

上一期我们列举了一些常见易用错的动词,本期我们继续为大家介绍常见易用错的动词,希望能够对大家的英语学习有所帮助。第四、decide, determine

decide 表“决定”可做及物动词和不及物动词。作及物动词时可接不定式或名词性从句做宾语,如:

  • decide to do something 决定要…..

  • decide that 从句/whether从句/疑问词形成的名词性从句决定….

(1) I’ve decided to take a trip to Tokyo this summer.

= I’ve decided that I will take a trip to Tokyo this summer. 我决定今年夏天到东京玩一趟。

(2) We haven’t decided when we will set out yet. 我们尚未决定何时出发。

(3) You need to decide whether we will cancel the trip. 你必须决定我们是否要取消这个行程。

  • Decide on sb./ sth. 选定某人某物

We have decided on John as representative of our company. 我们已经选定John作为公司代表。

  • Decide against sb./sth 不选定某人某物

We decided against John’s idea, thinking that it was not feasible. 我们决定不采纳John的建议,因为我们认为那并不可行。

  • Determine 表“判定”(=judge)或“决定”(= decide),可用名词或名词性从句作宾语。

The court will determine whether he is guilty. 法院会判定他是否有罪。

The market determines our prices. 市场决定我们产品价格。

  • Determine 可变为过去分词determined, 作形容词用,表示“已经下定决心的”,“心意已决的”,句型如下:

  • Be determined to do something 一心一意要…..; 决心要…..

I’m determined to go on with the project even if I may run into many setbacks. 即使我可能会遭遇很多挫折,我也要非执行这个计划不可。


afford 表示“有能力从事”,“有能力买”,使用本动词时需与助动词can 或cannot连用。Afford 之后可接名词或不定式短语作宾语,结构如下:

  • can/ cannot afford 名词有/无能力买/从事…..

  • can/cannot afford to do something 有/无能力干…..

I can afford that car = I can afford to buy that car. 我买得起那辆车。

Since he has lots of money, he can afford a new house. = Since he has lots of money, he can afford to buy a new house. 由于他钱多,因此可以买得起房子。

第六、wait, await

  • wait 表示“等候”,为不及物动词,须与介词for连用,可接宾语,即:

  • wait for sb/sth 等候某人/某物

We are still waiting for the weather to improve. 我们仍在等待天气好转。

  • Wait 亦可作及物动词,用于wait one’s turn 等候某人的机会

I’m waiting for my turn to take revenge. 我正在等待复仇机会。

  • Await 表示“等候”,未及物动词,后接表“事物”的名词作宾语。

  • Await sth. 等候某事物 = wait for sth

We’re still awaiting your reply = we’re still waiting for your reply. 我们仍在等候你的回答。


