


★ 第1章 ★

There was once a kindly old wizard who used his magic generously and wisely for the benefit of his neighbors.


Rather than reveal the true source of his power, he pretended that his potions, charm, and antidotessprang ready-made from the little cauldron he called his lucky cooking pot.


From miles around people came to him with their troubles, and the wizard was pleased to give his pot a stir and put things right.


This well-beloved wizard lived to a goodly age, then died, leaving all his chattels to his only son.


This son was of a very different disposition to his gentle father.


Those who could not work magic were, to the son's mind, worthless, and he had often quarreled with his father's habit of dispensing magical aid to their neighbors.


Upon the father's death, the son found hidden inside the old cooking pot a small package bearing his name.


He opened it, hoping for gold, but found instead a soft, thick slipper, much too small to wear, and with no pair.


A fragment of parchment within the slipper bore the words “In the fond hope, my son, that you will never need it.”


The son cursed his father's age-softened mind then threw the slipper back into the cauldron, resolving to use it henceforth as a rubbish pail.


That very night a peasant woman knocked on the front door.


“My granddaughter is afflicted by a crop of warts, sir,” she told him.


“Your father used to mix a special poultice in that old cooking pot -”


“Begone!” cried the son. “What care I for your brat's warts?”


And he slammed the door in the old woman's face.


At once there came a loud clanging and banging from his kitchen.


The wizard lit his wand and opened the door, and there, to his amazement, he saw his father's old cooking pot:


It had sprouted a single foot of brass and was hopping on the spot, in the middle of the floor, making a fearful noise upon the flagstones.


The wizard approached it in wonder but fell back hurriedly when he saw that the whole of the pot's surface was covered in warts.


“Disgusting object!” he cried, and he tried firstly to Vanish the pot, then to clean it by magic, and finally to force it out of the house.


None of his spells worked, however, and he was unable to prevent the pot hopping after him out of the kitchen, and then following him up to bed, clanging and banging loudly on every wooden stair.


The wizard could not sleep all night for the banging of the warty old pot by his bedside, and next morning the pot insisted upon hopping after him to the breakfast table.


Clang, clang, clang, went the brass-footed pot, and the wizard had not even started his porridge when there came another knock on the door.


An old man stood on the doorstep. “This my old donkey, sir,” he explained.


“Lost, she is, or stolen, and without her, I cannot take my wares to market, and my family will go hungry tonight.”


“And I am hungry now!” roared the wizard, and he slammed the door upon the old man.


Clang, clang, clang, went the cooking pot's single brass foot upon the floor, but now its clamor was mixed with the brays of a donkey and human groans of hunger, echoing from the depths of the pot.


“Be still. Be silent!” shrieked the wizard, but not all his magical powers could quieten the wartypot, which hopped at his heels all day, braying and groaning and clanging, no matter where he went or what he did.


That evening there came a third knock upon the door, and there on the threshold stood a young woman sobbing as though her heart would break.


“My baby is grievously ill,” she said. “Won't you please help us? Your father bade me come if troubled –”

“我的宝宝病得很重,”她说,“你能不能行行好帮帮我们? 你父亲吩咐我有难处就过来——”

But the wizard slammed the door on her.


And now the tormenting pot filled to the brim with salt water, and slopped tears all over the floor as it hopped, and brayed, and groaned, and sprouted more warts.


Though no more villagers came to seek help at the wizard's cottage for the rest of the week, the pot kept him informed of their many ills.


Within a few days, it was not only braying and groaning and slopping and hopping and sprouting warts, it was also choking and retching, crying like a baby, whining like a dog, and spewing out bad cheese and sour milk and a plague of hungry slugs.


The wizard could not sleep or eat with the pot beside him, but the pot refused to leave, and he could not silence it or force it to be still.


At last, the wizard could bear it no more.


“Bring me all your problems, all your troubles, and your woes!” he screamed, fleeing into the night, with the pot hopping behind him along the road into the village.


“Come! Let me cure you, mend you and comfort you!


I have my father's cooking pot, and I shall make you well!”


And with the foul pot still bounding along behind him, he ran up the street, casting spells in every direction.


Inside one house the little girl's warts vanished as she slept;


The lost donkey was Summoned from a distant briar patch and set down softly in its stable;


The sick baby was doused in dittany and woke, well and rosy.


At every house of sickness and sorrow, the wizard did his best, and gradually the cooking pot beside him stopped groaning and retching, and became quiet, shiny, and clean.


The pot burped out the single slipper he had thrown into it and permitted him to fit it onto the brass foot.


Together, they set off back to the wizard's house, the pot's footstep muffled at last.


But from that day forward, the wizard helped the villagers like his father before him, lest the pot cast off its slipper, and begin to hop once more.


Albus Dumbledore on “The Wizard and the Hopping Pot”


A kind old wizard decides to teach his hardhearted son a lesson by giving him a taste of the local Muggles' misery.


The young wizard's conscience awakes, and he agrees to use his magic for the benefit of his non-magical neighbors.


A simple and heart-warming fable, one might think – in which case, one would reveal oneself to be an innocent nincompoop.


A pro-Muggle story showing a Muggle-loving father as superior in magic to a Muggle-hating son?


It is nothing short of amazing that any copies of the original version of this tale survived the flames to which they were so often consigned.


Beedle was somewhat out of step with his times in preaching a message of brotherly love for Muggles.


The persecution of witches and wizards was gathering pace all over Europe in the early fifteenth century.


Many in the magical community felt, and with good reason, that offering to cast a spell on the Muggle-next-door's sickly pig was tantamount to volunteering to fetch the firewood for one's own funeral pyre.


Note 1. It is true, of course, that genuine witches and wizards were reasonably adept at escaping the stake, block, and noose (see my comments about Lisette de Lapin in the commentary on “Babbitty Rabbity and her Cackling Stump” ) .


However, a number of deaths did occur: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (a wizard at the royal court in his lifetime, and in his death-time, ghost of Gryffindor Tower) was stripped of his wand before being locked in a dungeon and was unable to magic himself out of his execution;


And wizarding families were particularly prone to losing younger members, whose inability to control their own magic made them noticeable, and vulnerable, to Muggle witch-hunters.


“Let the Muggles manage without us!” was the cry, as the wizards drew further and further apart from their non-magical brethren, culminating with the institution of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1689 when wizardkind voluntarily went underground.


Children being children, however, the grotesque Hopping Pot had taken hold of their imaginations.




