







You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone


You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing


So, let's go to Syllable Dance


Jump to the heavens and wastes, to the seas and rocks


This is the most beautiful love story ever heard by a Bundy enthusiast


I've heard the romance of Ibisa


But before we went to Ibisa


I don't want to miss every electric syllable with you

10月3-4日 | 西安 Holo Festival



有人说,“音乐是一个人的享受,那音乐节就是一群人的欢腾”。我们期待着在西安这座历史名城中,在以连续蝉联三年百大DJ榜首的R3HAB的带领下,Yellow Claw 、W&W、Nicke Romero等连同众多国际知名DJ大咖齐聚,一起纵情狂欢。

In October 2019, HOLO will set foot in Xi'an. The Aurora composed of electronic music is shrouded in the sky of the ancient city of Xi'an. Wonderful holographic performances and hundreds of DJs exude charm.I believe that modern music has a lot of charm, but classical music is supported by thousands of years of culture, with more characteristics. HOLO Music Festival will be the future of technology and music.

Some people say, "Music is a person's enjoyment, that music festival is a group of people's joyment". We look forward to a carnival in this historic city of Xi'an under the leadership of R3HAB, which has been the top DJ of the 100 largest DJs for three consecutive years, together with a large number of internationally renowned DJ cafes.

10月4-5日 | 曼谷 WATERZONIC




由Bizzey ,Jim Aasgier,Nizzle 三人联合而成的YELLOW CLOW,他们在探索HipHop和EDM所独具特色的音乐风格将瞬间燃爆全场。Nicky Romero、Wildstylez、Wavedash等




The famous Thai Water Sprinkling Festival has already become a world-renowned large-scale indulgence event, full of various delicacies in every street and lane has undoubtedly become one of the most attractive features of this big tourist country.

YELLOW CLOW, a combination of Bizzey, Jim Aasgier and Nizzle, is exploring the unique music style of HipHop and EDM that will burst into flames instantly. Nicky Romero, Wildstylez, Wavedash and other well-known DJ strong support.

With its luxurious lineup and international standards, WATERZONIC set out again in 2019 after many years of successful hosting, and still maintained the high level of all previous years, offering Bangkok a 10,000-person playshow.

In the hot summer, with the cooperation of electronic music, a luxurious Music Festival witnesses PLUR with tens of thousands of people.

10月25-26日 | 首尔 ESCAPE




这次EDC的强大阵容一公布就让不少Raver心动不已。3LAU、AFK、Alesso、Chace、DJ snake、DJL、Eprom、Graves、Gryffin、Joyryde、Mercer、Moksi、Snails、Space Jesus、Svdden Death等几十组的知名艺人即将抵达,风格多样,个性十足,必将给现场带来最震撼的音乐体验。


“2019 SPECTRUM” is a story-based electronic syllable with THE FUTURE OF CULTURE TECHNOLOGY main color. The robot story "PROJECT HUMANOID" is the main axis.

South Korea's ESCAPE Music Festival is not only an audio-visual carnival, but also an unprecedented carnival. Super popularity DJ brilliant lights, shocking sound effects, passion, unrestrained, twisting, give us a strong sense of shock.

This EDC's strong lineup has made many Ravers heartbeat as soon as it was announced. Dozens of well-known artists, such as 3LAU, AFK, Alesso, Chace, DJ snake, DJL, Eprom, Graves, Gryffin, Joyryde, Mercer, Moksi, Snails, Space Jesus, Svdden Death, will arrive soon. They will bring the most shocking music experience to the scene.

The magnificent superstar lineup and the powerful top stage are the multi-feast surrounded by the "future" and "moving".

11月2-3日 | 武汉 VAC




2019年第二场VAC电音节,将再次搬进武汉园博园,燃爆的电子音乐,与传统园林湖光山色结合,所有的烦闷苦恼在顷刻间烟消云散 ,同时我们将对更多元化的音乐风格进行探索。

Jersey Club 代表人物之一、美国硬派轰炸机——4B;挪威DJ、音乐制作人,以空灵电音著称的电音天才——ALAN WALKER;两度入围格莱美奖的法国流行电音蛇王、世界上第一个登上巴黎凯旋门表演的艺人——DJ SNAKE……他们每秒钟都能散发出强力冲击,让我们的大脑皮层至无法自拔。

This year, VAC's syllables are matched with DJ's of different musical styles. The soul leads the dream around, the heart's direction, back to the beginning of the dream.

The second VAC syllable in 2019 will be moved into the Wuhan Garden Expo Garden again. The explosive electronic music will combine with the traditional landscape. All the distress will disappear in an instant. At the same time, we will explore more diversified music styles.

Jersey Club, one of the representative figures, American hard bomber - 4B; Norwegian DJ, music producer, famous for the voice genius - ALAN WALKER; two-time Grammy Award-winning French pop audio snake king, the world's first artist to perform in the Arc de Triomphe in Paris - DJ SNAKE... They send out powerful shocks every second, making our cortex unable to pull itself out.

