1.得不偿失:pay too dear for one’s whistle; losing more than one gains
2.得寸进尺:ask for more
3.得道多助,失道寡助:A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little; a just cause gains great support, an unjust one gains little.
4.得陇望蜀:cover Shu after getting Long-have insatiable desires
5.得天独厚:uniquely favorable
7.得意门生:a favorite pupil
8.得意洋洋:be filled with elation; glory
9.得鱼忘筌:forget the trap as soon as the fish is caught; forget the means by which the end is attained; forget the things or conditions which bring one success
10.德才兼备:have both ability and integrity; be equipped with ethics and talent
11.德智体美来:all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education
12.灯红酒绿:red lanterns and green wine- feasting and revelry
13.登峰造极:be at the zenith; come to the climax
14.登堂入室:pass through the hall into the inner chamber- reach a higher level in one’s studies; become more proficient on one’s profession
15.等而下之:from that grade down; lower down
16.等量齐观:put…on a par; equal… with