sharp rise and thought it more advantageous to withdraw the troops for the time being and wait until winter came. Duyu resolutely opposed the idea, saying, "now our army's morale is high, and our army is winning one victory after another, just like a sharp knife splitting bamboo. It won't be too strenuous to conquer the kingdom of Wu with one action."

Under Duyu 's command, the Jin army charged at the capital city Jianye, occupied it and thus destroyed the kingdom of Wu. In this way, emperor Wu of the Jin dynasty unified the whole country. This story appears in 'the life of Duyu' in the history of the Jin dynasty. Later the set phrase "Like Splitting Bamboo" is used to refer to irresistible force or victorious advance.


