


I'm from Bangladesh, and have been offered a job in London, some insight would be super helpful我来自孟加拉国,在伦敦获得了一份工作,各位提供的见解对我会很有帮助

评论翻译holytriplemDon't bother buying bottled water, tap water is perfectly drinkable.Power cuts are extremely rareThe highway code and basic rules of the road are there to be obeyed and aren't just formalities无需费心去买瓶装水,自来水完全可以饮用。停电的情况很少。公路法规和基本交通规则是必须遵守的,它可不仅仅是个形式。goldman459Yup can't drink that shite after having Yorkshire or Scottish tap water. Awful是的,在喝了约克郡或苏格兰的自来水后,就再也喝不下那些垃圾玩意儿了Paul_my_DickovBirmingham water is a fine beverage as well.伯明翰的水也是一种很好的饮料。superdupermattIt comes from Wales, that's why它来自威尔士,这就是原因cheezboorgirMy friend from Manchester refused to believe that Birmingham water is where it's at until she went down there and drank it herself. I got a very humble and satisfying apology when she got back我来自曼彻斯特的朋友不相信伯明翰的水质,直到她亲自去那里喝了后才相信。当她回来时,我得到了她谦逊的道歉。speccybam69Our water is probably the best in the world我们的水可能是世界上最好的AndyCallingOh, and you will have to pay your taxes. They are only 'optional' for the very wealthy.哦,你还得交税。它们对非常富有的人来说只是“可选择的”东西。squidgytreeVisit outside London as much as you can. London is different to the rest of the UK in look and feel so enjoy the rest of the country as well as the London tourist spots.尽量去伦敦以外的地方旅游。伦敦的观感和英国其他地方是不同的,所以可以尽情享受英国其他地方以及伦敦的旅游景点。Twiglet91Come up North, we'll treat you reyt.来北方吧,我们会好好招待你的。sabdotzedNgl being brown, some northern towns leave you with people just staring menacingly. Big cities are fine, small villages/towns have a weird vibe如果你的皮肤是棕色的,在一些北方城镇,人们会凶狠地盯着你看。大城市还行,小村庄、城镇的氛围就很奇怪了。northernblokeWhich Northern Towns are these? Am brown and have never had any menacing stares.北方的哪些城镇?我的皮肤就是棕色的,从来没有受到过威胁的凝视。Father___RolfeI'm from Bradford, whre people are obviously very used to people from many ethnic backgrounds. My partner worked a contract in Carlisle for a while and some Asian friends visited. Carlisle itself wasn't a problem but the twon close by where she lived there were literal stop in the street to stare moments and it happend two or three times in the space of five minutes.Nobody said anything but it was very uncomfortable for me. She said it was okay and she was used to it but I could tell she was trying to calm me rather than telling the truth.我来自布拉德福德,那里的人对来自不同种族背景的人很适应。我的伙伴在卡莱尔工作了一段时间,有一些亚洲朋友来拜访。卡莱尔本身不是个问题,但在她住所附近有人在街上停下来盯着她看,在五分钟的时间里发生了两三次。没人说什么,但这对我来说很不舒服。她说没关系,她已经习惯了,但我看得出她是想让我冷静下来,而不是说实话。_cipher_7Isn’t Bradford known for having a lot of tension between the Asian population and the White population?布拉德福德不是以亚洲人和白人之间的紧张关系而闻名吗?altprofile2Bring a coat带一件外套holytriplemAnd ignore the northerners who wear t shirt and shorts in the snow, they're just idiots别理那些在雪天里穿T恤和短裤的北方人,他们就是白痴JoysticOi. I like the cold.哦,我喜欢冷天holytriplemDo you like chilblains as well?那你也喜欢冻疮吗?JoysticWon't get chilblains when your house is also fucking freezing.当你的房子也TMD结冰的时候,你就不会得冻疮了。Striking-Reference30A friends partner once said “If you can’t refrigerate meat in your bathroom are you even a Yorkshireman?”一位朋友的伴侣曾经说:“如果你不能在浴室里冻肉,那你还算是约克郡人吗?”edalakiPfft, southern conspiracy is chilblains呸,南方的阴谋就是冻疮theyauOr rather buy a coat when here或者来到这里时买件外套Ivanov_94But don’t be a coat.但不要成为外套。