





现在我们已经基本上了解了这个故事发展的过程,现在老师想请大家再来默读一遍课文,读的时候想一想,这个故事是围绕着哪一个字展开的?或者说哪一个字可以概括这篇童话的故事情节?另外,请大家划一划课文当中都出现了哪些人物。好,时间到。大家觉得哪个字可以概括本课的内容?大家异口同声的说“骗”,说的很好,在这个故事中,所有的人物都和“骗”字有关系,有骗人的,有被骗的,还有不被骗的。总之,一个“骗”字说出了这篇课文的特色。那么大家在这个故事里找到了哪些人物?好,第一个就是皇帝,还有呢?对,骗子,还有大臣,我还听到有同学说老百姓,最后还有一个小孩,对。那么文中的各种人物是怎样围绕这个“骗”字进行活动的呢? 先说骗子做了什么?对,骗子骗人。“骗人”也叫“行骗”,也可以说骗子行骗。(板书)那么,皇帝呢? 皇帝怎样?没错,皇帝受了骗子的骗。(板书)那两个老大臣和其他官员呢?这位同学说得没错,他们既受骗又骗人。那么,对于大臣、官员们来说,他们在这个故事中的作用,受骗是主要的呢,还是骗人是主要的呢?)对,骗人是主要的。不管是为了什么,他们实际上是帮助骗子骗了皇帝。(板书)那么老百姓呢?对是老百姓传播了骗子的谎话,所以说叫“传骗”,最后,就剩下这个小孩子了,他也是既受骗又骗人吗?对,这个小孩没有受骗,还把两个骗子的谎话给揭穿了。(板书)

好,刚才我们围绕一个“骗”字将故事中几种人物的活动都梳理了一遍。大家觉得骗子为什么能够成功?是因为这些人傻吗?当然不是,现在我们一起来分析一 下故事中这些人物的形象吧。请大家四人为一小组,选择课文中的一个人物进行分析,说一说他们具有什么样的性格特点,你是从哪里看出来的。好,我看到大家都讨论完了,哪一组先发言?好,第一组的同学,你们组分析的是皇帝的特点。你们觉得皇帝非常爱慕虚荣,贪图享受,因为他从来不关心自己的国家,把所有的钱都用来做新衣服了,还有吗?国王还虚伪愚蠢、自欺欺人,他最后意识到自己受骗了,还要做出一副神气的样子,故作姿态掩饰自己内心的恐慌。你们组分析的很到位,请坐下。还有谁来说?好,第二组的代表。你们小组分析的是大臣,虚伪自私,阿谀逢迎,他们虽然谁都看不到新装,但是因为怕别人说自己愚蠢不称职,也为了讨好皇帝,所以都异口同声地说假话,请坐下。来,第三组你们继续,你们小组分析的是两个骗子,你们这两个骗子阴险狡诈,而且能够投其所好。投其所好这个词用的非常好,因为国王喜欢新衣服,所以他们就迎合皇帝的爱好,假装在做衣服,请坐下。谁来分析老百姓?好,第五组的同学,你们来说,你们说老百姓比较胆小怕事,他们也知道皇帝被骗了,但是不敢说出来,只能窃窃私语,说的很好,请坐下。那现在还剩下最后这个小孩子,他是一个什么样的人呢?第四组的同学来说一下,哦,你们觉得小孩说的真话, 像一把匕首,戳穿了骗子、老大臣、官员和皇帝自欺欺人的鬼把戏,他是一个天真烂漫、诚实勇敢的孩子,总结的很好,请坐下。




同学们,上课!在上课之前呢,我们先来复习一下平方根的概念。那么老师问你, 如果x²=2,那么x叫作2的什么?有哪位同学知道,请举手回答。我听见有的同学说,平方根(并板书),好,这就是我们平方根的概念,也就是如果x²=a,我们把x叫作a的的平方根(并板书),那么老师又问了,咱们这个概念写的完整吗?请同学补充。对了,a必须大于等于0.非常好,我们上节课说了负数没有平方根。那么现在类比平方根的概念,老师给大家出个题目,由27个小立方体能构成几阶魔方?由64个小立方体又能构成几阶魔方呢?即如果x³=27.那么x应该叫作27的什么呢?这就是本节课我们要学习的新知识,立方根。(并板书标题)


运用立方根的概念,我们要会求一个数的立方根,现在我给大家出几个题目,请看黑板:请同学们求式子里a的值。(1)a³=-8,a³=729 (2)a³=0.064



咱们的作业是课本练习题前三道,请同学们认真完成,并注意跟求平方根的相同点和不同点。 好了同学们,这节课我们就上到这里,下课!

