

After 15 years of working in high-end fashion brands, Caroline Morrison left an international sales management role to introduce a more eco-conscious option to consumers. In December 2020, the French-American entrepreneur opened Landline, a general store in Paris featuring built-to-last housewares, toys, clothing, and cleaning supplies, all ethically produced and largely made of natural materials. She is succeeding despite the contrarian bent of her business model: selling goods that don't need replacing. The idea is encouraging consumers go back to how they used to consume, when things had value and meaning, before disposable living. Items sold in the shop can be repaired, reused, or passed down from one generation to the next. Morrison is working with her suppliers to improve their sustainability and encourages her customers to stretch and change their consumption habits for everything in their lives.

在高端时尚品牌工作了 15 年后,Caroline Morrison 辞去了国际销售管理的职务,为消费者介绍了更具生态意识的选择。 2020 年 12 月,这位法裔美国企业家在巴黎开设了 Landline,这是一家综合商店,提供经久耐用的家居用品、玩具、服装和清洁用品,所有产品均以合乎道德的方式生产,主要由天然材料制成。 尽管她的商业模式有逆向倾向,但她还是成功了:销售不需要更换的商品。 这个想法是鼓励消费者回到他们过去的消费方式,当时事物具有价值和意义,而不是一次性生活。 商店中出售的物品可以修理、重复使用或代代相传。 莫里森正在与她的供应商合作,以提高他们的可持续性,并鼓励她的客户扩展和改变他们生活中一切的消费习惯。


卡罗琳莫里森和她的综合商店:Landline, 巴黎