Responsible-Leg-3712And be ready for the damp cold that will get into your bones, particularly if you've never experienced cold places. Oh and it gets dark early in Winter like 3.30 in the afternoon which adds to the feeling of cold.准备好迎接刺骨的湿冷,如果你从未去过寒冷的地方的话尤其如此。哦,冬天黑得很早,比如下午3点半就黑了,这增加了寒冷的感觉。vpetmadMaybe seek out the community of British-Bangladeshis that have been here for ages (there's plenty) and I'm sure they'll be able to help you adjust也许你可以去找那些在这里生活了很长时间的孟加拉人社区(有很多),我相信他们会帮助你适应的原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处hgsmitherinoI think this is great advice. Cultural shock can be a real thing, and whilst it's important to stay open and receptive, seeking some familiarity and advice from british-bangladeshis will definitely help you settle! Speaking as a Londoner who has moved abroad twice, it can help you adjust into a new city. But I'm also sure OP will make some nice British pals who'll show them the best place for a pint after work.我认为这是个很好的建议。文化冲击是真实存在的,尽管保持开放和接受的心态是很重要的,但向当地的孟加拉人寻求一些建议肯定会有助于你的安顿!作为一个已经移居国外两次的伦敦人来说,这可以帮助你适应一个新的城市。但我也相信楼主会结交一些不错的英国朋友,他们会在下班后带他去最好的地方喝一杯。pesky_emigrantI now live in Luxembourg. Here I made a friend who moved from Asia to London before moving to Luxembourg. He was in London for 3 years and said how lonely his time was in London. It was only then I realised that Brits have their own lives, so it's super difficult to "infiltrate" us. We are not being mean, simply we don't consider that expats might be lonely.Therefore, I'd suggest you join various expat groups on MeetUp or Facebook, so you can build a social circle. Or find an interest group on either website - country walks; historic tours; dungeons and dragons - whatever.Be prepared for "office banter" at work, which is where people make fun of you in a kind way. It's to build bonds. Don't confuse this with aggression though, if anyone gives you any racist shit, tell them to fuck off.If something offends you, calmly tell that person and explain why. You'll usually get an apology immediately. Brits don't tend to "talk through" what's upset them. So, be prepared to receive an apology and discuss no further.When you arrive, accept that London is not Bangladesh. It's normal to compare how stuff works compared to our home countries, but try not to see if it's more positive or negative. Simply acknowledge it as a difference and move on. This reduces frustration ("oh, in Bangladesh, we do X, but in London, they do Y". Avoid thinking one is better than the other).我现在住在卢森堡。我在这里交了一个朋友,他在搬到卢森堡之前是从亚洲去往伦敦。他在伦敦呆了三年,说他在伦敦的日子非常孤独。直到那时我才意识到英国人有他们自己的生活,所以要“渗透”我们非常困难。我们不是刻薄,只是我们原以为移居国外不会孤独。因此,我建议你加入MeetUp或Facebook上的各种外籍人士群组,这样你就可以建立一个社交圈。或者在其他网站上找到一个兴趣小组,比如乡村漫步啊、历史之旅啊、龙与地下城之类的。为工作中的“办公室玩笑”做好准备,人们会以一种友好的方式取笑你。这是为了建立联系。不要把这和挑衅混为一谈,如果有人对你说任何种族歧视的话,告诉他们滚蛋。如果有什么事冒犯了你,冷静地告诉那个人并解释原因。通常你会马上得到道歉。英国人不倾向于“直接谈论”让他们不愉快的事情。所以,准备好接受道歉,不再进一步讨论。当你到达时,接受伦敦不是孟加拉国的事实。拿伦敦和我们的祖国进行比较是很正常的,但不要去看是它积极的还是消极的。直接承认这是一种差异,然后继续前进。这会减少挫败感(“哦,在孟加拉国,我们这样这样的,但在伦敦,他们却是这样这样的”。不要比较哪一个更好)。j1mb0bI completely agree on the whole "stop comparing here to your home country" (and that applies just as much to Brits moving abroad).我完全同意“不要和祖国进行比较”, 这同样适用于移居国外的英国人。