初中英语Can you come to my party?逐字稿(写作课)

Step 1 Lead-in

Good morning,boys and girl. Sit down, please. Before the class, let’s enjoy a video. After watching it, please tell me what they are doing. Ok, start, (停顿). We can see so many people are talking and dancing. They seem very happy.So what are they doing? Yes, they are having a party. Do you want to join them? Yes, me too. Can we go there directly? No, that’s not polite.So what do we need? Yes, an invitation. Today we’ll talk about how to write an invitation letter.

Step 2 Pre-writing

Boys and girls, have you ever seen an invitation letter before? Yes?No? How about you ? You said yes. What kind of invitation is it ? The school invited your parents to parents meeting. You are right. That’s an invitation. I think most of you have seen it. Now here is also an invitation from some school to parents. Let’s read it and answer the questions on PPT. You have one minutes to read these questions. Ok. Now find answers to these questions. Can we check the answers now? The first one, what is the invitation for? Any volunteers?You please. It’s for the opening of the library. That’s right. Sit down, please. The second one.When will the event happen? You please, have a try. On the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. Well done, sit down, please. Next, what will happen after this? The girl in white, have a try. Oh, after this, there will be a school concert. Any other things? Yes, parents can enjoy lunch in the school hall. The fourth on, Do parents have to bring anything? Everyone, answer me together, yes or no? The answer is yes, so what’s it? A new book. That right.The last one, How should people reply to this invitation? They should reply in writing by Friday, December 20th.

That’s the invitation from the school. Boys and girls, if we invite others to a party or something like this, what should we tell them? You can look at the invitation and talk with your partner. Time is up. Who wants to have a try. Yes, you please. Oh, we should tell them the time and place. That;s when and where it will be. (板书when and where)And ? the kind of party or the event.(板书) Sit down please, you did a very good job. Any other things?

Please have a try. We should also tell them if they need to bring something and reply to the invitation. (板书bring anything or not)That’s good, sit down please. And if they need to reply,we should also tell the them how and when to reply. (板书when and how to reply)Right? Now please pay attention to the blackboard here. These are things we should tell others if we invite them to a party. Now boys and girls, let’s read the invitation in the book again and then underline the words and phrases you think you can use in your invitation letter. Later,we will check your answers. Ok, the boy in the black, what did you underline? The beginning part and the end. Yes, at the beginning, we can write like this: I would like to invite you.../I am writing to invite you... and in the end,we can write sentence like this:Please reply in writing to...Good job. Sit down please, pay attention to this part. You see , here, when we talk about the event ,we use“will”, because it’s in the future. Right? Another part we should focus on,is here. What’s this?Yes, a name of the letter receiver. So there should be a name of the letter receiver, if you don’t know the name, you can use dear friends or parents, And then a coma here. How about here? So at the end of the letter, we should write a signature at the right or left corner. That’s what we should do when we write an letter. Clear? Great.

Step 3 While–writing

Now it’s your turn to write an invitation letter. Suppose you start a shop, and you will hold a opening party. Write an invitation to your friends. You have twenty minutes to finish this part.

Step 4 Post–writing

Time is almost up.Most of you have finished your writing, please check you writing by yourself first and then exchange your writing with your partners’ . When you check your writing, please pay attention to these parts:

v Is there any grammatical, spelling mistakes?

v Does the writing contain all the information on the blackboard?

v Does the writing have a correct format?

Now, after your editing, Is there anyone who wants to share the writing to us? The boy in the first row, yes, you please, try it. Great job, I like your writing. In your writing, you even tell other how to get to your shop . That’s very sweet. Any other one wants to have try? You please,thank you very much. I think it’s a great writing, but pay attention, we should use “will” to talk about the future event. Guys, you can revise your writing after class.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Boys and girls, what have we learned today ? Yes, we learn how to write an invitation letter, When we write an invitation letter, we should tell them some information like the kind of the party, the time and the place, if guests should bring anything, if guests should reply to the invitation and how to reply it.So when we invite others, we should invite them politely. That’s very important, right? Ok, today’s homework, design an invitation card and then write down your invitation on your card.

Class is over, see you next class.


