
大部分来自影视剧台词,脱口秀,小说,pop music的歌词这些句子都是最常见,最实用的,我来为大家科普一下关于英语学习常用口语?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



大部分来自影视剧台词,脱口秀,小说,pop music的歌词。这些句子都是最常见,最实用的。

Are you serious?你是认真的吗?

Are you joking?=Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧?

Are you nuts?=Are you in sane?你脑子进水了吗?你疯了吗?

He is just a little shy.他只是有点害羞。

nice weather,isn't it?天气不错,不是吗?

He does like music.他是真的喜欢音乐。It is I whom you seek.你要找的就是我。

What a mess!真乱啊!

Time flies!时间过的真快!

It's eight o'clock sharp.现在八点整。

I will be back soon.我很快就回来。

They're two years apart.他们俩差两岁。If you say something ,mean it.说什么就是什么,不要言不由衷。

You must be crazy.你一定是疯了。

You son of a bitch.你这个狗娘养的。

You busterd.你这个王八蛋。

Be gone.Get out of here.Go away.走开,滚。

Let's go .Let's hit the road.我们走吧.

Freeze!Drop your weapon.不许动,放下武器。

I give you money and you spare my life.我给你钱,请你饶命。

You'd better hurry.你最好快点。

It cost me an arm and a leg to buy this car.买这辆车花了我不少钱。

please take your time.不着急,慢慢来。

Follow your nose.You can't miss it.直走,你一定找的到。

He is as poor as a church mouse.He is pennyless.他一贫如洗。他身无分文。

You're barking up the wrong tree.你找错对象了。

You' re asking for trouble.你在自找麻烦。

No one is perfect.人无完人,金无足赤。

He is on his way to marry old london.他在去伦敦的路上。

What the hell are you doing here?你到底在这儿干嘛呢?

Calm down.Don't lose your temper.冷静,别发火。

I 've no idea what you are talking about.我不知道你在说些什么。

It is likely to rain.可能要下雨了。

Harry potter stinks.哈里 很臭。

God bless you.上帝保佑你。

I don't care who you are ,where you are from,what you did ,as long as you love me.---back street boys.只要你爱我,我不在乎你是谁,你来自哪里,你做过什么。后街男孩

All men are created equal.人人生而平等。

I need air ,so do you,so does everybody else.我需要空气正如你和其它所有的人一样。

Happiness is a byproduct of great simple living.幸福是极简生活的副产品。You can fool all the people some time. You can fool some of the people all the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.你可以欺骗所以人一段时间,你可以欺骗一些人一世,但你不能欺骗所有的人一生一世。(美总统——林肯)

With great power comes with great responsibility.一个人的能力越大,他的责任也越大。

May I have a word with you?我能和你谈谈吗?

Are you available then?你那时有空吗?

All rights preserved.版权所有,违者必究。




