
Norrie! Isn't it time for. . . ? - Duggee! Duggee!,我来为大家科普一下关于狗狗气球上怎么画眼睛?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Norrie! Isn't it time for. . . ? - Duggee! Duggee!

Duggee! Woof!

Duggee! Hey, Duggee!

Duggee And The Drawing Badge. Hello, Squirrels. I wonder what Duggee has planned for you today!

Hey, Duggee! Woof!

What's the weather like outside, Duggee? Yeah, it's really sunny!

. . . . . . Oh!

It's raining. Don't worry, Squirrels.

You can still go out, as long as you wear your raincoats and wellies. Woof-woof!

Yay! We're ready! Woof!

. . . . . . Woo-oof!

. . . . . . Is it too wet to play outside, Duggee?

Woof! What can we do indoors?

Woof-woof! Ah, the drawing badge!

Oh, what a good idea, Duggee! You can all do some drawing!

A-woof! Yay!

. . . . . . Drawing, drawing, drawing, drawing, drawing. . . Whoops!

Rubbing out, rubbing out, rubbing out. . . Uh. . . Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

La-la-la-la-la-la-la! La-la-la-la. La-la-la!

. . . . . . Ha-ha-ha-ha! Finished!

Finished! Snap!

We've finished! Ooh!

This is my drawing. Ah. Can we guess what it is, Norrie?

Uh-huh. A flower!

Yes! Wow! And what has Happy drawn?

A puddle! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Splash, splash, splash! Guess mine!

A ball! Mm-hm.

I'm next! A tree!

Yes! My go, Duggee!

Hm. . . It's a banana!

Yup! Huh?

Good banana, Roly. Best banana ever!

Hm. . . Are you going to draw us a picture, Duggee?

A-woof! Ooh!

. . . . . . Is it finished, Duggee?

Hm. . . Woof!

Can we see it? Mm-hm.

Woof-woof! Huh?

What is it? It's a bunny, Betty.

Huh? A sausage?

Huh? An elephant?

A puddle? A bird!

A bus! A carrot?

Cheese! Woof-woof.

You really don't know who Duggee has drawn? Well, it's. . .

It's Duggee. No! That's not Duggee!

So, Squirrels, what are you drawing now? We're drawing Duggee!

Oh! Duggee, ah. . . Finished!

Do you want to see our drawing of you, Duggee? Woof. . .

Duggee! Oh, it's lovely!

Aw! Ah, that looks a lot brighter.

Didn't the Squirrels do well today, Duggee? Woof.

Well done, Squirrels! You've earned your drawing badge!

Yay! Ah, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing. Duggee hug!

Aw! Duggee hug.

We've got our drawing badges! Aw!

Bye-bye, everybody! Oh, that was fun, wasn't it, Duggee?

Oh, stop it, Duggee.


