



评论翻译1 —— It has changed my expectation on crime drama forever这部电影已经颠覆了我对犯罪剧情片的认知0This movie has been regarded as the cream of Hong Kong gangster and cop movie. And has won 22 awards. But we all know awards don't mean a thing sometimes. The God Father of America cinema "Martin Scorsese" himself is making a American version of the movie, titled: Departed. I'm somewhat happy to see that this movie is being recognized and acknowledged by a true master, but distraught to the possibility of disappointment.这部电影可以被视为香港警匪片的经典之作。而且还收获了22个奖项,但是大家都知道,在某些时候,获奖并不能代表什么。美国电影之父“马丁·斯科塞斯”他便改编过这部电影,名为《无间行者》。(注:他凭借这部电影获得了2006年的奥斯卡金像奖的最佳导演,这部剧主演为莱昂纳多,马特·达蒙等人,监制是布莱德·皮特)。这就意味着这部电影获得了行业顶尖人士的认可,这让我感到非常开心,但是这个令人失望的结局,让我抓狂0A little history of Hong Kong film industry, being in somewhat government free state for over 100 years, Hong Kong movie industry proliferated to the state of hysteria. On one hand, everything goes as long as people get what they want for 2 hours worth. On the other hand, lack of political drama has afforded the gangster and cop drama to truly grow and mature.在香港电影产业的历史上,曾有超过百年的自由政府状态,在这段时间,香港电影迅速发展到了歇斯底里的状态。一方面,在两个小时的播放时长中,观众总是能够过足瘾;另一方面,不带有政治色彩的警匪系列电影已经逐渐成熟。0Now back to the movie itself. 3 years ago, when I was still a poor student, I was loitering in the local Chinese video store as usual, looking for something exciting. The owner handed me a VHS copy of this movie, he personally recommended it and said it's new and unique. So I went home and watched it immediately. And then I said in my then dark and dingy apartment for 30 minutes, in utter silence.现在回到电影本身,3年前,我还是一个穷学生的时候,我一如往常的的在当地的中国影像商店里面闲逛,寻找一些新奇的电影。这时候老板递给我了这部电影的碟片,他强烈的推荐给我这部影片,说这部影片是如何的新奇、又是如何的独特,所以我就买了它,然后赶紧回家观看。我待在自己的小公寓里面,气氛异常宁静,就这样我在黑暗中看了30分钟。0



In my entire life, I've never seen a movie that there isn't a single excessive frx, until I saw this movie. It has forever changed my expectation on crime drama.我活了这么大,还没有见过哪部电影没有一点多余的画面,直到看了《无间道》。这部电影已经永远地改变了我对犯罪片的期待。0The story is genius and simple enough. A mole in police department working against an undercover cop in drug trafficking mafia. They don't know each other's identity, so it is like a invisible tug war between the two competing against each other's wits. I won't reveal too much of it even though like I said, there's no plot twist.故事很烧脑,当然也不是太复杂。警察部门的卧底与贩毒恶势力手中的警察卧底展开斗争。他们也不知道彼此是谁,所以就像一场没有硝烟的战争,双方在斗智斗勇。尽管我想和大家分享这部影片的细节,但是我还是不能透漏太多,只能说这里没有反转情节。0It's a fairly popular movie that has generated huge buzz when it came out, and since been talked, compared and still highly regarded as unsurpassed by countless fans worldwide. It has an all star cast in Hong Kong cinema, and of course, the screenplay, the acting, the editing, the camera work and overall directing is flawless judging by all standards.这是一部相当受欢迎的电影,从它上映以后就引起了轰动,成为大家谈论的话题;大家也把它和其他作品相互比较,被来自世界各地的粉丝们评价为难以超越的辉煌之作。当然它的演员阵容也值得肯定,另外不管是屏幕剪辑、动作镜头、还是导演部分几乎都没有瑕疵。0If you are adventurous enough to try even one Hong Kong movie, try this one.如果你愿意冒险尝试香港电影,那我推荐你看一看这部电影02 —— Hong Kong does "Michael Mann"!香港版的“迈克尔·曼”(导演)0



