



  • 不,没有。 No, I'm not.

You're lying. (你在说谎。)

No, I'm not. (不,没有。)

Yes, I am. (对。)

  • 不对。 Wrong.


You're from Canada, right? (你是加拿大人吧?)

Wrong. (不,不对。)

Right. (对。)

  • 那是不对的。 That's not right.


Go this way. (走这条路。)

No, that's not right. (不,那么走不对。)

= That's not correct.

Correct. (对,是这样。)

  • 你的想法根本上就是错误的。 Your idea is fundamentally wrong.

*fundamentally “根本地”、“本质上地”。

Everyone lies. There is nothing wrong with it. (大家都撒谎,这没什么不好的。)

Your idea is fundamentally wrong. (你的想法根本上就是错误的。)

= There is something fundamentally wrong with your idea.

= Your idea lacks morals. (你的想法真缺德。)

我不是那个意思。 That's not what I mean.

Are you saying you're better than I am? (你是说你比我出色吗?)

That's not what I mean. (我不是那个意思。)

= I didn't mean that.

= You misunderstood me. (你误会我了。)

  • 哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。 Certainly not.


Did you cheat? (你骗人了吧?)

Certainly not. (哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。)

Of course not. *否定的答案是显而易见的,根本无须发问时使用。

Of course. (当然。)

  • 没有,从来没有。 No, never.

Haven't you been abroad? (你还没去过外国吗?)

No, never. (没有,从没去过。)

  • 不,一点儿都不。

No, not a bit.

Aren't you tired? (你不累吗?)

No, not a bit. (不,一点儿都不累。)

  • 肯定不对! No way!


I think she's pregnant. (我觉得她怀孕了。)

No way! (绝对不会。)

Never. (绝对不是那么回事。)

= Definitely not!

= Absolutely not!

Absolutely. (绝对一点儿没错。)

  • 怎么可能呢? How can that be?

I can't find my wallet. (我找不到我的钱包了。)

How can that be? (怎么可能呢?)

= How could that be?

= That's impossible.

= How can it be true?

  • 在这一点上我们意见分歧。 We don't agree on this point.
  • 我没说那个。 I'm not talking about that.

..., but he's rich. (……可他有钱吧!)

I'm not talking about that. (我没说那个。)

= What I'm saying is another matter.

= That's not what I'm talking about.

  • 这个嘛……! Uh-uh. *非常随便的否定说法。在熟悉的同伴中使用。

Are you free tonight? (今晚你有空吗?)

= Uh-uh. (这个嘛……)

= Uh-huh. (嗯。)

  • 那样不行。 That won't do.
  • 他呀,不行。 He won't do.
  • 那也太没道理了。 That makes no sense.

He got a promotion. (他升官了。)

That makes no sense. (那也太没道理了。)

= That doesn't make sense.

Makes sense. (可以理解/合乎情理。)

That makes sense. (这事儿可以理解/合乎道理。)

  • 不是我。 Not me.


Who broke my coffee cup? (谁把我的咖啡杯给打碎了?)

Not me. (不是我。)

= It wasn't me.

= I didn't do it. (我没干那事。)

= I didn't say that. (我没说那事。)

= I'm innocent. (我是清白的。)

  • 我否认。 I deny that.


I heard you say it. (我听你这么说的。)

I deny that. (我否认。)