11月16日 | 厦门 Creamfields


在拥有怡人温度的深秋,Creamfields厦门站将再度来袭,集结Trance传奇教父Armin van Buuren,先锋电音组合王炸兄弟W&W回归Trance领域的另一身份NWYR, Tech Trance灵魂人物MaRLo,Psy Trance之神Ben Nicky,摇滚电子前卫组合Breathe Carolina,Melbourne Bounce代表人物Will Sparks,玩转试听的AILIA,亚洲神秘的小狐狸YÅKO,以及神秘电音制作人Sad Cato的强势多元阵容,势必刷新你的视听感官新体验。


In the late autumn with a pleasant temperature, the Creamfields Xiamen Station will come again, gathering Armin van Buuren, the legendary father of Trance, W&W, the pioneer electro-acoustic combination, to return to another identity in the field of Trance, NWYR, MaRLo, MarLo, Ben Nicky, God of Psy Trance, the breakolina, Melbourne Bounc, the rock and roll electronic avant-garde group. Will Sparks, AILIA, YKO, the mysterious little fox in Asia, and Sad Cato, the mysterious producer of audio and video, will surely refresh your audiovisual experience.

With music festivals, people with common dreams are gathered together, so that all audio and video enthusiasts can freely express their inner feelings and find the power of life in music.

11月23-24日 | 珠海 EDC



用Big Room统治全球俱乐部的王牌DJ Timmy Trumpet,与称霸Trance、House双领域的“王炸” 同台,狂放节奏与暴躁音色碰撞出最野的舞池末日!征服全球舞池风格Jersey Club控场代表4B,代表作《Pop Dat》流媒体超亿播放量,使其成为全世界电音节必放的庆典歌曲。第一Trap女神Alison Wonderland、叱咤荷兰Hardstyle猛将领军者Brennan Heart等掀起全世界乐迷颅内的惊涛骇浪。



There is a saying that EDC is a music festival that must be visited in life. From Las Vegas to North America, to Europe and Asia, finally came to Zhuhai. Luckily, you can see the EDC music scene and the biggest DJ without crossing the sea.

DJ Timmy Trumpet, the trump card that dominates the global club with Big Room, is on the same stage with Wang Bo, who dominates both the fields of Trance and House. The wild rhythm and the violent tone collide with the wildest end of the dance floor. Jersey Club's masterpiece "Pop Dat" streaming media has more than 100 million broadcasts, making it a ceremonial song that the world's electronic syllables must play. Alison Wonderland, the first Trap goddess, and Brennan Heart, the fierce Dutch General of Hardstyle, set off a storm in the skulls of fans all over the world.

In this special electronic syllable show, you can find your own missing music cells, followed by swing, followed by madness, followed by indulgence.

Of course, EDC not only has the biggest brand of artists, the strongest scene atmosphere, but also the strongest music culture. Giant art stage with live experience, fantastic fireworks show... It seems that we are in the most fantastic and romantic music kingdom.

12月6-8日 | 曼谷 808


不知不觉2019年已经到了尾声,可泰国的电子音乐节可谓是一年到头都不停歇。在即将到来的12月里,泰国就有一个重磅音乐节即将开幕。那就是——808 Festival。


First date, first love, first kiss... These are unforgettable experiences, because you feel indescribable happiness and joy at the same time as you try for the first time. If there's a secret book in the world that can satisfy you, it's a secret book: get together in a special place with some special people and take part in a special carnival, such as the 808 Music Festival in Thailand.

Unknowingly, 2019 has come to an end, but Thailand's Electronic Music Festival is a year-round stop. In the coming December, there will be a heavy music festival in Thailand. That's 808 Festival.

The two-day 808 Music Festival has become the symbol of the Thai Electronic Music Carnival in recent years, and this year has entered its seventh year. Looking forward to a crazy night in Bangkok this time.

12月13-15日 | 雅加达 DWP


DWP官方宣布离开十周年临时举办地巴厘岛,再次回到雅加达!高富帅Calvin Harris、大神Skrillex等在今年也是毫不意外的再次引进了elrow舞台。如此豪华的阵容,堪称亚洲之最一点也不过分。


The official announcement of DWP is to leave Bali, the tenth anniversary temporary venue, and return to Jakarta again. Calvin Harris, Skrillex and so on introduced Elrow stage again this year without any surprise. Such a luxurious lineup is the most luxurious in Asia.

With the highest quality music sound effects under numerous fireworks, the main stage and two indoor sub-stages composed of 1600 LED screens are absolutely an electronic music festival you can not miss. Presumably, this year DWP will attract many Ravers to Jakarta.

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Want to do a hundred things with you in life, apart from being together for a lifetime, the most romantic thing is to go to the syllable dance with you.

In fact, as long as you are around when you are dancing, everywhere is a lost paradise.