Hearing that this is being considered for a remake stateside comes as no big surprise, but how Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio could possibly compete against Andy Lau and Tony Leung evokes cynicism at best. Both leads are perfect. Lau's cold calculating intellect against Leung's anguished and tormented heart, complimentary opposites. There aren't enough words to commend this fresh, invigorating film with...在美国,听到有人要翻拍这部电影并没有感到意外,但是要把马特·达蒙和莱昂纳多与刘德华和梁朝伟放在一起进行比较的话,怕是只能引起人们的冷嘲热讽。因为他们的演技都是完美的,刘德华冷静而又精明的才智和梁朝伟痛苦挣扎的内心形成了鲜明的对比。很难用言语来表达这部电影的新奇与活力……03 —— One of the best from Hong Kong香港最棒的电影之一0This movie should be compared to movie like Heat, even when the storyline are not the same. Movies like Hardboiled and A Better Tomorrow are predominately action-based, whereas this movie is more dramatic and emotionally-driven.这部电影完全可以和《盗火线》进行比较(迈克尔·曼导演的一部电影),即使故事线是不一样的。像《辣手神探》和《英雄本色》这样的电影主要以动作剧情为主,然而这部影片更加的注重剧情以及情感控制。0



The title from the explanation in the intro means "Endless Purgatory Road". This philosophy, to me, really made this movie more thoughtful. The two central characters both had to walk their road, in life and in their minds for a long time. Both had no choice but to keep walking. As they cross path, they were forced to play the game of cat and mouse by their superiors. While it is not certain who's the cat and who's the mouse, one thing is certain - the loser will die.预告片中对这个标题的解释是“犯罪之路没有尽头”。这是一个哲学概念,在我看来,这让这部电影更加的富有哲理性。两个主角必须走他们自己的道路,很长一段时间他们的生活、思想都要被困在这条路上。别无选择,只能砥砺前行,当他们的命运发生交叉的时候,就是他们被自己的上司强迫玩猫鼠游戏的时候。尽管谁是猫,谁是鼠,没有明确的定义,但是有一点是肯定的——输者付出的代价便是生命0



Plotwise - it is hard to see any holes.Seen it around six times, a lot for a drama.I think you should ask yourself after the movie, "what would I do if I am in the same situation?". Right and wrong is harder to separate.很缜密的情节——很难发现漏洞我看了大概六遍吧,主要是为了剧情。看过这部电影之后,每个人都应该问一下自己“如果当时换做是我的话,我会怎么做”对错往往很难被定义04 —— more than just entertaining不仅仅是娱乐0This movie is well-made, stylish and extremely entertaining. However, as stated by the review from a Hong Kong viewer, there is also depth and subtlety rarely found in action/thrillers. It is this depth that makes this movie brilliant.这部电影制作精良,风格时尚、非常有娱乐性。但是,根据香港观众的评论,里面或多或少的夹杂着一些动作镜头和惊险画面。这让这部电影显得更加的精彩0





5 —— I like it better than Martin Scorscese's remake:比起马丁·斯科塞斯的翻拍,我更喜欢这部电影(注:翻拍的那部电影,情节感觉不是很紧凑,也不是很符合美国的文化特征,整体看起来就很怪,个人观点)0



