

操作系统: win10 64位

QT版本: QT5.12.6

编译器: MinGW 32

FFMPEG版本: 4.2.2


使用QT FFmpeg设计的流媒体播放器,实时播放rtmp、RTSP视频流渲染显示。












C 音视频配套学习资料:点击莬费领取→音视频开发(资料文档 视频教程 面试题)(FFmpeg WebRTC RTMP RTSP HLS RTP)



RTMP是Real Time Messaging Protocol(实时消息传输协议)的首字母缩写。该协议基于TCP,是一个协议族,包括RTMP基本协议及RTMPT/RTMPS/RTMPE等多种变种。RTMP是一种设计用来进行实时数据通信的网络协议,主要用来在Flash/AIR平台和支持RTMP协议的流媒体/交互服务器之间进行音视频和数据通信。支持该协议的软件包括Adobe Media Server/Ultrant Media Server/red5等。RTMP与HTTP一样,都属于TCP/IP四层模型的应用层。

RTMP又是Routing Table Maintenance Protocol(路由选择表维护协议)的缩写。 在 AppleTalk 协议组中,路由选择表维护协议(RTMP,Routing Table Maintenance Protocol)是一种传输层协议,它在 AppleTalk 路由器中建立并维护路由选择表。RTMP 基于路由选择信息协议(RIP)。正如 RIP 一样,RTMP 使用跳数作为路由计量标准。一个数据包从源 网络发送到目标网络,必须通过的路由器或其它中间介质节点数目的计算结果即为跳数。


RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol),RFC2326,实时流传输协议,是TCP/IP协议体系中的一个应用层协议,由哥伦比亚大学、网景和RealNetworks公司提交的IETF RFC标准。该协议定义了一对多应用程序如何有效地通过IP网络传送多媒体数据。RTSP在体系结构上位于RTP和RTCP之上,它使用TCP或UDP完成数据传输。HTTP与RTSP相比,HTTP请求由客户机发出,服务器作出响应;使用RTSP时,客户机和服务器都可以发出请求,即RTSP可以是双向的。RTSP是用来控制声音或影像的多媒体串流协议,并允许同时多个串流需求控制,传输时所用的网络通讯协定并不在其定义的范围内,服务器端可以自行选择使用TCP或UDP来传送串流内容,它的语法和运作跟HTTP 1.1类似,但并不特别强调时间同步,所以比较能容忍网络延迟。而前面提到的允许同时多个串流需求控制(Multicast),除了可以降低服务器端的网络用量,更进而支持多方视讯会议(Video Conference)。因为与HTTP1.1的运作方式相似,所以代理服务器〈Proxy〉的快取功能〈Cache〉也同样适用于RTSP,并因RTSP具有重新导向功能,可视实际负载情况来转换提供服务的服务器,以避免过大的负载集中于同一服务器而造成延迟。




FFmpeg在Linux平台下开发,但它同样也可以在其它操作系统环境中编译运行,包括Windows、Mac OS X等。这个项目最早由Fabrice Bellard发起,2004年至2015年间由Michael Niedermayer主要负责维护。许多FFmpeg的开发人员都来自MPlayer项目,而且当前FFmpeg也是放在MPlayer项目组的服务器上。项目的名称来自MPEG视频编码标准,前面的"FF"代表"Fast Forward"。FFmpeg编码库可以使用GPU加速。



C 音视频配套学习资料:点击莬费领取→音视频开发(资料文档 视频教程 面试题)(FFmpeg WebRTC RTMP RTSP HLS RTP)



5.1 xxx.pro :MinGW配置方式

QT = core gui QT = multimediawidgets QT = xml QT = multimedia QT = network QT = widgets QT = serialport greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT = widgets CONFIG = c 11 ​ # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES = QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS ​ # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES = QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 ​ SOURCES = \ Thread_FFMPEG_LaLiu.cpp \ main.cpp \ videoplayer_showvideowidget.cpp \ widget.cpp ​ HEADERS = \ Thread_FFMPEG_LaLiu.h \ videoplayer_showvideowidget.h \ widget.h ​ FORMS = \ widget.ui ​ # Default rules for deployment. qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS = target ​ win32 { message('运行win32版本') INCLUDEPATH =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_4.2.2/include LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_4.2.2/bin/av* LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_4.2.2/bin/sw* LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_4.2.2/bin/pos* } ​ RESOURCES = \ image.qrc ​ RC_ICONS=main.ico

5.2 xxx.pro: VS编译器配置方式

QT = core gui QT = multimediawidgets QT = xml QT = multimedia QT = network QT = widgets QT = serialport greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT = widgets ​ CONFIG = c 11 ​ # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES = QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS ​ # You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES = QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 ​ SOURCES = \ Thread_FFMPEG_LaLiu.cpp \ main.cpp \ videoplayer_showvideowidget.cpp \ widget.cpp ​ HEADERS = \ Thread_FFMPEG_LaLiu.h \ videoplayer_showvideowidget.h \ widget.h ​ FORMS = \ widget.ui ​ # Default rules for deployment. qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS = target ​ win32 { message('运行win32版本') INCLUDEPATH =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/include LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/lib/avcodec.lib LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/lib/avformat.lib LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/lib/avfilter.lib LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/lib/avutil.lib LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/lib/swresample.lib LIBS =C:/FFMPEG/ffmpeg_x86_x64_3.3.2/lib/swscale.lib } ​ ​ RESOURCES = \ image.qrc ​ RC_ICONS=main.ico

