
[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第18话

18.Dressing Up 装扮游戏

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


Dressing Up 装扮游戏


Peppa has found a box of old clothes.

Narrator: Peppa and George are playing in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom. 佩奇和乔治在爸爸妈妈的卧室里玩。

Peppa: What’s this? 这是什么东西?

Narrator: Peppa has found a box of old clothes. 佩奇找到了一箱子的旧衣服。

Peppa: Wow! This is Daddy's hat. 哇!这是爸爸的帽子。

And this is Mummy's dress. 这一条是妈妈的裙子。

George! Let's dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy. 乔治!我们把这些穿上 假装是爸爸和妈妈吧。[pretend to do sth.假装做某事]

Here is Daddy's hat. 这是爸爸的帽子。

And here is Daddy's coat. 这件是爸爸的上衣。

Hello, Daddy Pig. 嗨,你好啊,爸爸。

Now it's my turn. This is Mummy's dress. 现在轮到我了,这条是妈妈的裙子。

This is Mummy's hat. 这顶是妈妈的帽子。

Daddy Pig! Where are your shoes? 猪爸爸!你的鞋子在哪里呀?

I need some shoes, too. 我也需要穿一双鞋子才行呢。

Now I need to look beautiful, just like Mummy. 现在我要打扮得漂漂亮亮的 就像妈妈一样。

Narrator: Peppa has found Mummy's make-up box. 佩奇找到了妈妈的化妆盒。

Peppa: Aha! 啊哈!

First, some powder. 先擦一点粉底,

Lovely! 非常好看!

Now for some lipstick. 现在涂一点口红。

What a pretty Mummy Pig! 好漂亮的猪妈妈呀!

Come along, Daddy Pig. 过来吧,猪爸爸。

It's time to go to work. 现在该我们两个出场啦。

Narrator: Mummy is working on her computer. 猪妈妈正在用电脑工作呢。

Mummy Pig: Hello, Peppa. Hello, George. 你好,佩奇。你好啊,乔治。

Peppa: I beg your pardon. 不好意思 我没听清。

Mummy Pig: Peppa, I was just saying ''hello''. 佩奇,我在跟你打招呼。

Peppa: I'm not Peppa Pig. I'm Mummy Pig. 我已经不是佩奇啦。我现在是猪妈妈。

Mummy Pig: Oh, yes! Of course. 哦,是的!的确如此。

Hello, Mummy Pig. 你好,猪妈妈。

Peppa: Hello, and this is Daddy Pig. 你好,这一位是猪爸爸。


George. 乔治。

Mummy Pig: And hello to you, too, Daddy Pig. 你也好啊,猪爸爸。

Peppa: Excuse me, I've got a lot of work to do! 真是不好意思,我还有很多工作要做呢!

Hello? 喂?你好啊,

Yes, do this, do that. 是这样的,做这个,再做那个。

No, thank you, goodbye. 不用了,谢谢你,再见。

Narrator: Peppa is enjoying pretending to be Mummy Pig. 看来佩奇很喜欢装扮成猪妈妈。[pretend to do sth.假装做某事]

But George is getting a bit bored. 但是乔治觉得有点无聊了。

Peppa: Sorry, Daddy Pig, I'm nearly finished. 对不起,猪爸爸,我很快就好了。There! All done! 好了,完成了!

Come on, Daddy Pig, it's time you did some work. 走吧,猪爸爸,现在该轮到你去干活啦。

Mummy Pig: Goodbye, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. 再见了,猪妈妈和猪爸爸。

Peppa: Goodbye. 再见了。

Narrator: Daddy Pig is digging in the garden. 猪爸爸在花园里挖坑呢。

Daddy Pig: Hello, Peppa. Hello, George. 你好佩奇。你好乔治。

Peppa: I'm not Peppa! I'm Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig! 我不是佩奇!我是猪妈妈,这一位是猪爸爸!

Daddy pig is here to do some work. 猪爸爸他是来这里干活的。

Daddy Pig: That's very kind of you, Daddy Pig. 你可真是太好了,猪爸爸。

Now, be careful, it's a very deep hole. 千万要小心,这个坑很深的。

Peppa: I do hope you are not digging in your best clothes, Daddy Pig. 我真希望你没有穿着你最好的衣服在花园里挖坑,猪爸爸。

I want to make big snorts, too. 我也想发出这么响的声音来。

【snorts[snɔːrts] n. 喷鼻息,哼】

Mummy Pig: ice cream, everyone. 大家来吃冰淇淋吧。

Peppa: Ice cream! 有冰淇淋吃!