6 —— A textbook thriller教科书级的惊险片0



7 —— This original surpasses Hollywood's knock-off "The Departed"原创超过了好莱坞电影《无间行者》0I ran across this movie some time ago on Netflix, and the descxtion intrigued me. While I am not always one for subtitled films, I did not find it to be a distraction with his movie because the plot captivated me.我很多年之前在NETFIX上面看过这部电影,这部影片的描述深深的吸引了我;我以前并不看那种字幕电影;但是我发现这部电影完全不会因为语言问题影响我的观看,因为这部电影的情节真的很有魅力。0As many of you are aware, this movie was remade by Hollywood and released in 2006 under the name "The Departed" where it has been treated by the media as such a "fabulous" and "innovative" storyline. None of them bothered to discover that "The Departed" was a remake of this movie.大家可能都知道,好莱坞翻拍的那部电影,在2006年的时候上映的,命名为《无间行者》,它被媒体称为一部“神话般的”创新性的故事电影。但是很少有人知道《无间行者》是这部电影的翻拍版0Happily, some of the classic lines such as chopping one up and feeding him to the poor survived the Hollywood chopping block, but the fabulous method of communicating secretly via Morse Code did not make the transition from Hong Kong to Hollywood.My suggestion: if you loved this original, then do not disappoint yourself watching the Hollywood remake.很开心,一些经典的故事线(例如,把他砍了,喂给从好莱坞存活下来的穷人吃;(翻拍版电影中的台词),但是在原版中使用摩斯密码进行交流的情节并没有从港版的翻拍成美国版。)我的建议是:如果你喜欢原版,可以看一看好莱坞的翻拍版,不会让你失望的08."If you see someone doing something but at the same time watching you... then he is a cop."Martin Scorsese's ''The Departed'' was probably one of the most critically-acclaimed films of 2006, and, upon hearing the tumult of praise that accompanied its release, it was a film that I desperately wanted to see.“如果你正在看着一个人,而这个人同时也在看着你……那这个人就是警察了”(注:剧中台词:如果你看着一个人,而这个人不理你,那这个人就是警察),马丁·斯科塞斯的《无间行者》可能是2006年最受好评的电影了,而且从它上映以来,一致好评的声音,我就在想这一定是一部值得一看的电影。0However, I couldn't do so until I had seen the 2002 Hong Kong film upon which it was based, ''Mou gaan dou {Infernal Affairs},'' directed by Wai-keung Lau and Siu Fai Mak.但是,直到我看了2002年由刘伟强和麦兆辉导演的香港电影《无间道》之后,我才开始观看这部影片。0Fortunately, not too long ago, my local movie rental store was having a sale on their superfluous VHS tapes, at a price of $2.00 apiece.幸运的是,就在不久之前,我在我们那的录像商店正在售卖多余的录像带,价格非常便宜,一张只要2美元0Among the cheap movies that I snapped up was a copy of ''Infernal Affairs'' that looked like it had never been opened. Having now watched it, I must say that, despite my limited experience with Asian cinema, I very much enjoyed the film. ''Infernal Affairs'' combines an irresistible story of intrigue, loyalty and betrayal with some extremely slick editing and camera-work; it's no surprise that the film has acquired an impressive following in the West.在这些廉价的电影中我扒出了《无间道》,看起来还是全新的;所以现在才看了这部电影,我想说的是,尽管我很少观看亚洲电影,但是我非常喜欢这部电影。《无间道》融合了阴谋、忠诚和背叛,是一个令人难以抗拒的故事片,而且电影中的剪辑让观影体验也非常的流畅。这部电影在西方国家引起轰动一点都不用觉得奇怪。0Tony Leung plays Chan Wing Yan, an overwrought undercover cop who has spent the last ten years infiltrating numerous dangerous gangs and exposing their criminal dealings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Andy Lau plays Inspector Lau Kin Ming, a police mole who is secretly working the Triad, the same gang with which Yan is currently affiliated.梁朝伟饰演的卧底警察需要时刻保持紧张的状态,他通过了十年的时间,渗透到了多个危险的犯罪团伙,从而帮助警方打击这些团伙的犯罪行动。