


1. Hold sway: have great power or influence over a particular place or activity 支配


63E SS Line 17

According to the behaviorist doctrine that held sway at the time, animals were little more than “stimulus response automata”.

这句话的意思为:“行为主义的学说在当时很盛行,动物只不过是对 ‘刺激产生反应的机器人’。”

OG1 NS Line 75

Dinosaurs held sway for 100 million years while mammals, all the while, lived as small animals in the interstices of their world.


2. In one’s favor:support 赞成


63E SS Line 24

But over the last decade alone a flood of new data have emerged that would seem to have turned the tide definitively in Dr. Griffin’s favor.


和favor这个词相关的常用短语,还有一个就是“do sb a favor” 表示帮助某人

例如“It’s a sound policy to do a favor before seeking one.”

3. At the expense of:at the cost of 以。。。为代价

68C SS Line 54

Because he focused his work on applied science—inventions which had a future in the market-place—at the expense of the theoretical, he separated his discoveries from those that shattered popular values and beliefs.


61C Humanities 29-B

Reason can enhance the imagination but at the expense ofexperience in the actual world.


4. On behalf of:represent 代表

OG2 SS Line 1

The most famous section of the Declaration of Independence, which has become the most quoted statement of human rights in recorded history as well as the most eloquent justification of revolution on behalf of them, went through the Continental Congress without comment and with only one very minor change.


5. Take sth into Account:consider 考虑

(1).Account 这个词的意思非常多,做名词的时候,可以表示账户,也可以表示记述。

例如 64E SS Line21

For earlier times, we have but what are called proxy records reconstructed from incomplete written accounts, tree rings, and ice cores.



(2).account做名词的时候,还有一个短语就是 take sth into account,意思为考虑。

OG5 SS Line 12

Because 3-D software can take into account the building materials and the laws of physics, it enables scholars to address construction techniques in ways sometimes overlooked when they are working with two-dimensional drawings.


6. Let alone:to say nothing of 更不用说

61C NS Line 87

To be sure, it has not been proved that they are comets, let alone that they have anything to do with the oceans.


OG SS Line 69

Intricate technical issues such as taxation, arms control, and nuclear power are difficult to understand for professionals, to say nothing of the most diligent layman.


7. Take advantage of:use 利用

这个短语很容易被误解成“有优势”的意思,但是实际的意思为 “利用”。一起来看一个真题例句。

63F SS Line 56

How else to explain the fact that, every year, people shell out millions of dollars on extended warranties that they seldom get a chance to take advantage of?

还有什么可以解释每年,人们花费上百万美元去延长产品保修期,但时间上它们很少有机会用到?(from ACT备考)



