complete sentence 例句(多样化表达-切换句子模式Sentence)

掌握常见的多维度表达, 能有效根据沟通对象的水平进行合理




结构1:How adj subject verb!


The business trip was surprising.> How surprising the business trip was!

把原来句子中的形容词提前 How即可,后面不需要改变

You’re intelligent.> How intelligent you’re!

It is very dangerous to go outside because of COVID-19.>How dangerous it is to go outside because of ...

结构2:How adv subject verb!


You speak English well/fluently.>How well/fluently you speak English!

Kelly works very hard to get promoted>How hard Kelly works to get promoted.

类型2:否定句negative与含否定意义的词的肯定句切换Positive With Negative Meaning

Never,no,should have done,too…to.,none of...

I haven’t learned how to book a ticket online .> I have never learned how to ...

There isn’t a branch of our company in SZ.> There is no branch …

I didn’t complete this report on schedule> I should have completed this ...

Should have done sth 本该做某事但实际上并没有

Shouldn't have done sth 本不该做某事但实际上做了

The coffee is hot so I can’t drink it now> The coffee is too hot to drink now.

too Adj to do sth 太...以至于不能,ADJ 表明原因,to do sth 表明结果(此结构是因果逻辑关系)

We can't go outside cuz our community has been blocked for a while.>None of us can't...


it couldn't be better再好不过了

i couldn't agree with you more.我完全同意你的看法(more是much&many的比较级)

It couldn't be simpler再简单不过了

类型3 用疑问词 to do 简化宾语从句The object clause to ‘ Wh /How to do‘

I don’t know where I should go.> where to go .

I don’t know why I should learn English > why to learn …

Would you mind telling me what I should do next? > what to do next.

Just tell me who I can ask? – who to ask .

Jack already knows how we travel= get= go to that restaurant.> how togo.

Jack already knows which hotel we’re staying in? > which hotel to stay in

Could you please tell me when the meeting is? > when to attend the meeting

类型4 对原本句子不同成分进行针对性强调,

基本结构It is/was subject / object that / who (Emphatic )

Our company (=可以说成是We ) opened a new outlet in Shenzhen last year


Our company-It was our company that opened a new outlet in SZ last year.


Last year-It was last year that we opened …

4-3 对地点状语的强调

In Shenzhen- It was in SZ that we …

4-4 对宾语(动作对象的强调)

A new outlet-It was a new outlet that we ….

类型5:直接问句与间接问句的转化Direct question –indirect question根据沟通对象的熟悉程度和场合进行选择


complete sentence 例句(多样化表达-切换句子模式Sentence)(1)

特殊疑问句中Be 动词的转化

When are you available? -Could you tell me when you are available? 注意将特殊疑问词后面的问句变成陈述句子即可

complete sentence 例句(多样化表达-切换句子模式Sentence)(2)


where did you send the files?-Can you let me know where you sent the files?

5-2 将Yes/No 问题以If/whether 是否替代

complete sentence 例句(多样化表达-切换句子模式Sentence)(3)


Do you like Italian food?-Could you tell me=I was wondering if you like italian?

5-3 将Yes/No 问题can的问题用If/whether could 替代

complete sentence 例句(多样化表达-切换句子模式Sentence)(4)

Yes/no 问句之Can问句的转化

Can we change the start time?-I was wondering if we could change the start time?

5-4 更加委婉带有不确定性的商量口吻

complete sentence 例句(多样化表达-切换句子模式Sentence)(5)


Can you organize a call tmr?-Would that be possible to arrange a call tmr?

Pls keep it in mind that it doesn't matter what the outcome is,it matters you're there for it.


