
文 | 季益广



1. Have you ___ any money?你身上有没有钱?

2. Do you need any ___ information?你需要更详细的信息吗?

3. Are any of the paintings for ___?这些画有没有要卖的?

4. They didn’t ___ any of us.他们没有邀请我们中的任何一个。

5. Are there ___ other questions?还有没有其他问题?

6. They haven’t ___ any interest at all in my research.他们对我的研究没有表示任何兴趣。

7. The universities have shown few if any signs of a ___ to change.这些大学非常不情愿改革。

8. Any child who ___ the rules will be punished.凡违反规定的孩子都要受罚。

9. Always check the details carefully before you ___ any written agreement.签署任何书面协议之前都要仔细核对细节。

10. I can see you any time ___ Monday.星期一我随时都能见你。

11. I don’t expect we’ll ___ any more trouble from him.我希望他再也不会给我们惹麻烦了。

12. I go to ___ for wedding but not for any other reason.我去教堂只是参加婚礼,而从不为其他的原因去。

13. Are you sure there isn’t any ___ of solving this problem?你肯定这个问题是没有任何办法解决的了吗?

14. Very few people, if any, still believe that the earth is ___.相信地球是扁平的人,即使还有,也是极少数的。

15. Any idiot with a basic knowledge of French should be able to ___ a hotel room in Paris.随便谁,只要懂一点起码的法语,就能在巴黎的旅馆订一个房间。

16. If I can help in any ___, let me know.要是我能帮上忙的话,就告诉我一声。

17. You can ___ any of the books on the list.这张账单上的书你可以随便挑选。

18. This excuse was as ___ as any other.这个借口与其他借口如出一辙。

19. They’re going to need any help they can ___.能得到的帮助他们都需要。

20. She’s not just ___ actress, she’s one of the best.她可不是一般的演员,她属于顶尖的那种。

21. I can’t run any ___.我没法跑得更快了。

22. Are you feeling any ___?你感觉好些吗?

23. Sarah doesn’t live here any ___.萨拉已不住在这里了。

24. He was told he wasn’t ___ any longer.他被告知不再需要他了。

25. We tried talking to him but that didn’t ___.我们试着跟他谈过,但一点用处也没有。

26. The scandal could damage her reputation but the ___ reported it anyhow.这宗丑闻可能损害她的名声,不过报纸还是给登了出来。

27. I’ve never been to a ___, but recently anyhow.我从没有看过马戏,至少最近没看过。

28. He looked a complete ___ – hair sticking up on end and clothes dragged on just anyhow.他看上去不成个样子 – 头发横七竖八,衣服邋里邋遢。

29. The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes ___ in anyhow.柜子乱塞了许多鞋,都快关不上了。

30. Nick doesn’t ___ here anymore.尼克不再住在这里了。


31. She told me ___ to phone her anymore.她叫我不要再给她打电话。

32. Anyone ___ win tonight.今晚任何人都可能赢。

33. Anyone could dress ___ with as much money as he’s got.只要把钱花在衣着上,任何人都可以穿得衣冠楚楚。

34. Anyone with an ___ of common sense would have checked their tires before driving all that way.任何稍有点常识的人,在开那么长的路之前都会检查一下轮胎的。

35. I’ve never met anyone so totally ___ in a sense of humor.这么缺乏幽默感的人我还从来没见过。

36. They offer help and ___ to anyone interested in becoming a teacher.他们为任何有兴趣当老师的人提供帮助和咨询。

37. If anyone sees Lisa,ask her to ___ me.如果有谁看见莉萨,叫她打电话给我。

38. Anyone else who is interested in ___ on the trip should see me at the end of this lesson.还有谁有兴趣参加此次旅行,下课来找我。

39. Does anyone want a ___?有没有人想喝一杯?

40. Is there anyone new ___ to tonight’s meeting? 今晚来参加会议的有没有新面孔?

41. Do you know anyone ___ who wants a ticket?你知道还有谁想要票吗?

42. I went to the bar but there wasn’t ___ there.我去了酒吧,但是那里一个人都没有。

43. I haven’t ___ to anyone all day.我一整天都没跟任何人说过话。

44. ___ anyone was paying attention to him.几乎没有人注意他。

45. Do any of these people have ___?这些人当中有谁有工作?

46. I can’t imagine ___ anyplace else now.我现在不能想象住在其他地方会怎么样。

47. You can buy ___ you want.你想什么都可以买。

48. He was prepared to do anything to make a ___ of money.只要能赚一点钱,他什么都愿做。

49. Anything would be better than ___ at home!做什么都比待在家里好。

50. You can write about swimming, skiing, or anything else you enjoy ___.你可以写游泳、滑雪、或者任何其他你喜欢的活动。

51. Is there anything I can do to ___?有没有什么我可以效劳的?

52. Do you ___ anything from the shops?你要从商店带点什么回来吗?

53. ___ you like anything else to eat?你还要吃点别的东西吗?