另外一方面,刘德华在剧中饰演的是秘密为三合会工作的探长刘健明,而梁朝伟正是属于这个团伙0After an expensive drugs transaction goes wrong for both the gang and the police force, each side suspects that they have a traitor in their midst, and, in a bitterly ironic turn, it falls to each of the two moles to find out who it is. Both main actors do a good job of maintaining the intensity of the story. There are certainly countless parallels to be drawn between the characters, but what struck me most were the contrasts between the two: Ming is a cold, devoted and ruthlessly efficient, whilst Yan has been reduced to a tired and neurotic wreck after a decade of living in fear.在进行几次大规模的毒品交易以后,警方和这些犯罪团伙的关系再次变得紧张,每一方都在怀疑自己的人里面有叛徒,在一个极其讽刺的转折以后,双方卧底不得不亲自找出对方的卧底是谁。两个主演的表演都对整部影片的紧张感有很大的贡献,两个主人公之间有很多的相似之处被刻画出来,但是最打动我的就是两个人之间的对比:刘健明是一个冷静而又高效的人,然而陈永仁经历了十年的恐惧生活,整个人已经变得非常疲惫而又神经质了0The plot of ''Infernal Affairs'' moves forward at a ripper pace, probably owing more to Western action cinema than that from its own region.《无间道》的情节非常紧凑,发展的非常的快,很可能是受到了西方动作电影的影响,这不是东方电影的一贯风格。0The cinematography is bright and stylish, and the climactic scene on the rooftop, with the vibrant sunlight beaming overhead, was captured to great effect {Australian-born Christopher Doyle, who has worked on such films as ''2046'' and ''Rabbit-Proof Fence,'' contributed to this film, so you already know that the cinematography will be good}.镜头非常的明亮,也很符合当下的趋势,包括在天台上的那段戏,当时太阳当头、阳光正好(澳大利亚裔的摄影师克里斯托弗·道尔在电影《2046》(王家卫执导)和《末路小狂花》(澳大利亚剧情电影)中采用的一贯手法,所以你就能知道这部电影的镜头有多好了)0There are several moments when the storytelling was not handled as well as it might have been: the film made too frequent use of unnecessary flashbacks, and, following the death of Superintendent Wong (Anthony Wong), we are treated to a video montage that feels like the final episode of a long-running sitcom.但是,有几个时间点,故事的叙述没有得到妥善的处理:这部电影过多的采用了倒叙(这有些不必要),另外在黄警官死后,我们看到了一段视频剪辑,给人的感觉就像这是一部长篇情景剧的最后一集一样。0Also, the failed attempts of Ming's wife to finish her novel ("I don't know whether he's good or bad") was a blatantly-obvious attempt to draw parallels with Andy Lau's character. Despite my trivial complaints, ''Infernal Affairs'' is an entertaining and thrilling film that I'd certainly recommend to anyone.此外,刘健明的妻子试图完成她的小说《我不知道他是好人还是坏人》,这显然是在和刘德华饰演的角色在进行类比,尽管我可能跳了一些小瑕疵,但是《无间道》真的算是一部成功的惊险片,我强烈地推荐给大家。08 —— Thrilling & Touching! .. Beats its Remake "The Departed" Big Time!惊险&感动……完胜它的翻版《无间行者》0Wow! .. that's what I call a very good thriller .. the movie is very solid and well balanced. The music is simple yet wonderful and goes totally with the rhythm of the movie .. unlike "The Departed" where the music is loud, awful and plays exactly in the wrong time.哇……这是我看过的非常精彩的一部惊险片……这部电影非常充实,各部分处理的也很平衡。音乐选的也非常的匹配,非常符合这部电影的气氛……不像《无间行者》音乐完全就是在吵吵,而且播放的时机选的也非常的糟糕0There are some strong memorable lines here and there, unlike in "The Departed" where you hear a lot of noise but nothing really sticks in your mind.片中的一些台词也让人印象非常深刻,不像《无间行者》中充满噪音,很难有什么台词能够在你的脑海中逗留,更不用说记住了0This movie has the necessary depth that "The Departed" is lacking! .. "The Departed" is shallow, gore and violent.这部电影的深度也是《无间行者》所缺乏的,《无间行者》就是一部肤浅、暴力的血腥电影0The excitement in this masterpiece is very high and makes sense.这部杰作让人兴奋不已,很有意义0What ever I say doesn't do this masterpiece justice .. I can go on and one but I'm afraid to spoil the movie. In short, skip Hollywood's junk and watch this masterpiece which is way better than "the Departed" .. enjoy it.不管说些什么,我都很难的公正地评价这部电影,我这样说吧,我感觉自己会忍不住剧透。简而言之,不要再看好莱坞拍的那部垃圾《无间行者》,直接看这一部原作吧,好好地享受