breadcrumbs90Surprised to hear the lonely part. I’m from London but moved to Vancouver for a while a few years and couldn’t believe how hard it was to make friends compared to London. In London I had loads of work mates who would go for drinks after work, some of them are now my closest friends. I found the attitude in Vancouver was ‘once you’re in we’ll be nice but we have to let you in first’听到孤独的部分,我很惊讶。我来自伦敦,但搬到温哥华住了几年,和伦敦相比,在这里交朋友异常困难。在伦敦,我有很多同事,他们会在下班后去喝酒,其中一些现在是我最亲密的朋友。我发现温哥华的态度是“一旦你融入进来,我们会是好朋友,但首先你得融入进来”。HairlessBikerAgree totally, especially with the first part. I am an expat in London. I am lonely. :(Many see Brits as "snobs", but you're right, Brits usually "keep themselves to themselves".完全同意,尤其是第一部分。我是伦敦的外籍人士。我很孤独:(很多人认为英国人是“势利小人”,但你说得对,英国人通常“独来独往”。pesky_emigrantI don't think it's malicious. I think Brits have their own lives, their circle of friends locally etc, so simply don't consider it.It's the same here in Luxembourg. That's why I recommend joining some expat groups on Facebook or meetup groups, to build your social circle.我不认为这是恶意的。我认为英国人有他们自己的生活,有在本地的朋友圈等等,所以不要考虑这些。在卢森堡也一样。这就是我建议加入一些Facebook或meetup上的外籍人士群组的原因,这样可以建立你的社交圈。HairlessBikerIt's true that Brits have their own lives, but so do other nationalities. I also think it's not malicious, it might be that Brits respect one's space and privacy, hence will rarely approach a stranger.I am doing better, and taking active steps to socialize more. I don't necessarily stick to expats. I'm being inclusive是的,英国人有自己的生活,但其他国家的人也有自己的生活。我也认为这不是恶意的,可能是因为英国人尊重他人的空间和隐私,因此很少接近陌生人。我更进一步,采取积极的步骤进行更多的社交。我不一定会选择外籍人士。我很包容。pesky_emigrantOh, I'm glad you're doing better. In Luxembourg city, it's 80% expats and English is the common language, so it's easy to talk to strangers.There's also a bunch of Brits in London who have moved from further afield and will also be lonely. I'm glad that you have the confidence to make the change. It's difficult, particularly if you're introverted.哦,我很高兴你更进一步。在卢森堡市,80%的人是外国人,英语是通用语言,,所以和陌生人交谈很容易。在伦敦,也有一群从更远的地方搬来的英国人,他们也会感到孤独。我很高兴你有信心做出改变。这很难,尤其是你性格内向的时候。gameofgroans_I'm not an expat but from a different part of UK and I'm lonely in London. It's a difficult place to make friends and a lot of people tend to keep their heads down.我不是外国人,而是来自英国的其他地方,但我在伦敦也很孤独。这是一个很难交到朋友的地方,很多人都倾向于低着头。ENGERLUNDI'm originally from the UK but I've lived in 3 other (European) countries in the last 10 years. Trust me this isn't unique to British people.我来自英国,但在过去10年里,我在3个欧洲国家生活过。相信我,这不是英国人独有的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处HeverAfterQueuing is mandatory. People will think you're an aresehole if you don't queue.排队是必须的。如果你不排队,人们会认为你是个混蛋。MitchellsTruckHey bud, welcome. I lived in Dhaka for a couple of years when I was a kid. It doesn't flood as much here, so there's that going for it!The main thing I forgot when I moved back to the UK was that you can't bargain for stuff in shops. More than once I took something up to the till, the guy said the price, and I was like "I'll give you half that". It really doesn't work like that here!嗨兄弟,欢迎。我小时候在达卡住过几年。这里的洪水没那么多。当我搬回英国时,我忘记了一件重要的事,那就是你不能在商店里讨价还价。不止一次,我把东西拿到收银台,收银员说了价钱,我就说"给你一半"之类的。这里真的不是这样的!MoonstrandsCome on… even if you’re from a haggling culture, asking for half off is just cheeky!拜托…就算你来自有讨价还价文化的地方,要求半价也太无耻了!