54. We didn’t have anything to eat ___ three days.我们连着三天没吃任何东西。

55. Don’t ___ anything until we get there.我们到那儿之前不要采取任何行动。

56. Maria is anything ___ stupid!玛利亚才不笨呢!

57. You don’t look ___ like your mother.你长得一点都不像你母亲。

58. If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to be where the ___ is.要是你像我一样,就也会想去热闹的地方。

59. We don’t have anything ___ enough money to buy a new car.我们没有足够的钱买新汽车。

60. He was as ___ as anything to me.他对我非常好。


61. Would you like a drink or ___?你想来杯饮料什么的吗?

62. From what other people were wearing, it looked like anything ___.从其他人的衣着来看,好像穿什么都可以。

63. I wouldn’t go back there for ___.我绝不回那里去。

64. We all encouraged him like ___.我们都拼命鼓励他。

65. Sam didn’t seem too disappointed at losing. If anything, he seemed ___ that it was all over.对于比赛失利,萨姆好像并不是太失望。要说有什么的话,比赛结束之后他看上去倒是松了一口气。

66. Anything you can do, I can do ___.只要你能做的,我能做得更好。

67. It was a ___ party – I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.那次聚会太有意思啦 – 我说什么也不会错过的。

68. Yes, of course, anything you ___.是的,当然,怎么样都行。

69. Call me ___. I’m always home.随时给我打电话,我一直在家。

70. They should arrive anytime ___ noon and 3 p.m.他们会在中午至下午3点期间到达。

71. Catherine wasn’t sure the book was the ___ one, but she bought it anyway.凯瑟琳不能确定就是这本书,但她还是买了。

72. This idea probably won’t ___, but let’s try it anyway.这个办法可能行不通,不过我们还是试试吧。

73. They didn’t have any trainers in my size, and anyway I’d already decided I’d ___ save the money.他们买的运动鞋没有我的尺码,不过我也已经决定还是省点钱吧。

74. ‘I hope you haven’t told anyone.’ ‘No. Who would believe me ___?’“我希望你没有告诉别人。”“没有,不过话又说回来,说了又有谁会相信我呢?”

75. Let’s think ___ it for a while, for a few days anyway.让我们想一想,至少考虑几天。

76. There seems to have been a ___ problem – anyway, that’s what they told me.好像出了技术故障,至少他们是这么跟我说的。

77. He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was ___ midnight by the time he got home.他迷了路,找车站花了几个小时,总之过了午夜才到家。

78. Anyway, why didn’t you ___ the police?总之,你为什么不报警?

79. Anyway, let’s ___ that for the moment and look at this month’s profit figures.好吧,那个问题先搁置一边,我们来看看本月的利润额。

80. Anyway, ___ are you?对了,你身体好吗?

81. Anyway, I must be ___ now.噢,我现在得走了。

82. What was he doing with so much of the company’s money in his ___ account anyway?他把公司这么多钱, 放在他私人账户上, 到底在搞什么名堂?

83. Of course I don’t mind ___ you home – I’m going that way anyway.送你回家没什么麻烦的 – 我反正是走那条路的。

84. Sit ___ you like.你随便坐吧。

85. You can buy ___ like these anywhere.这样的衣服到处都可以买到。

86. I don’t want to live in London, but I’d be happy ___ anywhere else.我不想住在伦敦,但是住在其他什么地方我都很乐意。

87. Do you need anywhere to ___ for the night?你需要找个地方过夜吗?

88. Did you go anywhere ___ on vacation this year?你今年去没去有异国情调的地方度假?

89. Have you ___ anywhere else in Span?你到过西班牙的其他地方吗?

90. I can’t find my ___ anywhere.我哪儿也找不到我的护照。

91. I wasn’t anywhere ___ him when he fell.他摔倒的时候我根本不在旁边。

92. I don’t think these figures are ___ near accurate.我觉得这些数据完全不准确。

93. She have been anywhere between 45 and 60 years of ___.她可能在45到60岁之间。

94. We can ___ anywhere between 60 and 300 people.我们这里可容纳60到300人。

95. You won’t get anywhere without ___.没有资历,你会一事无成。

96. You can try writing to complain, but I don’t think it will ___ you anywhere.你可以试试写信去投诉,但我认为这没什么用。

97. He’s a nice enough lad, but he’s not ___ anywhere.他是一个很好的小伙子,但没什么出息。

98. You won’t find a ___ village anywhere in England.你在英国任何地方也找不到一个更美丽的村庄。

99. There are ___ a few words that they use in that part of the country that you don’t hear anywhere else.在这个国家的那一地区,人们使用的好些词语,是你在任何其他地方都听不到的。

100. He isn’t anywhere near as ___ as he used to be.他现在远不如过去那样走红了。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 got 2 further 3 sale 4 invite 5 any 6 shown 7 willingness 8 breaks 9 sign 10 on 11 have 12 church 13 way 14 flat 15 book 16 way 17 choose 18 good 19 get 20 any 21 faster 22 better 23 more 24 wanted 25 help 26 press 27 circus 28 mess 29 thrown 30 live 31 not 32 could 33 well 34 ounce 35 lacking 36 advice 37 call 38 going 39 drink 40 coming 41 else 42 anyone 43 spoken 44 Hardly 45 jobs 46 living 47 anything 48 bit 49 staying 50 doing 51 help 52 want 53 Would 54 for 55 do 56 but 57 anything 58 action 59 like 60 nice 61 anything 62 goes 63 anything 64 anything 65 relieved 66 better 67 fantastic 68 say 69 anytime 70 between 71 right 72 work 73 rather 74 anyway 75 about 76 technical 77 past 78 call 79 leave 80 how 81 going 82 personal 83 taking 84 anywhere 85 clothes 86 living 87 stay 88 exotic 89 been 90 passport 91 near 92 anywhere 93 age 94 accommodate 95 qualifications 96 got 97 going 98 prettier 99 quite 100 popular