5.3 widget.h

#ifndef WIDGET_H #define WIDGET_H #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") #include <QWidget> #include <QCompleter> #include "Thread_FFMPEG_LaLiu.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Ui { class Widget; } QT_END_NAMESPACE ​ //主线程 class Widget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT ​ public: Widget(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~Widget(); void SetStyle(const QString &qssFile); void Log_Text_Display(QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit_log,QString text); private slots: void Log_Display(QString text); void VideoDataDisplay(QImage image); void on_pushButton_start_clicked(); void on_pushButton_stop_play_clicked(); ​ void on_pushButton_no_display_clicked(); ​ private: Ui::Widget *ui; ​ bool log_widge_state=true; }; ​ #endif // WIDGET_H

5.4 widget.cpp

#include "widget.h" #include "ui_widget.h" ​ /* * 设置QT界面的样式 */ void Widget::SetStyle(const QString &qssFile) { QFile file(qssFile); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString qss = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); qApp->setStyleSheet(qss); QString PaletteColor = qss.mid(20,7); qApp->setPalette(QPalette(QColor(PaletteColor))); file.close(); } else { qApp->setStyleSheet(""); } } ​ ​ Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , ui(new Ui::Widget) { ui->setupUi(this); ​ /*基本设置*/ // this->SetStyle(":/images/blue.css"); //设置样式表 this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/main.ico")); //设置图标 this->setWindowTitle("流媒体播放器"); ​ //构建默认地址 QStringList listyear; listyear<<"rtmp://" <<"rtmp://" <<"rtsp://admin:vioovi2021@" ; //列表 QCompleter *year = new QCompleter(listyear);//构建自动补全器 ui->lineEdit_rtmp_url->setCompleter(year); //设置自动补全器功能 ​ //连接拉流线程的图像输出信号 connect(&thread_laliu,SIGNAL(VideoDataOutput(QImage )),this,SLOT(VideoDataDisplay(QImage ))); //连接拉流线程的日志信息 connect(&thread_laliu,SIGNAL(LogSend(QString)),this,SLOT(Log_Display(QString))); } ​ Widget::~Widget() { delete ui; } ​ //视频刷新显示 void Widget::VideoDataDisplay(QImage image) { ui->widget_display->slotGetOneFrame(image); } ​ /*日志显示*/ void Widget::Log_Text_Display(QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit_log,QString text) { plainTextEdit_log->insertPlainText(text); //移动滚动条到底部 QScrollBar *scrollbar = plainTextEdit_log->verticalScrollBar(); if(scrollbar) { scrollbar->setSliderPosition(scrollbar->maximum()); } } ​ //日志显示 void Widget::Log_Display(QString text) { Log_Text_Display(ui->plainTextEdit_log,text); } ​ //开始拉流 void Widget::on_pushButton_start_clicked() { on_pushButton_stop_play_clicked(); //设置地址 thread_laliu.SetRTMPAddr(ui->lineEdit_rtmp_url->text()); //开始运行线程 thread_laliu.start(); } ​ ​ /* 工程: ffmpeg_Laliu 日期: 2021-07-30 作者: DS小龙哥 环境: win10 QT5.12.6 MinGW32 功能: 停止播放 */ void Widget::on_pushButton_stop_play_clicked() { if(thread_laliu.isRunning()) { thread_laliu.Exit_process(); thread_laliu.quit(); thread_laliu.wait(); } } ​ /* 工程: ffmpeg_Laliu 日期: 2021-07-30 作者: DS小龙哥 环境: win10 QT5.12.6 MinGW32 功能: 隐藏日志窗口 */ void Widget::on_pushButton_no_display_clicked() { log_widge_state=!log_widge_state; ui->groupBox->setVisible(log_widge_state); }

5.5 widget渲染窗口--渲染视频画面

#include "videoplayer_showvideowidget.h" ​ #include <QPainter> ​ VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_nRotateDegree=0; this->setMouseTracking(true); } ​ VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::~VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget() { ​ } ​ void VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::Set_Rotate(int Rotate) { m_nRotateDegree=Rotate; } ​ void VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter painter(this); ​ painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); ​ painter.setBrush(Qt::black); painter.drawRect(0,0,this->width(),this->height()); //先画成黑色 ​ if (mImage.size().width() <= 0) return; ​ //将图像按比例缩放成和窗口一样大小 QImage img = mImage.scaled(this->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); //这里效率比较低下 还不知道如何优化 ​ //画面旋转 if(m_nRotateDegree > 0) { QTransform matrix; matrix.rotate(m_nRotateDegree); img = img.transformed(matrix, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } ​ int x = this->width() - img.width(); int y = this->height() - img.height(); ​ x /= 2; y /= 2; ​ painter.drawImage(QPoint(x,y),img); //画出图像 ​ } ​ ​ void VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::slotGetOneFrame(QImage img) { src_mImage =mImage = img; update(); //调用update将执行 paintEvent函数 } ​ /* 工程: QtAV_VideoPlayer 日期: 2021-03-24 作者: DS小龙哥 环境: win10 QT5.12.6 MinGW32 功能: 获取原图数据 */ QImage VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::GetImage() { return src_mImage.copy(); } ​ /* 工程: QtAV_VideoPlayer 日期: 2021-03-25 作者: DS小龙哥 环境: win10 QT5.12.6 MinGW32 功能: 鼠标双击事件 */ void VideoPlayer_ShowVideoWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { emit s_VideoWidgetEvent(1); }



