
近日最令人悲伤的事... 著名艺人高以翔在录制节目时意外晕倒,因工作人员抢救不及时而猝然离世你永远不知道明天和意外哪一个会先来,请收好这份必备心肺复苏急救教程,把握“黄金4分钟”,关键时刻抢救生命,我来为大家科普一下关于心肺复苏的黄金救命时间是几分钟?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



近日最令人悲伤的事... 著名艺人高以翔在录制节目时意外晕倒,因工作人员抢救不及时而猝然离世。你永远不知道明天和意外哪一个会先来,请收好这份必备心肺复苏急救教程,把握“黄金4分钟”,关键时刻抢救生命。

Hello, in this HealthSketch, we want to talk to you about CPR, which stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.


We use CPR when someone has collapsed and is not breathing, because it can keep people alive until emergency services arrive.


Learning these simple life-saving skills is as easy as ABC - all you have to remember is the "Doctor's ABC".

学懂这些简单的救生技能就如ABC一样容易,你只需要记着 “Doctor’s ABC”(D.R.A.B.C口诀)。

D is for Danger: First, look around carefully to make sure the area is safe for yourself and others before approaching.


R is for Response: Shake them gently by the shoulders and ask them loudly "Are you alright?"If there is no response, you need to. . .

R代表反应:轻轻地摇晃病者的肩膀及大声问“你还好吗?” 如病者没有反应,你需要……

S: Shout for help, as any assistance will be helpful. A is for Airway: Gently tilt the head back like this, to open up the airway.

S:呼喊求助,因为任的何协助也会有帮助。A代表气道: 轻轻把头这样往后倾,来把气道打开。

B is for Breathing: Look, Listen and Feel for signs of normal breathing: LOOK for normal chest movements, LISTEN for normal breathing sounds and try to FEEL their breath against your face.


Do this for no more than 10 seconds.


If there is no sign of breathing, or if they are breathing in an unusual, noisy way, we need to start CPR. First, make sure that an ambulance is on its way.


If you have someone else with you, ask them to make the call.


Putting the phone on speaker mode is useful as the ambulance service can talk you through the steps.


C is for Circulation: Circulation means the flow of blood around the body, and when the heart stops pumping, we need to take over this role by pushing down hard and fast on the chest.


Start by placing the heel of one hand at the centre of the person's chest and interlock your fingers like this.


With arms straightened, press down hard and fast, letting the chest come back up fully each time.


Fast means around 2 times every second (metronome sound) and hard means that the chest needs to go down by about 5 centimetres.

快速即是每秒大约2次 ,而有力按下即是胸部需要下降大约5厘米。

This might sound a lot but you do need to push hard for it to be effective.


If you have been trained, you can give 2 'rescue breaths' after every 30 compressions, as this helps provide some oxygen.


However, if you have not been trained or are not comfortable, just keep going with 'Hands-only' continuous chest compressions.


If someone else is with you, swap over if you begin to feel tired, and don't stop until either a health professional takes over, or the person is definitely breathing normally.


Sometimes, we can add another step – "D".


D is for Defibrillation, which is about delivering a shock to restart the heartbeat.


Some public areas and workplaces have an easy-to-use defibrillator on site, called an Automatic External Defibrillator, or AED. Automatic means that it is the machine that decides what to do, so you can't go wrong, and it even talks you through the steps.

一些公共场所和工作场所有易于使用的除颤器,称为Automatic External Defibrillator (自动体外除颤器)或AED。这机器被称为自动体外除颤器是因为它决定应该要做什么,所以你不会出错,它甚至会引导你做所需步骤。

If there is no AED available, keep going with CPR until the ambulance arrives.


That's it!


So to recap: remember DR'S ABC and if you have it, D. That's D for Danger, R for response.

总括来说:大家应该还记着记着DR’S ABC,即D代表危险,R代表反应。


