
Carlos: "All right, Doc, give me all you got."


Carlos: "It's so hot in this village."


Gabrielle: "Baby, that's the fever talking. The doctor said you're having an allergic reaction, but you're gonna be fine, okay?"


Carlos: "Hold me."


Gabrielle: "Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Oh, maybe that stupid nun is right. Maybe I am trying to stop you from becoming a better person. It's just that I love you the way you are, greedy, selfish, and insensitive. I'm just scared if you're not those things anymore, you're gonna wake up one day and realize I still am, and then you won't want me."


Carlos: "I want you. Just hold me."


Gabrielle: "Oh, Carlos."


Carlos: "Hold me, Sister Mary."


  • have an allergic reaction
  • allergic [əˈlɜːrdʒɪk] adj. 过敏的
  • reaction[rɪˈækʃən]n.反应
  • stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
  • It's just that I love you the way you are, greedy, selfish, and insensitive.
  • 我就是喜欢你的贪婪,自私和冷漠。
  • I love you the way you are.我就是喜欢你现在的样子。
  • greedy [ˈgridɪ] a.贪心的selfish[ˈsεlfɪʃ]a.自私的
  • insensitive [ɪnˈsεnsətɪv]a.感觉迟钝的;无感觉的;麻木的
  • It is just that 表语从句,that这里相当于“because”
  • 例如:It is not that I don't want to, but that I can't.
  • 不是因为我不想,而是因为我不能够这么做。


  • Carlos: "All right, Doc, give me all you got."
  • Carlos: "It's so hot in this village."
  • Gabrielle: "Baby, that's the fever talking. The doctor said you're having an allergic reaction, but you're gonna be fine, okay?"
  • Carlos: "Hold me."
  • Gabrielle: "Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Oh, maybe that stupid nun is right. Maybe I am trying to stop you from becoming a better person. It's just that I love you the way you are, greedy, selfish, and insensitive. I'm just scared if you're not those things anymore, you're gonna wake up one day and realize I still am, and then you won't want me."
  • Carlos: "I want you. Just hold me."
  • Gabrielle: "Oh, Carlos."
  • Carlos: "Hold me, Sister Mary."

卡洛斯:来吧,医生,放马过来。 卡洛斯:这村里好热。 加布丽尔:宝贝,你在说胡话呢。医生说你现在是过敏反应,但你会没事的,知道吗? 卡洛斯:抱着我。 加布丽尔:亲爱的,我很抱歉,也许那个愚蠢的修女是对的。也许我是在妨碍你变成一个更好的人。只是我喜欢你现在的样子——贪心,自私而麻木不仁,我怕如果你变成了一个更好的人,哪天你醒来,发现我还是老样子,就不会再想要我了。 卡洛斯:我要你,抱抱我吧。 加布丽尔:卡洛斯 卡洛斯:抱着我,玛丽修女。


