


  1. 有时候人们表现出一面 ,而内心却是截然不同的一面 。
  2. 一点都不麻烦 。
  3. 全职妈妈有利于孩子的成长,这样压力也会小很多。


  • vampire:指“吸血鬼”((in stories)a dead person who comes back to life and sucks blood from other people at night)
  • go by指(在空间上)经过;(时间)逝去;如:You can't let an opportunity like that go by--it's too good to miss. 你不能放过这样一个机会--良机不容错过。
  • flirt:①作为动词指“调情,打情骂俏”(to behave as if sexually attracted to someone,although not seriously)如:He used to flirt with girls.②作为名词指“调情者,打情骂俏者”(someone who behaves as if they are sexually attracted to a lot of people)如:He's a compulsive flirt.
  • housewarming:指“乔迁聚会”(a party that you give when you move into a new house)如:We're having a housewarming on Friday if you'd like to come.我们要在星期五举行乔迁聚会,愿意的话欢迎前来参加。
  • eligible指“具备条件的;有资格的;合格的”(having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions)如:Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.只有18岁以上的人才有资格投票
  • bachelor指“单身汉”(a man who has never married)


  • stop by指“顺便拜访”(to visit someone for a short time,usually on the way to another place)如:I was passing your house, so I thought I'd stop by for a chat.我路过你家,所以我想可以顺便到你这儿聊一会儿。类似表达:stop in 顺便拜访;中途停留 drop by / in 拜访某人

stop by一般指顺便拜访某人,但stop in 既可以指拜访某人也可指拜访某地

  • predatory①指(动物)以捕食其他动物为生的,食肉的(a predatory animal kills and eats other animals)②掠夺的(inclined or intended to injure or exploit others for personal gains or profit.)如:predatory dumping:恶意倾销
  • slut:荡妇(a woman who has sexual relationships with a lot of men without any emotional involvement)同时也可指 a woman who is usually untidy and lazy.
  • sausage :香肠、腊肠(a thin,tube-like case containing meat that has been cut into very small pieces and mixed with spices)
  • sorta= sort of ,sotra是偏口语化的说法
  • be in the middle of sth:正忙于(to be busy with an activity)如:someone phoned when I was in the middle of bathing the baby.我正忙着给孩子洗澡,有人打电话来了。
  • order sb around:(尤指不断地)指使,差遣,使唤某人(to tell someone what they should do in an unpleasant or forceful way,especially repeatedly)如:You can't just come in here and start ordering people around.你不能一到这儿就开始把人差来遣去的。
  • bush:灌木(a plant with many small branches growing either directly from the ground or from a hard stem,giving the plant a rounded shape)


  • dig sth up:①挖出,掘出(to take something out of the ground by digging)如:It's time we dug up those potatoes.现在我们该把那些土豆挖出来了;②破土;给....打眼,给.....钻孔(to break the ground or to make a hole in it with a tool,machine,etc.)如:They're digging up the road outside to fix a faulty water main.为了维修出问题的供水总管,他们在挖外面的路。③挖掘、搜寻(秘密或被遗忘的事)(to discover secret or forgotten facts by searching very carefully)如:She's one of those reporters who's always trying to dig up dirt on celebrities.她是一贯热衷于挖掘名人隐私的记者之一。这里的dirt是指unpleasant private datails. dig的过去式和过去分词都是dug.
  • compromise:妥协;让步(an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree.)如:It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talks.相信今天的会谈能达成妥协。
  • hook up:与....接触,与....一起工作(to meet or begin to work with another person or other people)如:He hooked up with the other members of the band.他结识了乐队的其他成员。②与....开始一段恋爱或性关系(to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone)如:When did you two first hook up?你们俩是什么时候开始在一起的?
  • allergic:过敏的 如:I‘m allergic to cats.我对猫过敏。
  • dignify:①使....受到重视;使....受到尊重(to cause something to be respected and considered important)如:The mayor was there to dignify the celebrations.市长的光临为庆祝活动增辉。②抬举,抬高(to cause something to be respected and considered important when that is not deserved)如:I'm not even going to dignify that stupid question with an answer.我才懒得回答这么愚蠢的问题呢
  • sullen:闷闷不乐的,愠怒的(angry and unwilling to smile or be pleasant to people)如:She looked up at the sullen sky and shuddered.她抬头看了看阴沉沉的天空,不由打了个冷颤。
  • as fresh as paint:精神饱满的


  1. He had other things on his mind. Things below the surface.他所担心的是那些不会浮出水面的秘密
  2. I kicked my soccer ball into your backyard 我把球踢到你家后院了
  3. You are obviously into each other.Now you know he's single, you can ask him out.你们双方都有好感,既然知道他单身 你就能约他啦
  4. I don't know if I'm ready to start dating yet.我只是不知道自己是否准备好约会了


  1. I don't want to talk to you about my love life any more.It warns me out 我不想再跟你讨论我的情感生活了 ,会刺激到我
  2. But she also knew that good news travels quickly.但她也知道好消息总是不胫而走
  3. but I was sort of in the middle of something.但是我正在忙
  4. -You can't order me around like I am a child.你别想像管小孩那样指挥我
  5. I don't want to hear your excuses别找借口
  6. I really hate the way you talk to me.我讨厌你跟我说话的语气
  7. But I'm learning to deal with it.但是我学着接受了
  8. I can't afford to lose this job.我可丢不起这份工作


  1. How do you think it makes me feel when you say "it's okay" in that sullen tone? 但别人却随口敷衍一句 "还可以" , 想想我的感受
  2. Apologize now. I am begging.我求你赶紧道歉
  3. do you always have to serve cuisine?有必要总是显摆你的厨艺吗



绝望的主妇全季 中英对照剧本

破产姐妹全季 中英对照剧本

老友记全季 中英对照剧本

摩登家庭全季 中英对照剧本

唐顿庄园全季 中英对照剧本

小谢尔顿全季 中英对照剧本

生活大爆炸全季 中英对照剧本

傲骨贤妻全季 中英对照剧本