Mummy Pig: Peppa! George! 佩奇!乔治!

You must take off those muddy clothes before you eat. 在吃冰淇淋之前,得先把脏衣服给脱掉。

Peppa: I'm Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig. 我是猪妈妈,而这一位是猪爸爸。

Mummy Pig: Are you sure? 哦,你确定吗?

Peppa: Yes. 我确定。

Mummy Pig: So, where are Peppa and George? 那么,佩奇和乔治上哪去了?

Peppa: We don't know. 我们也不知道。

Mummy Pig: Oh, well, that's a shame. 真可惜呀

Because I've got their favorite ice cream here. 我给他们拿了最喜欢的冰淇淋。

But if we can't find them, then… 但如果找不到他们的话……

Peppa: Here we are! 我们在这儿呢!

Mummy Pig: Peppa! George! There you are! 佩奇,乔治!你们在这啊!

Peppa: Yes, Mummy, we were just pretending to be you and Daddy. 是的,妈妈,我们是在假装我们是妈妈和爸爸。

Daddy Pig: You really had us fooled! 你们真的骗过我们了!

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第18集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


George! Let's dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy.


Now it's my turn. This is Mummy's dress.


1. Dress up

Peppa找到了爸爸妈妈的一箱旧衣服,然后说Let’s dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy. 我们来打扮一下,假装成爸爸妈妈吧。

Dress up是盛装打扮、装扮成另一种样子的意思。

女孩子最喜欢玩的装扮游戏就是dress up games.





3.Come along

Peppa盛装打扮之后对George说,Come along, Daddy Pig. It’s time to go to work.猪爸爸,快点。该去上班了。

“快点”这个说法我们之前已经遇到过很多次了,之前学习到的用法分别是come on和Quick!

今天继续添砖加瓦,Come along也是同样的意思哦。


Come along, XX. It’s time to go to school. XX,快点,该上学了。

4.Get bored

Peppa对这个装扮游戏非常热衷,But George is getting a bit bored. 但是George开始感觉有点无聊了。

Get bored就是感到无聊的意思。



I’m bored. 我感到很无聊。

I’m boring. 我这个人很无趣。


You’re getting bored? Let’s go to the bouncy castle.你觉得有点无聊了?那我们去淘气堡玩吧。

5.All done!

Peppa假装在电脑上工作,还对猪妈妈说I’m nearly finished. There! All done! 我差不多弄完了。好了,全部做完了。

Nearly finished. 差不多做完了。在去露营的这一集里,我们学过一个近似的用法,nearly there,快好了,接近了。搞定!之类的意思。

There. 这个用法也是在去露营这一集学过,是指事情做完了之后,满意的说法。类似于中文的好了,做完了。搞定!之类的意思。

All done. 全部做完了。

6.That’s a shame

猪妈妈拿着冰淇淋说That’s a shame because I’ve got their favorite ice cream here. 那太遗憾了,因为我拿来了他们最喜欢的冰淇淋。

That’s a shame… 很遗憾…


That’s a shame that you lost your favorite toy.你把你最喜欢的玩具弄丢了,这真遗憾。

7.Have us fooled.

爸爸装作被Peppa和George糊弄到了一样,说You really had us fooled. 你们俩真把我们给唬住了啊。

Have us fooled,把我们愚弄了,把我们唬住了。


Peppa has found Mummy's make-up box.


1. dress up: 装扮

2. a box of: 一箱

例句:Peppa has found a box of old clothes.佩奇找到了一箱旧衣服。

2. make-up: 化妆用品

例句:Peppa has found Mummy's make-up box.佩奇找到了猪妈妈的化妆包。

3. powder: 施粉

4. lipstick: 唇膏,口红

5. getting 形容词: “开始……”

例句:But George is getting a bit bored.但是乔治开始觉得有点乏味。

6. dig: 掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)

例句:Daddy Pig is digging in the garden.猪爸爸在花园里挖土。

7. snort: (表示被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼

例句:I want to make big snorts, too.我也想发出这样的鼻音。

8. have sb. done (被动)使某人做……

例句:You really had us fooled! 你真的让我们都变傻了。


Daddy pig is here to do some work.


It's time to go to work. 该去工作了。

Do this, do that. 做这个,做那个。

I'm nearly finished. 我快要做完了。

All done! 完成了!

That's very kind of you. 你真好。

It's a very deep hole. 这是一个很深的坑。

Are you sure? 你确定吗?


So, where are Peppa and George? We don't know.

-The End-


