After reading the news, can you say the following sentences in English?
1. 朱茵出生于1971年,今年50岁。
Zhu Yin was born in 1971. She is 50 years old.
2. 黄贯中的生日是3月31日。
Huang Guanzhong's birthday is on March 31st.
3. 黄贯中出生于1964年,今年57岁。
Huang Guanzhong was born in 1964. He is 57 years old.
4. 朱茵昨天为黄贯中了庆祝生日。
Zhu Yin celebrated the birthday for Huang Guanzhong yesterday.
5. 朱茵饰演过紫霞仙子。
Zhu Yin played the role of Zixia fairy.
6. 在照片中,朱茵搂着老公黄贯中的肩膀。
In this photo, Zhu Yin embraces her husband Huang Guanzhong's shoulder.
7. 朱茵笑起来很灿烂。
Zhu Yin has a brilliant smile.
8. 朱茵的前男友是周星驰,最后他们分手了。
Zhu Yin's ex boyfriend is Stephen Chow, and they finally broke up.