


1. 作为动词,表示帮助某人

1) He has helped to raise a lot of money. 他帮着筹到了很多钱。

2) You can of course help by giving them a donation directly. 你当然可以通过直接给他们一笔捐赠来帮助他们。

2. 作为不可数名词,表示帮助

例:Thanks very much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。

3. 作为动词,用于“something helps”, 表示有助于

1) The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimize, or emphasize what you want it to.


2) Building more bypasses will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities. 修建更多的支路将减少城镇中的污染和交通堵塞,从而改善环境。

3) If it would help, I'd be happy to take photographs. 如果用得着,我很乐意拍照。

4. 作为及物动词,用于“help someone go somewhere or move in some way”, 表示扶持

例:Martin helped Tanya over the rail. 马丁扶着塔尼娅翻过栏杆。

5. 作为单数名词,表示帮助解决困难的人 (或物) ['a' N, also no det]

例:Thank you. You've been a great help already. 谢谢你。你已经帮了很大的忙。

6. 作为不可数名词,表示救命

例:He was screaming for help. 他正尖声叫喊救命。

7. 作为不可数名词,用于计算机表示帮助 [计算机]

例:If you get stuck, click on Help. 如果你碰到困难,请点击“帮助”。

8. 作为及物动词,用于“help yourself to something”,表示自取或自便

例:There's bread on the table. Help yourself. 桌上有面包。你自己拿吧。

9. 作为及物动词,用于“someone helps themselves to something”, 表示偷 [非正式]

例:Two men forced the clerks to flee before helping themselves to the cash register. 两名男子强迫店员跑开,然后偷走了现金出纳机里的钱。

10. 用于短语 “can't help yourself”,表示不禁

例:I can't help feeling sorry for the poor man. 我不禁为这个可怜的男子感到难过。

11. 用于短语“can't help thinking something”, 表示 (用以使唐突语气变得婉转) 不免 [含糊]

例:I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes. 我不免觉得这也许正是她的又一个诡计。

12. 用于短语“ someone or something is of help”, 表示有帮助

例:Can I be of help to you? 我能帮你什么忙吗?


be helped up with [口语]为…所累

be of help to someone 对某人有用处(或有帮助)

cannot help (doing) 不得不,不禁,忍不住

cannot help but (do) [美国英语] =cannot help (doing)

Every little (bit) helps. [谚语]点滴些微均有用。

help oneself (to) 自用,自取(食物、饮料等) | 依靠自己 | 擅自取用;窃取,偷取

I can't help it. 我实在控制不住,这不能怪我。

It can't be helped. [口语]无可挽回;无法可想。

more than one can help 太多,过分 [常用于否定句]

so help me (God) 我敢断言,我敢对天发誓,千真万确[用于诅咒语] | 信不信由你

with the (或a) help of 在…帮助下



