swimming english(英语在线学习:swim)

swim 游泳

swimming pool 游泳池

lounge chair 躺椅

swimmer 游泳选手

lane 泳道

swimming suit 泳装

swimming cap 泳帽

swimming trunks 泳裤

bikini 比基尼泳装

goggles 泳镜

earplug 耳塞

nose clip 鼻夹

locker 置物柜

style 泳姿

freestyle/the crawl 自由泳

breaststroke 蛙泳

butterfly stroke 蝶泳

backstroke 仰泳

dog/doggie paddle 狗爬式

synchronized swimming 花样游泳

water polo 水球

shallow end 浅水区

deep end 深水区

kick 打水

stroke 划水

tread water 踩水

turn 转身

dive 潜水,跳水

springboard 跳板

high dive 高台跳水

cramp 抽筋

drown 溺水

kickboard 浮板

swim ring 游泳圈

lifebuoy 救生圈

lifeguard 救生员


What time does this swimming pool open? 这个泳池什么时间开放?

I have swum three laps already. 我已经游了三圈了。

Practice treading water for five minutes. 练习踩水五分钟。

He is going to jump off the springboard today. 他今天要从跳板上跳下来。

I want to learn backstroke. 我想学仰泳。

swimming english(英语在线学习:swim)(1)


