

考点1,Hobo, I have a problem.

辨析:problem, question



e.g. Can you work out this maths problem? 你能算出这道数学题吗?

May I ask you some questions?

考点2, Why not eat less and exercise more?

Exercise V 锻炼, 不可数名词为锻炼,运动,常用于短语take exercise 进行锻炼, 也可以是可数名词表示一套动作,练习。

e.g. My father exercises every morning.

My father takes exercise every morning.

We do morning exercises every day. 我们每天做早操。

考点3,mark 分数,标记,记号

get good /high/low/full Marks in ...在...上得到高/低/满分

He often gets full marks in exams.


Now look at the mark on this. 现在看看这上面的标记。

Mark, sign , Signal 区别:




e.g. Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable.带有他印记的任何一件银器都极有价值。

The sign on the wall said”Wash your hands please” 墙上的牌子写着“请洗手”

Pay special attention to the traffic signals on the road.


考点4, Sometimes I feel lonely.

Lonely, alone区别



e.g. The old man feels very lonely, because he has no children.

I feel lonely from time to time.

Was there anyone else on the lonely island?那个偏僻的岛上还有别人吗?

I went to the cinema alone yesterday evening.

一句辨析:Do you feel lonely when you live alone?当你一个人居住时,你感到孤独吗?

考点5,hardly adv几乎不,表否定


I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies. 我几乎没有任何空闲时间用在我的业余爱好上。

It’s hard for me to finish the work in two days.

They always work hard at English.他们总是努力学习英语。

一句辨析:It is raining so hard that we can hardly go out.

考点6,I cannot imagine my life without hobbies.

Imagine vt, vi, 想象,设想

Imagine sth 想象..

Imagine (sb)doing sth 想象某人做某事

Imagine 从句

e.g. We cannot imagine life without water.

I can’t imagine him teaching in front of so many people.

You can’t imagine how I missed you all.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a forest.

考点7, worth adj 值得,值...钱

Be worth n

Be worth doing sth

e.g. The idea is worth considering .

the book is worth 5 dollars.

The book is well worth reading.

中考在线: A lot of museums in China are worth___, if you have time, you can choose to go.

A, visited B, visiting C, to visit D, visit

考点8,Can you offer me some suggestions?

Offer V, 提供 offer sb sth == offer sth to sb

等同于 provide sb with sth==provide sth for sb

e.g. I offered him a job last year.=I offere a job to him last year.

Can you provide me with some food?= Can you provide some food for me?

中考在线:--How’s it going, Tina -----Great . My company has __me a good job.

A, offered B provided C, introduced D, discovered

考点9,suggestion n, 建议,可数名词

e.g. Mr Wang gave us many suggestions on how to protect the environment.

Advice 建议,不可数名词

Can you give me some advice on how to learn English well?

=Can you give me some suggestions on how to learn English well?

中考在线:The article gives students some__about how to stay safe online.

A,suggestions B, activities C, decisions D, advantages

考点10,cause [kɔːz] 做名词时,“原因” 做动词,表示“引起,使发生”

e.g. What’s the cause of the problem? 问题的起因是什么?

What caused the accident?

辨析:cause, Reason

Cause 原因,指导致某事发生的原因

Reason 原因,理由,指说明某事的理由

The reason why he was driving so fast was that he was late for an important meeting.

考点11,I do not understand why they are so strict with me.

Strict adj 严格的,严厉的


Be strict with sb 对某人要求严格

Be strict in sth 对某事要求严格

e.g. Our maths teacher is a strict teacher.

My father is always strict with me.

Our English teacher is strict in her work.

考点11,I look forward to your valuable advice.

Valuable adj 宝贵的,贵重的

辨析:valuable invaluable valued

Valuable 指具体某物被公认为“有价值的,贵重的,值钱的”强调某物很值钱或对所有者具有很大的用途或利益。

Invaluable 多指不具体的事物,意思是“极有用的,无法估价的”

Valued 仅指对某人来说是珍贵的,贵重的,但对别人来说就不一定。

e.g. These suggestions are valuable to me = These suggestions are of value to me.

He has a valuable collection of stamps.他收藏了很多有价值的邮票。

His assistance is invaluable to me . 他对我的帮助是极有用的。

Tom is my most valued friend. 汤姆是我最可贵的朋友。

考点12, work out 算出,解决,为动词 副词结构,当宾语是名词时,放中间或out后都可以,如果是代词宾格,只能放中间。

The maths problem is not very difficult. I think you canwork it out.

考点13,Daniel does not know whom he should talk to.

Whom 谁,who的宾格形式,两者都可以用作疑问代词,在口语中多用who代替whom,但是前面有介词,只能用whom. 另外,介词 whom 和把介词放在后面都是可以的。

e.g. I know who you are and whom you represent. 我知道你是谁以及代表谁。

Whom do you wait for?== For whom do you wait?

中考在线:Do you know__I saw yesterday? It was my favorite star, Jackie Chan!

A, whom B, when C, where D, how

考点14, Soon they got his replies.

Answer , reply 区别:

answer 多用于回答问题或接电话,answer the phone等

Reply 比answer 正式,一般指经过思考,有针对性的回答。 后面不能直接接宾语,要加to, 即reply to = answer

e.g. He replied to my letter.

Can you answer my question?

中考在线:I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Please__my letter as soon as possible.

A, reply B, answer to C, reply to D, write

考点15,progress 不可数名词,进步,进展,取得进步:make progress

考点16,How about reading English aloud every morning?

Aloud,loud, loudly区别

Aloud 副词,重点在于出声能让人听见,常用在读书或说话上,通常放在实意动词之后,没有比较级形式。

Loud可作形容词或副词使用,作为副词时,常与speak, talk,laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级。

Loudly 副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思。

e.g. He read the story aloud to his son last night.

She told us to speak a little louder.她让我们说大声一点儿。

He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑。


He reads aloud and we talk loudly, so the sound is a little louder.他大声朗读,我们大声谈话,因此声音有点儿大。



